Composite Bonding For Teeth – Everything You Need To Know

Composite bonding is one of the routinely performed dental procedures worldwide. Whether you are unhappy with the colour of your teeth, or you wish to get rid of your chipped or crooked teeth, cosmetic bonding is the solution to virtually all restorative and cosmetic dental problems. 

If the appearance, shape, or colour of your teeth makes you unhappy, this article is for you as we explain everything you need to know about composite restorations. So, continue reading to find out how composite bonding can help you achieve an attractive and confident smile. 

What Is Composite Teeth Bonding?

According to the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, bonding is a cosmetic procedure in which your dentist will place a tooth-coloured, resin-based filling material on your teeth to fix various restorative and cosmetic dental issues. Some of the dental problems that can be fixed with bonded restorations include:

  1. Permanently discoloured teeth 
  2. Chipped or cracked teeth 
  3. Congenitally de-shaped teeth 
  4. Restoration of teeth after removal of tooth decay 
  5. To cosmetically fix mild to moderate cases of dental overcrowding 
  6. To cosmetically restore mild case of teeth gaps 

Can Bonded Teeth Be Whitened?

A common question that dental patients ask is whether bonded restorations can be whitened like natural teeth. Unfortunately, it is not possible to whiten bonded restorations using bleaching agents. In cases where bonded restorations get stained or discoloured, the only option is to either repair them with a fresh layer of composite resins, or to replace them altogether. 

Can I Get Dental Bonding Instead Of Braces?

There are certain cases where dental bonding may be used as a “cosmetic alternative” to orthodontic treatment. For example, if someone has mild tooth crowding, misalignment, or teeth gaps and they don’t want to get braces for treatment, their dentist may use bonded restorations to treat the cosmetic issue caused by these conditions. However, it must be noted that bonded fillings will only improve the aesthetics and will not address the underlying issue. Therefore, the ideal treatment option for orthodontic problems is braces or Invisalign aligners, which completely eliminate the underlying problem. 

Should I Get Dental Veneers Or Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding and veneers are excellent options for fixing various restorative and cosmetic tooth defects. Likewise, both have their own merits and demerits. Dental bonding is a single visit procedure that does not require extensive removal of the healthy tooth structure. On the other hand, porcelain veneers require at least 2-3 visits and require tooth preparation for their bonding to the teeth. Furthermore, dental veneers are more expensive than composite bonding. At the same time, if we compare the longevity of both, veneers are stronger and longer-lasting. So, if you are looking for a cost-effective and quick restorative option, bonding should be your choice. On the other hand, if you are looking for a long-term and aesthetically pleasing solution, you should consider veneers. 

Can Dental Bonding Be Added To The Back Of Front Teeth?

Yes, dental bonding can be applied on any tooth surface. The reason is that dental bonding, as its name suggests, bonds directly to the tooth structure. So, no matter what tooth surface is damaged, it can be restored with composite fillings. On the other hand, dental veneers are only applied to the front surfaces of the teeth. 

How Long Do Composite Fillings Take To Set?

Composite restorations are based on polymeric resins. After applying a composite material layer to the tooth, your dentist will use a special light to polymerise the material and harden it. In this way, dentists apply increments of composite resins and harden them to obtain the desired tooth shape and aesthetics. So, the composite resin filling set. However, although the setting reaction of composite restorations starts immediately, it may take up to 24 hours for them to harden completely. 

Can Dental Composite Bonding Cover Severe Fluorosis?

Dental fluorosis is when the teeth appear permanently discoloured due to excessive exposure to fluoride during childhood. In this condition, faint white or yellow lines appear on the teeth, and the dental enamel is considerably weaker and less resistant to tooth decay. 

The discolouration in such teeth cannot be removed through professional teeth whitening. Therefore, the only option to restore their aesthetics is to apply tooth-coloured composite restorations, porcelain veneers, or crowns over them. In fact, dental bonding is one of the commonly used restorative and cosmetic procedures for the aesthetic treatment of tooth discolouration caused by dental fluorosis. 

Is Tooth Bonding Safe And Permanent?

Composite restorations are based on polymeric resins, which are harmless and do not cause any adverse effects in the oral cavity. This is also why dentists recommend getting composite restorations instead of silver amalgam fillings that are known to cause adverse health effects due to mercury. 

If we talk about the longevity of composite resins, they are quite durable, but like all dental restorations, they are not everlasting. However, with proper care and oral hygiene maintenance, you can expect your bonded restorations to last for 5-10 years, even longer with adequate care.  

Another factor that determines the lifespan of bonded fillings is the skill of the dentist and the quality of the material used. At Harrow Dental Practice, we take pride in having the most qualified and experienced dentists in town and state-of-the-art dental equipment. We also use high-quality materials that are long-lasting and have no adverse effects. So, what are you waiting for? Book a free virtual consultation with us today, and let us give you a beautiful and confident smile that you genuinely deserve. 

Hard Tissue Lasers In Dentistry – Common Questions Answered

Does the sound of a dental drill irritate you, or send chills down your spine? Would you rather bear the agony of a toothache than seek dental treatment? Would you prefer if there were simpler, less invasive approaches to provide dental treatment? If the answers to above questions is yes, there is good news for you. Thanks to laser dentistry, you don’t have to bear the irritating sound of a dental drill anymore. This blog discusses the various uses of hard tissues lasers in dentistry to provide less invasive and complication-free dental treatment. So, continue reading to learn more. 

What Is Laser Dentistry?

Laser dentistry refers to the use of lasers to treat various dental conditions. Although lasers became commercially available in dentistry in 1989, they were not commonly used until a few years ago. Lasers offer a less invasive option for performing various hard and soft tissue dental procedures. Dental lasers create a high-energy, focused beam that can be used to cut or reshape dental hard and soft tissues. 

What Is The Medical Application For A Laser In Dentistry?

