Benefits Of Straight Teeth: Health, Beauty, & Confidence

Our teeth are important for various reasons. They allow us to eat and speak, but more importantly, they make us look beautiful. However, only perfectly aligned and stain-free teeth make us look pretty. A survey by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry showed that people who had straight teeth were perceived prettier, friendlier, and more approachable than those with crooked teeth. So, having a straight set of teeth has many benefits. 

If you or a loved one has misaligned teeth and are wondering how beneficial it would be to straighten them, then this blog is for you. So, continue reading to learn about all the benefits of having straight teeth. 

How Important Are Straight Teeth In Society?

From society’s point of view, having straight and pearly white teeth means that you will be perceived as more confident, approachable, and attractive than those with misaligned teeth. This alone is a huge social advantage. According to another survey by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), 45% of the respondents believed that a smile is the most attractive feature in people, regardless of age. 

What Are The Benefits Of Having Perfectly Straight Teeth?

As mentioned earlier, straight teeth have many advantages. Let us discuss them in detail:

  • Functional Benefits – straight teeth allow for optimal chewing and digestion. So, we can expect that people with optimally aligned teeth will have better physical health than those with crooked teeth. 
  • Oral Health Benefits – straight teeth are easier to clean. That is why, people with properly aligned teeth have a considerably lower risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Besides, people with properly aligned teeth have better digestion and immunity. As a result, they are more resistant to the development of various medical and dental diseases. 
  • Aesthetic Benefits – straight teeth make people look attractive and prettier. No matter how attractive your facial features are, you can’t appear beautiful unless you have a set of straight and milky white teeth. 

Should Crooked Teeth Be Straightened?

Yes, crooked teeth should be straightened. Why? Because they offer several functions, health, and aesthetics-related benefits over misaligned teeth. So, as soon as one grows all their natural teeth, they should consider straightening them with braces or clear aligners.  

Are Braces Attractive?

Many people find traditional metal braces unattractive. This is because they have a conspicuous metallic appearance that significantly affects facial aesthetics. Besides, metal braces can also cause oral soft tissue injuries. 

However, there are other, less conspicuous braces available that can be used for teeth straightening, such as lingual braces and tooth-coloured ceramic braces. So, if you are avoiding metal braces due to their unaesthetic appearance, you may consider ceramic braces or Invisalign clear aligners. 

Are Uneven Teeth Unattractive?

Some people may find uneven teeth attractive. However, the majority of people find misaligned or uneven teeth unattractive. This is because uneven teeth affect the symmetry of the entire face and can significantly change one’s appearance and smile. That is why we find Hollywood celebrities – who have straight teeth – attractive and charming. So, if someone wants to appear attractive, they should have straight and perfectly aligned teeth. 

What’s Embarrassing About Crooked Teeth?

People with crooked teeth often avoid smiling or speaking in front of people. This is because they feel embarrassed about their crooked teeth. Another reason for feeling embarrassed about misaligned teeth is that most crooked teeth get stained due to insufficient cleaning and affect one’s facial aesthetics. Overall, crooked teeth can significantly lower one’s self-confidence and attractiveness, in addition to causing various health-related complications. 

Is It Possible To Treat Crooked Teeth With Invisalign?

Crooked teeth can be treated with various orthodontic treatment options, such as fixed braces and removable Invisalign clear aligners. Clear aligners have recently become the most sought-after option for straightening crooked teeth. This is because they are comfortable to wear and virtually invisible. So, they can be worn without affecting one’s smile and appearance. Besides, there is no food restriction with clear aligners and they allow for superior oral hygiene maintenance than fixed braces. So clear aligners are an excellent option for straightening crooked teeth. 

Will Braces Make Me Look Ugly?

Many people avoid getting braces due to their unaesthetic metallic appearance. When worn, metal braces are quite conspicuous and can affect one’s facial aesthetics. But, there is no need to worry. If you don’t want to get braces due to their conspicuousness, you can get your teeth straightened with Invisalign removable aligners. 

