How To Get That Straight Teeth Smile?

A beautiful smile is an immensely valuable social asset. Some people are born with naturally beautiful, dazzling smiles, while others are not that lucky. One of the most common reasons for having a flawed smile is poor tooth alignment. If you are also concerned about your misaligned or crooked teeth ruining your smile and personality, there is no need to worry. Thanks to orthodontic treatment, no matter how flawed your smile is, it can be fixed. Continue reading to find out how you can get that straight-teeth, Hollywood smile with orthodontic treatment. 

How To Get Straighter Teeth?

When it comes to getting your teeth straightened, there are several options available. Broadly speaking, there are two main options: cosmetic dentistry and orthodontic treatment. If you have minor orthodontic problems like spacing or overlapping teeth, your dentist may fix it with veneers or crowns. However, for more severe issues, your dentist will eliminate the underlying issue with traditional braces or Invisalign clear aligners for more severe issues. Depending on the severity of your problem, your dentist will advise a teeth straightening option that best suits your needs. 

Are Dental Braces’ Sole Purpose To Straighten Teeth?

Short answer, no. As discussed earlier, you can either get your misaligned teeth cosmetically fixed with veneers and crowns or fix them orthodontically with braces or removable aligners. If you cannot wait for the completion of your orthodontic treatment – which may take anywhere between 8-24 months – or if you cannot afford orthodontic treatment, you may opt for cosmetic teeth straightening. When it comes to orthodontic treatment options, the removable aligners are generally reserved for mild to moderate problems, while braces effectively treat more severe bite problems. 

What Are The Benefits Of Having Perfectly Straight Teeth?

Apart from the most obvious benefit of enjoying a beautiful and attractive smile, there are several other benefits of having straight teeth. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, straight teeth offer the following health benefits:

  • Easy teeth cleaning – lower risk of gum problems and teeth cavities 
  • Lower risk of temporomandibular joint problems, headaches and migraines – due to decreased pressure on the jaw joints
  • Lower risk of tooth wear and sensitivity 
  • Improvement in sleep pattern

A poor bite is a reason behind some of the most common dental problems. Even if you have a single misaligned tooth, it will prevent your other teeth from mating optimally, thereby causing various dental problems that may ultimately result in tooth fracture. Hence, getting your teeth straightened as soon as possible to avoid complications later in life is recommended. 

Should Crooked Teeth Be Straightened?

The biggest problem with crooked teeth is that they can ruin your smile, especially if they are the front teeth. Besides, if your teeth are not aligned properly, you will have difficulty cleaning them properly, putting you at a higher risk of developing gum problems due to plaque and tartar deposition. Furthermore, an improper bite can lead to a host of problems that may ultimately result in tooth loss. 

Why Is It Necessary To Straighten Your Teeth Alignment?

Getting your teeth straightened is important for your smile and your dental health, and general well-being. As discussed earlier, misaligned or crowded are difficult to clean properly. The resultant gum problems not only affect one’s oral health, but according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it can also affect overall general health. Research has shown that the bacteria inside the inflamed gums can travel to other body organs and may cause serious, even life-threatening medical complications like heart attack, stroke, and preterm births. 

Do Clear Aligners Really Work To Straighten Teeth?

Clear aligners are removable appliances, just like retainers that are worn over the teeth. These removable aligners are designed so that each aligner set will gradually move your teeth in the desired direction. Your dentist will ask you to wear each aligner set – one for upper and lower teeth each – for about 14 days. Afterwards, you should switch to the next set of aligners. In this way, the removable aligners will continue to move your teeth and align them optimally. 

What Are The Teeth Straightening Options For Adults?

Today, there is no restriction to using any orthodontic treatment options for elders. In fact, using a specific orthodontic treatment option is more of a preference than a treatment requirement. Both fixed braces or Invisalign aligners can be used for treating orthodontic problems in adults. You should consult with your dentist regarding an orthodontic treatment option that best suits your dental health needs. 

Is It Possible To Get Perfect Teeth Without Braces?

The ideal treatment for straightening misaligned teeth is orthodontic treatment. However, if you cannot wait for 12-18 months for your orthodontic treatment to complete or cannot afford orthodontic treatment, your dentist may fix your teeth alignment problems cosmetically. There are several cosmetic options available for straightening teeth:

Your dentist will guide you on whether you are a suitable candidate for getting straighter teeth with cosmetic dentistry. 

Did you know that your smile is the first thing people notice about you? So, if you want to make a great first impression on people you meet for the first time, you must have perfectly aligned and pearly white teeth that beautify your smile if you don’t have straight teeth, no need to worry. If you live in or around Hornchurch, Harrow Dental Centre can help you. We take pride in having a qualified and experienced dental team that strives to provide high-quality dental services to our patients in a comforting and relaxing environment. So, book a free orthodontic consultation today and let us give you a set of pearly white teeth and a beautiful smile.