The term LASER stands for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”. Although not approved by the American Dental Association, The US Food and Drug Administration has approved lasers for the treatment of various dental conditions:

  • Removing decayed tooth structure 
  • Treating dental hypersensitivity 
  • As an alternative to dental drill for reshaping or cutting bone tissue 
  • Treatment of gum disease and other soft tissue problems 
  • Soft tissue surgery 
  • To promote blood clotting and healing 
  • Teeth whitening
  • Cancer treatment 

How Big A Part Do Lasers Play In Dentistry?

Lasers were not commonly used in dentistry until a few years ago, when they were recognized as a safer, less invasive, and less painful option for performing dental procedures. The popularity and demand for lasers in dentistry is now increasing gradually. The day is not far when lasers will begin to play a pivotal role in dental treatment. 

Is Laser Safe For Dentistry?

Dental lasers are generally regarded as safe for oral use. However, it must be noted that dental lasers have not yet gained approval from the American Dental Association. However, the ADA is cautiously optimistic regarding its future use in restorative dentistry. On the other hand, the US FDA has approved dental lasers for different dental treatments. Another important aspect is the skill and experience of the dentist using dental lasers. Naturally, dentists must undergo additional training and certification before offering treatment with dental lasers. 

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Laser Dentistry?

Like every other dental technology, dental lasers have their merits and demerits:

Pros of Dental Lasers 

  • Safety 
  • Lesser soft and hard tissue damage resulting in less inflammation and quicker healing 
  • Promote blood clot formation and prevents post-operative tooth sensitivity
  • Suitable for patients with fear of the sound of the dental drill

Cons of Dental Lasers 

Can Laser Help Treat My Gum Disease?

Many dentists nowadays use dental lasers for treating gum disease and performing gum surgery. For example, your dentist will use a soft tissue laser to remove the inflamed gum tissues from below the gum line and around the roots. Once the inflamed tissues have been removed, your dentist will use an ultrasonic scaler to remove the plaque and tartar deposits. In case there is gingival enlargement due to inflammation, your dentist will also remove the excess tissue with lasers. Finally, lasers can also be used for clinical crown lengthening. 

How Has Laser Technology Changed The Dental Industry?

Lasers have entirely revolutionised the dental industry. Previously, many patients would simply avoid visiting their dentists or seeking treatment because they were afraid of the sound of the dental drill or could not bear to see the sight of blood. Thanks to dental lasers, many dental procedures such as tooth preparation for veneers, crowns, and bridges, tooth decay removal, and gum recontouring can be performed non-invasively. This is truly a blessing for patients with dental phobias. Besides, dental lasers also improve the clinical and esthetic outcomes of various dental procedures. For example, lasers can cut very precisely. So, the dentist can achieve excellent aesthetic results during tooth preparation or gum recontouring. 

Which Is The Best Dental Clinic For Laser Dentistry?

If you are considering dental lasers for your treatment, there are several factors you must consider. First, you should visit a practice that has a dental team that specialises in therapy with lasers. The treating dentist should have acquired additional certification or training in laser treatment. Besides, the prospective dental practice must have a proven track record of successfully treating their patients with dental lasers. Another factor to consider is the type of dental lasers available at the dental practice you are considering, as different lasers are used for other dental treatments. Finally, you should select a dental practice that is either close to your home or office, so that you don’t have to spend time and money on travelling to and fro. 

If you are looking for a dental practice offering laser dentistry services in Essex, look no more and visit Harrow Dental Practice. Our highly qualified and trained dental team guarantees effective and safe treatment with lasers in a comfortable and relaxing environment. So, download your free consultation voucher today and let us amaze you with the power of dental lasers. 

Composite Vs Porcelain Veneers – Your Comprehensive Guide

If you crooked, chipped, or permanently stained teeth, veneers are one of the most aesthetically pleasing, durable, and time-tested options. However, while searching for veneers over the internet, you might have come across terms such as “porcelain veneers” and “composite veneers”, and you might be wondering what is the difference between these two types of veneers. The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of dental veneers, and to explain their different types. So. continue reading to find out everything you need to know about veneers. 

What Are Dental Veneers? What Are Its Types And Benefits?

According to the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a veneer is an ultra-thin shell of porcelain or composite resins. Veneers are attached to the front surfaces of the teeth and are used for masking tooth defects or to restore structural damage in teeth. Generally, there are two main types of veneers; porcelain and composite veneers. Both types of veneers are fabricated in the dental laboratory, and each has its own merits and demerits. 

How Do Dental Veneers Work?

A veneer works as a mask or covering for the teeth, and helps in hiding various cosmetic and structural tooth defects. Your dentist will remove a thin layer of the outer enamel of the damaged tooth. This is done to create space for bonding the veneers. The prepared veneers are then bonded to the tooth using adhesive. 

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Dental Veneers?

Veneers are an increasingly popular procedure for treating cosmetic dental issues. Some of the pros and cons of veneers include:

  • Pros of Dental Veneers
      1. Can be used for smile makeovers 
      2. Superior aesthetics than bonding 
      3. More durable than composite fillings – can last for up to 15 years
      4. Boost one’s self-confidence 
      5. Less expensive than crowns 
  • Cons of Veneers 
    1. Require sacrificing healthy tooth structure for their attachment 
    2. Stains on veneers cannot be removed through professional whitening 

Do Composite Veneers Ruin Your Teeth?

Composite veneers are made from the same material used for cosmetic bonding. After preparing the damaged teeth, your dentist will make impressions of your teeth and send them to the laboratory. The technician will then use composite resin to prepare the veneers. Although composite veneers are less durable and stain-resistant than porcelain veneers, it is not correct to say that they can ruin one’s teeth. Composite resins are safe for use in the oral cavity, and can even be repaired if they get cracked or partially chipped. 

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers have the same design as composite veneers. However, the only difference is that they are prepared using high-quality, tooth-coloured dental porcelains. Compared with composite veneers, porcelain veneers are more durable and last longer. 

Do Composite Veneers Look Natural?