Invisalign aligners comprise a set of removable, tray-like, transparent appliances worn over the teeth. The aligners are designed such that they will exert pressure on your teeth and sequentially move them in the desired direction. Hence, each aligner tray will bring you one step closer to your dream smile. 

Besides, if you don’t want metal braces, you may also consider ceramic or lingual braces.

If you’re searching for the best orthodontic practice in Essex, your best option is Harrow Dental Practice. We offer all kinds of general and specialised dentistry services to our esteemed patients in a comfortable environment and at affordable rates. If you want to know more about orthodontic treatment and its benefits, you can download a voucher for virtual consultation and discuss your treatment options with our specialist dentists. So, what are you waiting for? Book an appointment with us today and let us give you a smile that you genuinely deserve. We look forward to serving you. 

What To Expect Before And After Invisalign Treatment In Essex?

Invisalign treatment in Essex

What To Expect Before And After Invisalign Treatment In Essex

Gone are the days when only fixed metallic braces were used to treat orthodontic issues. Thanks to advancements in dental technology, numerous options are available these days to fix crooked and misaligned teeth. One of these options is Invisalign, which has completely revolutionised how crooked teeth are fixed. If you have heard about Invisalign from colleagues or friends and are considering getting your teeth fixed with this treatment option, you may have several questions about it. But don’t worry; you have come to the right place. This blog will explain everything you need to know before you begin your Invisalign treatment in Essex. So, continue reading to find out more. 

What Is Invisalign Treatment, And How Does It Work?

According to the British Orthodontic Society, Invisalign clear aligners are an orthodontic treatment system that utilises removable, tray-like aligners made of a transparent and flexible material. Your orthodontist will give you a series of numbered clear aligners. Each aligner set (one for the upper and lower jaw) should be worn for at least 22 hours each day for 14 days. Each aligner set is designed to force your teeth to realign themselves. In this way, each aligner set will bring you one step closer to your dream smile. 

What Did You Look Like Before And After Braces Or Invisalign?

If you ask someone who has undergone fixed braces or Invisalign treatment in Essex, they will tell you that their teeth were crooked and their smiles were flawed before treatment. Most of these people avoid smiling or speaking in public, fearing showing their misaligned teeth. However, looking at their pictures after treatment, you will notice a stark difference; they will have perfectly aligned teeth and charming smiles. This shows that both Invisalign aligners and fixed braces effectively treat various orthodontic problems. 

What Happens After Your Braces Or Invisalign Treatment?

Once you have finished your treatment with braces or completed wearing all your aligner sets, your dentist will give you removable or fixed retainers. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, the purpose of orthodontic retainers is to hold the teeth in their new positions and prevent them from moving backwards. Depending on the severity of your underlying issue, your dentist may prescribe you retainers for a few months or throughout life. 

Benefits Of Investing In Invisalign Invisible Braces In Essex?

If you are thinking of the benefits of investing in clear aligner treatment, here are the benefits of this treatment option for you:

  • Improved Smile – clear aligners help realign your teeth and give you a beautiful smile 
  • Boost in Self-confidence – an attractive smile automatically translates into augmented self-confidence. 
  • Improved Oral Health – perfectly aligned teeth allow for easier teeth cleaning, preventing dental problems such as tooth cavities and gum disease. 
  • Improved Physical Health – properly aligned teeth help in chewing and optimal food digestion, thereby helping improve your overall physical health and well-being. 

What Do I Need To Know Before Getting Braces For Teeth Gaps?

Teeth gaps are among the common problems that require braces treatment. If you’re considering treatment of teeth gaps with braces, you should keep in mind that braces treatment requires long-term commitment and adherence to your orthodontist’s instructions. Furthermore, to avoid dental complications such as tooth decay and gum disease, one must take special oral hygiene care through regular flossing, brushing, and dental checkup visits. 

Do Clear Retainers Fix A Minor Gap After Braces Are Removed?

The purpose of orthodontic retainers is to prevent your teeth from moving. Retainers do not exert any force on your teeth. Instead, they are passive appliances that prevent unwanted tooth movement. So technically, retainers cannot be used for fixing minor teeth gaps after the removal of braces. However, in some cases, retainers may be activated to fix very minor gaps between the teeth. 