Root Canal Treatments – Your Comprehensive Guide

For many people, the word “root canal treatment” is synonymous with pain and discomfort. But, this is actually not true. Every day, dentists perform thousands of root canal procedures globally and save millions of teeth from extraction each year. If your dentist has recommended a root canal procedure for one of your teeth, you might be wondering what this procedure actually is, whether it is safe, when it is needed. Continue reading to find everything you need to know about root canal treatment

What Is A Root Canal? 

 A root canal refers to space within the tooth roots that are filled with the dental pulp – the nervous tissue of the teeth which contains the nerves and blood vessels that nourish and innervates a tooth. Under healthy conditions, the sensitive dental pulp remains protected from the outside by outlying dentine and pulp layers, respectively. The problem begins when tooth decay, wear, or trauma destroys the outer tooth layers and exposes the underlying pulp. If this condition is not corrected timely, the pulp tissue may get irreversibly inflamed, leading to a painful condition. 

When this happens, the only option available to your dentist to save this tooth from extraction is to perform a root canal procedure. According to the American Association of Endodontists, a root canal procedure involves removing the inflamed pulp tissue followed by thorough cleansing of the root canals and then filling it with an inert material to prevent future infections.  

How Is A Root Canal Done On A Front Tooth? 

Whether it is the front or a back tooth, the steps involved in performing root canal treatment remain essentially the same. However, a fundamental difference between the front and back teeth is that the front teeth have only one root that is considerably longer. In the case of a front tooth, your dentist will first drill a hole in the tooth to expose the pulp chamber. Afterwards, they will use specialised endodontic equipment to remove the inflamed pulp tissue, followed by thoroughly washing the tooth’s interior with an antiseptic solution and then drying it. 

Dentists endodontic files to shape the tooth’s interior in a tapering fashion and then fill it with an inert material. They will then place a temporary filling on the tooth while the healing takes place inside the tooth. After a few weeks when the tooth’s interior has healed, your dentist will replace the temporary filling with a permanent one. 

Does A Root Canal Kill A Tooth? 

A root canal procedure involves removing the inflamed pulp tissue from the tooth’s interior. Since the dental pulp is responsible for innervating and nourishing the tooth. So, the tooth loses its nourishment and nerve supply following root canal treatment. This is also why teeth become brittle and weak after endodontic treatment. 

What Are The Steps Involved In A Root Canal Treatment? 

A root canal is an endodontic (endo=inside, odont=teeth) procedure that is completed in multiple steps. During your initial appointment, your dentist will perform a clinical examination of the affected tooth. They will also look at the x-ray images of the tooth to see the extent of the damage. Your dentist will drill a hole in the tooth to expose the underlying infected pulp, to relieve the pressure and pain. 

During the next appointment, your dentist will use specialised endodontic equipment to remove the infected pulp from the tooth’s interior. Afterwards, they will use antiseptic solutions or saline water to wash and clean the root canal. After the root canal has been dried, they will insert an inert rubbery material called gutta-percha to fill the tooth’s interior. This is done to prevent future chances of infection. After this, your dentist will place a temporary filling over the tooth until healing ensues. Once the tooth has healed, your dentist will replace the temporary filling with a permanent one. If required, they will also attach a crown over the restored tooth to reinforce it. 

Should I Have A Root Canal Or Extraction? 

A root canal is your dentist’s attempt to save a damaged tooth from extraction. Since no tooth-replacement option is better than your natural teeth, a root canal procedure should always be preferred over tooth extraction.  

How Long Does Root Canal Take? 

Dentists typically perform a root canal procedure in multiple sittings. The time required to complete the procedure depends on various factors,  such as the location of the tooth and the extent of infection. Generally, it requires two to three sittings for completion. However, in some cases, dentists choose to perform a root canal procedure in a single sitting. 

How Safe Is A Root Canal?

Like all other dental procedures, a root canal treatment procedure is absolutely safe, provided it is performed by a qualified and experienced dentist or endodontist. So, you can rest assured that a root canal procedure will have no effect on your oral health or physical wellbeing. 

What Is The Cause Of Biting Pain After Root Canal?

Biting pain following a root canal can occur due to two reasons. Firstly, a “high” filling which puts pressure on the tooth whenever the opposing teeth mate. Another reason for post-root canal biting pain may be accidental damage to the tooth’s tissues, called the periodontal ligament. This type of pain typically goes away as soon as the damaged tissue heals up. 

Whether you need a root canal treatment, dental fillings, or Invisalign aligners, Harrow Dental Service is at your service. So book a consultation appointment today and let us experienced and qualified dentists to take care of all your dental problems in a calm, relaxing and pain-free environment.