In short, yes. Both porcelain and composite veneers are prepared from tooth-coloured materials. Dental technicians can precisely match the shade and colour of the composite veneers to that of your natural teeth. As a result, composite veneers blend in perfectly with the natural teeth and become virtually indistinguishable, giving a natural look. Composite veneers appear even more realistic than direct composite fillings. 

How Long Do Veneers Last Before They Need To Be Replaced?

The service life of veneers depends on various factors, such as their type and oral hygiene status. While composite veneers may last around 5 years, porcelain veneers are stronger and more durable. With proper oral hygiene care, you can expect your porcelain veneers to last for up to 15 years, even longer. To extend the service life of your veneers, you should avoid eating hard and sticky foods, as they may crack or dislodge them. 

How Are Veneers Made And Applied To Teeth?

The fabrication and attachment of veneers are usually carried out in 2 sittings. In the first appointment, your dentist will remove a thin layer of the outer tooth enamel to create room for the attachment of the veneers. This is known as tooth preparation. Don’t worry; tooth preparation will not make your teeth sensitive, as an ultra-thin layer of the natural tooth structure will be removed. After preparing the teeth, your dentist will make their impression and send it to the dental laboratory for fabrication. Your dentist will first try your prepared veneers on your teeth at the next appointment without bonding them. If the fit and aesthetics are found acceptable, they will bond the veneers to your teeth using an adhesive. Congratulations! You are now the owner of a brand-new, charming smile.  

What Should You Know Before Getting Veneers?

Dental veneers are an excellent option for treating cosmetic dental problems. However, it is always better to prefer porcelain veneers over composite-based veneers, as they are aesthetically more pleasing, durable, and more stain-resistant. At the same time, porcelain veneers are not suitable for individuals having a deep bite or those who have a habit of grinding teeth excessively. This is because porcelain is very hard, and when it contacts the opposing tooth, it may cause it to wear quickly – leading to complications such as teeth sensitivity and tooth decay. Your dentist will recommend a suitable veneer material after a careful clinical examination. 

Dental veneers are an excellent option if looking for a complete smile makeover. If you have cosmetic defects that prevent you from smiling or speaking in public, Harrow Dental Practice is the solution to your problems. Our experienced and qualified dentists can help you get rid of your cosmetic tooth defects, and enjoy a beautiful smile that you have always dreamed of. So, request a free virtual appointment today and take your first step towards a confident and charming smile. 

What To Expect With Teeth Whitening Services?

Pearly white teeth are essential for having an attractive and graceful smile. If years of heavy coffee, tea, or alcohol intake have led to staining of your teeth, there is no need to worry; cosmetic dentistry can help you get rid of your unaesthetic teeth stains, allowing you to get back your charming smile. So, what is teeth whitening, and how does it work? Read on to find out. 

Does Teeth Whitening Really Work?

Teeth whitening is a procedure in which a bleaching agent is applied to the teeth to chemically dissolve the surface stains. If you’re wondering whether teeth whitening works, then the answer is yes. However, the effectiveness of the teeth whitening procedure depends on the chemical formula of the bleaching agent. Dentists who perform professional teeth whitening use very potent yet safe bleaching agents that give excellent results in just one sitting. On the other hand, at-home whitening formulas contain mild bleaching agents. Therefore, they are not as effective in removing teeth stains as the professional ones. 

How Much Should A Teeth Whitening Procedure Cost?

The cost of teeth whitening depends on who performs the procedure. At-home whiting kits and gels are generally less expensive than professional whitening. However, at the same time, they are not as effective. On the other hand, it may cost you anywhere between £200-£450. But you can rest assured that the aesthetic outcome of your professional whitening will be worth the higher cost of treatment

Why Is Professional Teeth Whitening Important?

Professional teeth whitening is essential as it allows one to maintain a beautiful smile by getting rid of their teeth stains. Besides, professional teeth whitening is performed by qualified and experienced dentists who have undergone training to perform this procedure. Therefore, tooth bleaching performed by a dentist is always safer and more effective than those performed by themselves using at-home whitening kits. 

Is Teeth Whitening Permanent?

A single sitting of the teeth whitening procedure by a dentist can give remarkable results in terms of the elimination of teeth stains. Unfortunately, the results of teeth whitening are not permanent. With time, your teeth may get stained again, especially if you drink tea, coffee, or red wine. However, you can make sure that the teeth whitening procedure results last longer by ensuring optimal oral hygiene through regular brushing. When you brush and floss regularly, food particles will not remain adhered to your teeth and hence, will not cause tooth staining. Besides, you can also prevent staining of your teeth by avoiding strong-coloured foods and drinks. 

Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

Teeth whitening procedure performed by a skilled dentist is entirely safe. This is because despite applying high-potency bleaching agents on your teeth, dentists are trained to prevent damage to your teeth, gums, cheeks, and lips. Besides, dentists also use protective agents like cocoa butter or Vaseline to prevent the accidental bleaching or burning of the oral soft tissues. Unfortunately, not all at-home whitening products are safe. This is because some whitening gels or whitening toothpaste manufacturers add very high concentrations of bleaching agents in the whitening formula, which can cause various complications like:

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Tooth decay
  • Gum bleaching

How Do I Whiten My Teeth In 2 Months?

If you have a job interview or a wedding party coming up in two months, you have plenty of time to get back your pearly whites. If you are looking for quick teeth whitening results, professional teeth whitening may be the fastest and safest option. In most cases, patients feel a remarkable reduction in colour and shade after just one sitting. So, consult your dentist today to get your teeth whitened in less than two months. 

How Do I Get Zoom Whitening Services For My Teeth?

Zoom teeth whitening is a commercial whitening system that offers rapid results. This whitening system is provided in two types: at-home whitening and in-office whitening. The manufacturers of this whitening system claim a visible reduction in your tooth shade in just seven days when using their at-home formula. On the other hand, you can make your teeth up to 8 shades whiter in just 45 minutes with their in-office whitening procedure. To get your teeth whitened with Zoom, you can ask your nearby dentist to get a customised teeth whiting plan based on your individual preferences. 