Are The Results From Braces Permanent?

Dentists apply heavy forces on your teeth to realign them over time. This means that there is always a tendency for them to move backwards. So, the results from braces treatment are not permanent. That is why dentists prescribe retainers after orthodontic treatment to hold your teeth in their new positions. As long as one wears their retainers per their orthodontist’s instructions, they don’t have to worry about treatment relapse. 

Do You Have To Wear A Retainer Forever After Braces?

Retainers need to be worn after all orthodontic treatment procedures with braces or clear aligners. However, the duration for which retainers must be worn depends on various factors. For example, the most crucial factor is the severity of the underlying issue. The more complicated an orthodontic issue, the longer one will need to wear their aligners to adjust the soft tissues and muscles around the new tooth positions. So, some patients may need to wear their retainers throughout life. On the other hand, someone who underwent treatment for a minor orthodontic issue may need to wear their retainers for a few years. Some patients are advised to wear their retainers only for a few hours during the day. 

Finding an experienced and qualified orthodontist is the most crucial factor when it comes to getting one’s teeth straightened. If you search for “orthodontists near me”, you will find many practices claiming to give you a Hollywood Smile. However, not all of these practices have experienced or qualified dentists. Before selecting an orthodontic practice, make sure that the dentist is sufficiently experienced. You may ask for their credentials and before-and-after pictures of their previously treated cases. 

If you are looking for the best orthodontic practice in Hornchuch, you should consider Harrow Dental as your first choice. We offer the highest quality dental services under one roof at affordable rates. So, book an appointment with us today and let us give you the smile that you truly deserve.

Thinking Of Getting Your Teeth Straightened? Here’s What You Need To Know

In today’s fast-paced world, having perfectly aligned and straight teeth is not just essential for health enjoying good health, but also for aesthetic reasons. An American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey showed that people who have attractive smiles – thanks to their perfectly aligned teeth – are considered more approachable, friendly and attractive than those with flawed smiles. 

So, if you are also concerned about your crooked teeth and feel under confident due to them, you might be thinking of the available treatment options and the process involved. But, no need to worry; this blog provides all the information that you need to have before starting your orthodontic treatment. So, continue reading and begin your orthodontic treatment journey with confidence. 

What Are The Best Teeth Straightening Options?

Thanks to contemporary dentistry, several options are available to fix crooked teeth. However, broadly speaking, there are two main types of treatment options: fixed and removable appliances.

The fixed appliances:

  • Traditional metal braces
  • Tooth-coloured ceramic
  • Incognito or lingual braces

On the other hand, the removable appliances include Invisalign clear aligners. 

With a multitude of treatment options available, you may find it challenging finding an option that suits you the best. However, no need to worry; your dentist will help you find a treatment option that best suits your treatment needs. 

What Are The Health Benefits Of Teeth Straightening?

Many people consider teeth straightening as a purely aesthetic requirement. The fact is that getting one’s teeth straightened also offers many health benefits. For example, straight teeth are also for optimal chewing of the foods, enabling the digestive system to digest it properly and extract energy. Hence, straight teeth help ensure optimal physical health. Furthermore, crooked teeth promote plaque deposition, which is a safe haven for harmful bacteria. So, crooked teeth increase the risk of systemic illnesses which are transferred from the diseased teeth and gums to other body organs. 

How Much More Would You Smile If You Had Perfect Teeth?

It is commonly observed that people with crooked or misaligned teeth avoid smiling in public. So, misaligned teeth can have a significant impact on one’s self-confidence. On the other hand, if one gets their teeth straightened, they would want to show their beautiful teeth and attractive smiles. So naturally, if one had perfect teeth, they would smile a lot more than those who have imperfect smiles or crooked teeth. 

Why Do People Decide Not To Have Their Teeth Straightened?