Is Laser Teeth Whitening The Same As Bleaching Your Teeth?

Technically, both procedures are characterised as teeth whitening. However, the so-called laser whitening involves using light to activate the bleaching agent in the whitening formula, usually carbamide peroxide. When activated, carbamide peroxide breaks into hydrogen peroxide which penetrates beneath the tooth surface and chemically removes the teeth stains. Light-activated or laser whitening generally offers superior aesthetic results in a shorter duration. 

Will Smoking After Teeth Whitening Stain Teeth?

Smoking or chewing tobacco is one of the common causes of tooth staining. That is why dentists advise against smoking or drinking alcohol after getting your teeth whitened, as it will only accelerate the staining process. 

Teeth whitening done by a skilled cosmetic dentist can do wonders to your smile and personality! So, if you’re looking for a high-class cosmetic dental practice in Hornchurch, look no more! Harrow Dental Practice Essex provides all cosmetic and general dental services at affordable rates under one roof. So, book an appointment today and take your first step towards a sparkling and bright smile.

How To Get That Straight Teeth Smile?

A beautiful smile is an immensely valuable social asset. Some people are born with naturally beautiful, dazzling smiles, while others are not that lucky. One of the most common reasons for having a flawed smile is poor tooth alignment. If you are also concerned about your misaligned or crooked teeth ruining your smile and personality, there is no need to worry. Thanks to orthodontic treatment, no matter how flawed your smile is, it can be fixed. Continue reading to find out how you can get that straight-teeth, Hollywood smile with orthodontic treatment. 

How To Get Straighter Teeth?

When it comes to getting your teeth straightened, there are several options available. Broadly speaking, there are two main options: cosmetic dentistry and orthodontic treatment. If you have minor orthodontic problems like spacing or overlapping teeth, your dentist may fix it with veneers or crowns. However, for more severe issues, your dentist will eliminate the underlying issue with traditional braces or Invisalign clear aligners for more severe issues. Depending on the severity of your problem, your dentist will advise a teeth straightening option that best suits your needs. 

Are Dental Braces’ Sole Purpose To Straighten Teeth?

Short answer, no. As discussed earlier, you can either get your misaligned teeth cosmetically fixed with veneers and crowns or fix them orthodontically with braces or removable aligners. If you cannot wait for the completion of your orthodontic treatment – which may take anywhere between 8-24 months – or if you cannot afford orthodontic treatment, you may opt for cosmetic teeth straightening. When it comes to orthodontic treatment options, the removable aligners are generally reserved for mild to moderate problems, while braces effectively treat more severe bite problems. 

What Are The Benefits Of Having Perfectly Straight Teeth?

Apart from the most obvious benefit of enjoying a beautiful and attractive smile, there are several other benefits of having straight teeth. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, straight teeth offer the following health benefits:

  • Easy teeth cleaning – lower risk of gum problems and teeth cavities 
  • Lower risk of temporomandibular joint problems, headaches and migraines – due to decreased pressure on the jaw joints
  • Lower risk of tooth wear and sensitivity 
  • Improvement in sleep pattern

A poor bite is a reason behind some of the most common dental problems. Even if you have a single misaligned tooth, it will prevent your other teeth from mating optimally, thereby causing various dental problems that may ultimately result in tooth fracture. Hence, getting your teeth straightened as soon as possible to avoid complications later in life is recommended. 

Should Crooked Teeth Be Straightened?

The biggest problem with crooked teeth is that they can ruin your smile, especially if they are the front teeth. Besides, if your teeth are not aligned properly, you will have difficulty cleaning them properly, putting you at a higher risk of developing gum problems due to plaque and tartar deposition. Furthermore, an improper bite can lead to a host of problems that may ultimately result in tooth loss. 

Why Is It Necessary To Straighten Your Teeth Alignment?

Getting your teeth straightened is important for your smile and your dental health, and general well-being. As discussed earlier, misaligned or crowded are difficult to clean properly. The resultant gum problems not only affect one’s oral health, but according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it can also affect overall general health. Research has shown that the bacteria inside the inflamed gums can travel to other body organs and may cause serious, even life-threatening medical complications like heart attack, stroke, and preterm births. 

Do Clear Aligners Really Work To Straighten Teeth?

Clear aligners are removable appliances, just like retainers that are worn over the teeth. These removable aligners are designed so that each aligner set will gradually move your teeth in the desired direction. Your dentist will ask you to wear each aligner set – one for upper and lower teeth each – for about 14 days. Afterwards, you should switch to the next set of aligners. In this way, the removable aligners will continue to move your teeth and align them optimally. 

What Are The Teeth Straightening Options For Adults?

Today, there is no restriction to using any orthodontic treatment options for elders. In fact, using a specific orthodontic treatment option is more of a preference than a treatment requirement. Both fixed braces or Invisalign aligners can be used for treating orthodontic problems in adults. You should consult with your dentist regarding an orthodontic treatment option that best suits your dental health needs. 

Is It Possible To Get Perfect Teeth Without Braces?

The ideal treatment for straightening misaligned teeth is orthodontic treatment. However, if you cannot wait for 12-18 months for your orthodontic treatment to complete or cannot afford orthodontic treatment, your dentist may fix your teeth alignment problems cosmetically. There are several cosmetic options available for straightening teeth:

Your dentist will guide you on whether you are a suitable candidate for getting straighter teeth with cosmetic dentistry. 

Did you know that your smile is the first thing people notice about you? So, if you want to make a great first impression on people you meet for the first time, you must have perfectly aligned and pearly white teeth that beautify your smile if you don’t have straight teeth, no need to worry. If you live in or around Hornchurch, Harrow Dental Centre can help you. We take pride in having a qualified and experienced dental team that strives to provide high-quality dental services to our patients in a comforting and relaxing environment. So, book a free orthodontic consultation today and let us give you a set of pearly white teeth and a beautiful smile.

Root Canal Treatments – Your Comprehensive Guide

For many people, the word “root canal treatment” is synonymous with pain and discomfort. But, this is actually not true. Every day, dentists perform thousands of root canal procedures globally and save millions of teeth from extraction each year. If your dentist has recommended a root canal procedure for one of your teeth, you might be wondering what this procedure actually is, whether it is safe, when it is needed. Continue reading to find everything you need to know about root canal treatment

What Is A Root Canal? 

 A root canal refers to space within the tooth roots that are filled with the dental pulp – the nervous tissue of the teeth which contains the nerves and blood vessels that nourish and innervates a tooth. Under healthy conditions, the sensitive dental pulp remains protected from the outside by outlying dentine and pulp layers, respectively. The problem begins when tooth decay, wear, or trauma destroys the outer tooth layers and exposes the underlying pulp. If this condition is not corrected timely, the pulp tissue may get irreversibly inflamed, leading to a painful condition. 

When this happens, the only option available to your dentist to save this tooth from extraction is to perform a root canal procedure. According to the American Association of Endodontists, a root canal procedure involves removing the inflamed pulp tissue followed by thorough cleansing of the root canals and then filling it with an inert material to prevent future infections.  

How Is A Root Canal Done On A Front Tooth? 

Whether it is the front or a back tooth, the steps involved in performing root canal treatment remain essentially the same. However, a fundamental difference between the front and back teeth is that the front teeth have only one root that is considerably longer. In the case of a front tooth, your dentist will first drill a hole in the tooth to expose the pulp chamber. Afterwards, they will use specialised endodontic equipment to remove the inflamed pulp tissue, followed by thoroughly washing the tooth’s interior with an antiseptic solution and then drying it. 

Dentists endodontic files to shape the tooth’s interior in a tapering fashion and then fill it with an inert material. They will then place a temporary filling on the tooth while the healing takes place inside the tooth. After a few weeks when the tooth’s interior has healed, your dentist will replace the temporary filling with a permanent one. 

Does A Root Canal Kill A Tooth? 

A root canal procedure involves removing the inflamed pulp tissue from the tooth’s interior. Since the dental pulp is responsible for innervating and nourishing the tooth. So, the tooth loses its nourishment and nerve supply following root canal treatment. This is also why teeth become brittle and weak after endodontic treatment. 

What Are The Steps Involved In A Root Canal Treatment? 

A root canal is an endodontic (endo=inside, odont=teeth) procedure that is completed in multiple steps. During your initial appointment, your dentist will perform a clinical examination of the affected tooth. They will also look at the x-ray images of the tooth to see the extent of the damage. Your dentist will drill a hole in the tooth to expose the underlying infected pulp, to relieve the pressure and pain. 

During the next appointment, your dentist will use specialised endodontic equipment to remove the infected pulp from the tooth’s interior. Afterwards, they will use antiseptic solutions or saline water to wash and clean the root canal. After the root canal has been dried, they will insert an inert rubbery material called gutta-percha to fill the tooth’s interior. This is done to prevent future chances of infection. After this, your dentist will place a temporary filling over the tooth until healing ensues. Once the tooth has healed, your dentist will replace the temporary filling with a permanent one. If required, they will also attach a crown over the restored tooth to reinforce it. 

Should I Have A Root Canal Or Extraction? 

A root canal is your dentist’s attempt to save a damaged tooth from extraction. Since no tooth-replacement option is better than your natural teeth, a root canal procedure should always be preferred over tooth extraction.  

How Long Does Root Canal Take? 

Dentists typically perform a root canal procedure in multiple sittings. The time required to complete the procedure depends on various factors,  such as the location of the tooth and the extent of infection. Generally, it requires two to three sittings for completion. However, in some cases, dentists choose to perform a root canal procedure in a single sitting. 

How Safe Is A Root Canal?

Like all other dental procedures, a root canal treatment procedure is absolutely safe, provided it is performed by a qualified and experienced dentist or endodontist. So, you can rest assured that a root canal procedure will have no effect on your oral health or physical wellbeing. 

What Is The Cause Of Biting Pain After Root Canal?

Biting pain following a root canal can occur due to two reasons. Firstly, a “high” filling which puts pressure on the tooth whenever the opposing teeth mate. Another reason for post-root canal biting pain may be accidental damage to the tooth’s tissues, called the periodontal ligament. This type of pain typically goes away as soon as the damaged tissue heals up. 

Whether you need a root canal treatment, dental fillings, or Invisalign aligners, Harrow Dental Service is at your service. So book a consultation appointment today and let us experienced and qualified dentists to take care of all your dental problems in a calm, relaxing and pain-free environment.

How Long Do Lip Fillers Last?

If you have wished your lips were plumber and smoother, you might have considered lip augmentation using fillers. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, fillers are medical treatments used to give a fuller and more prominent appearance to the lips and other facial structures like the cheeks, chin, and nasolabial folds. The primary purpose of dermal fillers is to fill wrinkles and add volume to deficient areas. 

This article is for you if you are considering lip fillers to improve your smile and facial appearance. Continue reading to find everything you need to know about dermal fillers and how they can give you a charming and attractive smile.

How Long Do Lip Fillers Last?

According to the National Health Service, the majority of lip fillers are not permanent. How long do lip fillers last depends on the type of filler being used, their concentration, and the site at which they are injected. However, generally, they tend to last anywhere between six to eighteen months.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, the hyaluronic acid-based fillers – like Vorbella and Restylane – typically last between four to twelve months, 

Does Lip Filler Dissolve Naturally? 

Whether lip fillers are made from natural or synthetic sources, they tend to dissolve naturally. However, their rate of degradation can be controlled to enhance their lifetime. That is why you may need to repeat the procedure after some time to continue enjoying a youthful and attractive appearance.

However, according to the US Food and Drug Administration say that certain dermal fillers are non-resorbable. These types of dermal fillers are not used in the lips. Instead, they are typically reserved for the cheek, acne scars and the nasolabial folds. 

How To Make Lip Fillers Last Longer? 

While virtually all lip fillers have a limited service life, there are ways in which you can make them last longer. Some of these include:

    • Follow the Guidelines Following the manufacturer’s and your doctor’s recommendations regarding aftercare.
    • Stick to the Shade – The more time you spend in the sun, the more quickly your lip fillers will dissolve. Therefore, you should try to remain in the shade as much as possible. 
    • Keep Track of Your Exercise Routine – No doubt exercise is good for your health. But research has shown that the increase in metabolic activity caused by physical activity and exercise can also make your lip fillers dissolve at a faster rate. 
    • Healthy Diet – make sure to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which will help keep your lips healthy and plumper. 
    • Avoid Stresstoo much stress not only affects your physical and mental health, but it can also cause your lip fillers to dissolve at a faster rate. 




What Are The Benefits Of Dermal Filler Treatments? 

Still not sure whether dermal lip fillers are suitable for you? Here are some benefits of the dermal fillers that will help you in deciding in their favour:

  • Dermal lip fillers help improve your smile, giving a boost to your self-confidence.
  • No need to wait; you will immediate results with dermal fillers
  • There is recovery or downtime associated with dermal fillers
  • Dermal fillers do not carry any health hazard

Long-term Side-effects Of Lip Fillers?

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD), some of the commonly associated, mild side effects of lip fillers include:

  • Swelling 
  • Redness over the affected area
  • Tenderness
  • Occasional bruising

The AAD also notes that if a filler injection is administered in a non-medical setting, it may lead to more serious adverse effects, such as:

  • Lumps or ridge formation
  • Over-filling 
  • Allergic reaction – may prove life-threatening in rare cases
  • Discolouration of the skin 
  • Severe swelling 
  • Generalised infection

Do Lip Fillers Hurt With Numbing Cream? 

The extent of numbing required for the administration of lip fillers depends on the site of injection. Typically, there is no need to administer anaesthesia in the hands, while a nerve block may be necessary for dermal lip fillers.

If you are concerned about the pain associated with dermal filler administration, your facial surgeon may apply a numbing cream to reduce the pain. As a result, you will only feel a slight pinch of the filler injection.

Sometimes, dermatologists also use ice cubes to numb the site of filler injection. 

How Much Swelling Is Normal After Lip Fillers?

The non-invasive, injectable facial fillers are used for adding volume to the face, chin, lips and cheeks. While dermal fillers are safe for human use, their injection may cause some swelling and inflammation. If that happens to you after injection, don’t worry or stress over it.

The swelling occurs because the fillers bind with the water present inside the skin, making it appear plump and puffy. The swelling should go away in one or two weeks. In some cases, swelling may occur a few days after the filler injection. However, if the swelling persists for three to four weeks, it is a good idea to call your dentist and let them know of your situation. 

If you wish to get rid of your facial wrinkles to enjoy a youthful, attractive and healthy appearance, dermal fillers are an excellent option. At Harrow Dental Practice, we offer all dental aesthetic and restorative services to our esteemed patients under one roof. Our experienced, board-certified facial aesthetics experts, Dr Bhandal and Dr Creta have a combined experience of more than twenty years in transforming flawed smiles into lively and youthful ones. So, what are you waiting for?

Book a consultation appointment with us today and begin your journey towards the smile of your dreams. 

I Grind My Teeth In My Sleep, What Can I Do?

If you wake up every day with sore and fatigued jaw muscles and aching teeth, it may be because you have a habit of tooth grinding during sleep. Scientifically known as bruxism, this condition is not only dangerous for your teeth but also indicates an underlying problem with your dental or physical health. 

Why Do I Grind My Teeth In My Sleep? 

According to the Bruxism Association, there are various causes of tooth grinding. 

    • Stress and Anxiety – perhaps, the most common reason for bruxism is stress and anxiety. People often find themselves grinding their teeth during exam days due to increased stress. 
    • Sleep Disorders – according to the American Sleep Association, bruxism can also be caused due to various sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnoea. In this condition, breathing during sleep is interrupted frequently, which  affects the quality of sleep and leads to tooth grinding. 
    • Lifestyle Habits – people who smoke or drink alcohol often grind their teeth, either during the day or while sleeping. Excessive caffeine intake has also been linked with bruxism. 
    • Medications – bruxism can also results as side effect of certain medications, like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
    • Genetic Predisposition – research has shown that bruxism also runs in families. It is commonly seen that people with bruxism often have close relatives or family members that are also suffering from the same condition. 

What Problems Can Result From Grinding Teeth? 

The habit of excessive tooth grinding can lead to various problems. 

    • Tooth Wear – one of the most common complications of bruxism is tooth wear. As you grind your teeth, a thin layer of the outer protective enamel is removed; ultimately, the entire enamel layer is lost, leaving the tooth vulnerable to teeth cavities. Not only this, the loss of enamel makes the teeth sensitive to hot or cold foods and drinks. 
    • Temporomandibular Joints Problems – tooth grinding puts excessive pressure on your jaw joints, leading to various complications like clicking or popping sounds while opening or closing the mouth, and even jaw joint dislocation. 
    • Headaches – constant tooth grinding puts a lot of pressure on the face and jaw muscles, leading to spasms and headaches. 
    • Tooth sensitivity – excessive grinding damages the outer protective layer of the teeth, which can cause sensitivity to hot or cold foods. 

Jaw Clenching While Awake, What Can I Do? 

Management of bruxism involves treating the underlying cause. If you feel that you or a loved one grinds their teeth, take them to a dentist immediately. Your dentist will identify the underlying cause and then recommend the appropriate treatment. Sometimes, treating bruxism involves a team effort by your dentist, healthcare specialist or psychiatrist. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Bruxism? 

Bruxism can cause a variety of problems. The sleep foundation highlights the following symptoms of daytime or sleep bruxism:

  • Jaw soreness
  • Loose or painful teeth 
  • Flattened teeth 
  • Headaches 
  • Jaw pain
  • Difficulty in opening or closing mouth
  • Frequent jaw dislocation 
  • Sensitive teeth 

Perhaps, the most harmful consequence of tooth grinding is the flattening of teeth. When the teeth are flattened, they cannot effectively cut the food we eat into smaller pieces so that it can be digested properly. This can lead to various medical condition like indigestion, heartburn, and other gastric issues. 

What Is The Treatment For Teeth Grinding? 

According to the Sleep Foundation, there is no treatment currently available that can completely cure bruxism. However, there are several approaches available that can reduce its frequency and damage to one’s oral health. 

The first step in the management of bruxism is identifying the underlying cause. If it is because of stress, it will be managed through psychological treatment. Your dentist may also inject a botox injection for facial muscle relaxation. Similarly, if the underlying cause is a sleep disorder, your dentist will refer you to a sleep medicine specialist for further treatment.

For other medical-related reasons, your dentist will refer you to your physician. Your dentist will give you a mouthguard to protect your teeth and jaw joints from damage while your treatment is being done. A mouthguard is an appliance that prevents the teeth from excessive wear while grinding. 

Mouthguard For Teeth Grinding?

Your dentist may give you a mouthguards, also called night guards, if you grind your teeth. According to the Bruxism Association, a mouthguard is a removable appliance, just like a retainer, worn to prevent the teeth from damage due to excessive grinding. In some cases, dentists also prescribe mandibular advancement devices (MAD).

These devices work by keeping the lower jaw in a slightly forward position – thereby preventing jaw clenchign and tooth grinding. After a thorough examination, your dentist will recommend an mouthguard or a mandibular splint, depending on the severity of your condition and individual dental needs. 

Teething grinding is a severe problem that can lead to many dental and medical complications. However, timely diagnosis and dental care can go a long way in minimising the damages associated with this problem. If you, or a loved suffers from night or daytime bruxism, you should take them to a dentist right away.

If you are looking for a dental practice in Hornchurch, look no more. At Harrow Dental, take pride in having a highly qualified and experienced team, along with the state of the art dental diagnostic and therapeutic equipment – to offer high quality services to our patients. 

Our priorority is to ensure optimal oral health of our patients and to give them a naturally beautiful and lasting smile. You can also enjoy the simile of your dreams with us with a range of cosmetic treatments

Request an appointment online today.


How Does Invisalign Work?

how does Invisalign workIf you are thinking about getting your teeth straightened with orthodontic treatment, you might find yourself stuck between different available teeth straightening options. Like many people, you might also be wondering whether the Invisalign removable aligners actually work – and whether they are a suitable option for you. But don’t worry, if you are also seeking answers to the above questions, this article is for you; it explains everything you need to know about orthodontic treatment options so that you can make an informed decision. 

Is Invisalign Really Better Than Braces?

Whether it is the conventional metal braces or the contemporary Invisalign aligners, every orthodontic treatment system has its own merits and demerits. The Invisalign aligners offer several benefits over the traditional metal braces. The most important positive feature of the Invisalign aligners is that they are made from a transparent material. Therefore, the Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible when you wear them. Also, since the aligners can be removed, they allow you to eat all your favourite foods and brush your teeth and floss without difficulty. 

When it comes to their efficacy, the Invisalign aligners are an excellent option for fixing a wide range of mild to moderate orthodontic problems. However, for more complex or complicated orthodontic issues, your orthodontist may recommend getting braces. 

What Disadvantages Are There To Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners are an excellent option for individuals who wish to get their teeth straightened without wearing the unesthetic metal braces. Despite their numerous benefits, Invisalign aligners – like other orthodontic treatment options – have a few disadvantages. The first drawback is that the success of treatment with Invisalign is highly dependent on patient compliance. The aligners will only work if you wear them for at least 22 hours each day. Therefore, Invisalign aligners may not provide the desired results in individuals who do not follow their dentist’s instructions regarding their care and use. 

Another drawback of the Invisalign aligners is that these aligners are more expensive than conventional braces. Furthermore, the removable aligners may require a longer treatment time to fix complicated or complex problems than the fixed braces. Before starting your treatment, your dentist will perform a thorough clinical exam and evaluate a digital scan of your teeth to prepare a custom treatment plan – and to ascertain  which orthodontic treatment option best suits your orthodontic treatment needs. 

Can Invisalign Damage Your Teeth?

Your dentist or orthodontist will design multiple sets of numbered aligners for you. You will be asked to wear each aligner set for 14 days – wearing them at least for 22 hours each day. American Association of Orthodontists, your aligners will be designed in such a way that they will gradually move your teeth in the desired direction – by applying calculated and gentle forces. Therefore, they will not harm your teeth or gums in any way. Each set of aligners will continue to realign your teeth – bringing you one step closer to a naturally beautiful and healthy smile. 

How Good Are Invisalign Braces?

The success of Invisalign treatment depends on various factors. The most important among them is the skill of the orthodontist. While you may find many general dentists offering orthodontic treatment – and even they are legally allowed to do so – they do not have the same experience and skills as a specialist orthodontist. According to the National Health Service (NHS), orthodontists have to undergo three or four years of specialised training after dental schools before they are considered specialists in their field. Therefore, it is always good to go to an orthodontist if you need braces or Invisalign treatment. 

What Can Invisalign Not Fix?

Invisalign aligners can be used to treat a wide range of orthodontic problems such as tooth spacing, crowding misalignment, and mild rotation. For moderate to severe orthodontic issues, your orthodontist may rely upon special Invisalign attachments – that are attached to your teeth – and serve as anchors, allowing your aligners to perform complex tooth movements like rotations and transverse movements. 

Despite that, there are few cases involving bite problems that may not be suitably treated with Invisalign aligners. For these cases, your dentist may recommend conventional metal braces for optimal treatment. 

Why Do So Many People Use Braces And Not Invisalign?

There are many factors why many people continue to choose metal braces for their treatment. First, the Invisalign aligner treatment is expensive, and not all people can afford it. Furthermore, the Invisalign treatment is not covered by the NHS, while orthodontic treatment with braces is only available for youngster below 18 years of age. 

Second, not all dentists are skilled or experienced enough to perform orthodontic treatment with clear aligners. Therefore, they would instead treat their patients with whatever treatment option they are more comfortable and skilled at – the conventional metal braces. 

Finally, a small number of patients have to wear braces – despite their desire to get treated with Invisalign aligners – because they are not suitable candidates or because their problem cannot be fixed with removable aligners. 

To sum up, both metal braces and clear aligners are effective in fixing misaligned or crooked teeth. However, they work in different ways. If you wish to straighten teeth, you must go to a fully trained and qualified dentist  who has extensive clear aligner therapy experience. If you are looking for an orthodontic practice in Hornchurch for Invisalign aligners, look no more. 

At the Harrow Dental Practice, we have a team of qualified and experienced dentists who have years of experience in turning flawed and blemished smiles into picture-perfect, naturally beautiful smiles with Invisalign aligners. 

So, what are you waiting for? Book a free video consultation appointment with us today, and let us give you a set of perfectly aligned pearly whites and a brand new smile.

Are Teeth Implants Permanent?

Gone are the days when dentists only used removable dentures for replacing missing teeth. Today, much more durable and aesthetically pleasant options are available, such as dental implants.

An implant is a screw-shaped titanium post which serves as an artificial tooth root. Once it becomes fully anchored within the jawbone, the dentist then attaches a suitable prosthesis over it – depending on the number of missing teeth – to complete the artificial tooth. 

While dental implants have been popular worldwide as the most preferred tooth replacement option, many people are still unaware of how implants work or whether they are long-term tooth replacement option. If you are thinking of getting your missing teeth replaced with dental implants, this article will provide all the information you need to make an informed decision. 

Truth About Dental Implants

Dental implants are shaped just like a tooth root – and function like them too. Similarly, like the natural teeth, the implants are anchored within the bone. As a result, dental implants offer a solid foundation for the artificial teeth – the crowns, bridges or dentures attached to them. Since the dental implants remain fixed within the jawbone, they also restore one’s ability to eat and speak without difficulty. You can eat all your favourite foods – even the hard ones – without any problem. 

However, dental implants are indeed more expensive than other tooth replacement options. However, considering their numerous advantages, such as their safety, long life and aesthetics, their high cost is a minor drawback. 

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants are one of the most durable tooth replacement options currently available. The implants are made from high-quality titanium alloys, which makes them extremely resilient and durable. Research has shown that dental over 90% of dental implants last beyond 10 years. According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, well care and looked after dental implants can even last for a lifetime. Similarly, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons states an implant success rate of 95%

Can You Have Dental Implants With Receding Gums?

Like natural teeth, the presence of healthy gum tissues around an implant will significantly increase the chances of its success. However, this does not mean that gum recession individuals cannot get their teeth replaced with dental implants. 

During your initial appointment, your dentist will determine the underlying cause of gum recession. In the early stages, gum recession can be treated with professional cleaning. Your dentist may also perform a crown lengthening procedure. In this procedure, your dentist will detach the gums and replace them at a higher position where they cover the implant surface. In advanced cases where there is widespread gum recession, your dentist may need to perform gum grafting. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, gum graft surgery is a procedure in which your dentist will take soft tissue grafts from another body site to compensate for the lost gum tissue. 

What’s The Link Between Periodontal Disease An Implant Failure?

Dental implants look, function and feel just like natural teeth. While this is an upside, the downside of dental implants is that they can also get diseased like a real tooth. If regular oral hygiene maintenance is not ensured around an implant, or if there is insufficient gum tissue to cover the implant-restoration junction, plaque and tartar deposits begin to form around the implant. Over time, these bacteria release toxins and cause inflammation of the soft tissue around the implant. This condition is known as peri-implantitis, and it is one of the most common causes of implant failure. 

Will Getting Dentures Stop Gum Disease?

Gum disease is caused by two main factors; poor general oral health and harmful bacteria. Hence, gum disease management involves removing the plaque and tartar deposits from the teeth through professional cleaning – or other advanced periodontal procedures – if necessary. Unfortunately, getting dentures will not help with the cessation of gum disease. Instead, it may worsen the situation if oral hygiene maintenance is not ensured optimally. 

Will Tooth Extraction Cure Periodontal Disease?

Tooth loss is the leading cause of long term gum disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 10% of the world population have lost a tooth because of gum inflammation. As discussed earlier, the only treatment of periodontal disease is strict oral hygiene maintenance and removal of plaque and calculus deposits on the teeth with professional cleaning. Getting your teeth extracted will not help in treating gum disease. 

How Long Do Dental Implants Take To Heal?

Once your dentist places an implant inside the bone, he or she will place a healing collar over it. This is done to ensure the implant site’s uninterrupted healing- which generally takes anywhere between four to six months. Once the implant site has healed properly, and bone tissue has formed around the implant, only then will your dentist attach a prosthesis over it. 

How Long Does A Dental Implant Procedure Take?

The time needed for the placement of dental implants depends on various factors, such as the site and the number of implants to be placed. On average, the surgical procedure for the placement on an implant can take anywhere between one to two hours. The duration may be prolonged if your dentist needs to perform an additional procedure like bone graft. Don’t worry; this procedure won’t be painful as your dentist will perform it under the effect of local or general anaesthesia. 

Looking for top-quality, long-lasting dental implants in Hornchurch? Our implant dentist, Dr Saleha Aria and Prosthodontist, Dr Safa Somi at Harrow Dental Practice, can help. Whether you seek dental implants for tooth replacement or braces for missing teeth, Harrow Dental Practice offers all dental care services under one roof.

A beautiful smile with dental implants awaits you at Harrow Dental. Not sure about implants? Book a free consultation appointment today and get honest advice from our dentists.