There are two main reasons people decide not to have their teeth straightened. First, many think the only option for straightening teeth is metal braces, which many find unaesthetic and uncomfortable. Secondly, orthodontic treatment can be expensive for many. But there are solutions or every problem. If you are avoiding orthodontic treatment because you don’t want to wear braces, you can get ceramic braces or Invisalign aligners that are virtually invisible. Similarly, if you find orthodontic treatment costly, you may consider going to a dentist who offers flexible treatment plans to cover your treatment. 

What Are The Teeth Straightening Options For Adults?

There are several options available for fixing crooked teeth in adults. Among the fixed appliances, adult orthodontic patients can go for metal braces. Alternatively, if they are looking for aesthetically more attractive options, they may consider ceramic or lingual braces. On the other hand, an adult patient may also consider Invisalign clear aligners for their treatment.  

Is There Any Way To Straighten Teeth In One Day?

The ideal method for straightening misaligned teeth is through orthodontic treatment. However, treating even a mild orthodontic issue may take up to 8 months. Therefore, no one can have their straightened on a single day. However, there are specific cosmetic options that allow you “hide” your cosmetic flaws and get a dazzling smile in just one day. For example, your dentist can give you veneers to mask minor orthodontic issues such as mild crowding or spacing. However, veneers do not solve the problem; they simply hide the flaws. So, one should get their teeth straightened with orthodontic treatment to address the underlying issue appropriately. 

How Long Do Teeth Straightening Treatments Last?

The duration of teeth straightening treatment depends on various factors, such as the severity of the case, patient compliance and, more importantly, the dentist’s experience and skills. However, mild orthodontic problems can typically be treated within 6-8 months, while more complicated issues may take up to 24 months. 

Does Straightening Of Teeth Make Them Weak?

People who undergo orthodontic treatment often observe that their teeth have become mobile and assume they have become weak. But this is not correct. The fact is that teeth tend to become slightly mobile during orthodontic treatment, as they are forced to move within the bone tissue. However, as soon as the braces are removed, the teeth become firmly anchored within the bone tissue once again. So, orthodontic treatment does not make one’s teeth weak. However, if one does not take good care of their oral health during orthodontic treatment, they can get tooth decay and gum disease, making their teeth weak. 

What Is The Right Age To Correct Teeth Alignment?

The ideal age for correcting tooth misalignment is during the teenage, as soon as all the permanent teeth (except wisdom teeth) have come in. Why? Because at a young age, the bones are flexible, and teeth can be aligned more easily. So, orthodontic treatment takes lesser time to complete. 

Are Dental Braces’ Sole Purpose To Straighten Teeth?

Yes, the main aim of dental braces is to straighten and align the teeth. However, this is done not just for cosmetic reasons but also to ensure optimal oral health and physical well-being. 

If you are looking for the best Orthodontic practice in Hornchurch, Harrow Dental Practice is at your service. To find out more about creating your perfect smile, contact us today

How To Get That Straight Teeth Smile?

A beautiful smile is an immensely valuable social asset. Some people are born with naturally beautiful, dazzling smiles, while others are not that lucky. One of the most common reasons for having a flawed smile is poor tooth alignment. If you are also concerned about your misaligned or crooked teeth ruining your smile and personality, there is no need to worry. Thanks to orthodontic treatment, no matter how flawed your smile is, it can be fixed. Continue reading to find out how you can get that straight-teeth, Hollywood smile with orthodontic treatment. 

How To Get Straighter Teeth?

When it comes to getting your teeth straightened, there are several options available. Broadly speaking, there are two main options: cosmetic dentistry and orthodontic treatment. If you have minor orthodontic problems like spacing or overlapping teeth, your dentist may fix it with veneers or crowns. However, for more severe issues, your dentist will eliminate the underlying issue with traditional braces or Invisalign clear aligners for more severe issues. Depending on the severity of your problem, your dentist will advise a teeth straightening option that best suits your needs. 

Are Dental Braces’ Sole Purpose To Straighten Teeth?

Short answer, no. As discussed earlier, you can either get your misaligned teeth cosmetically fixed with veneers and crowns or fix them orthodontically with braces or removable aligners. If you cannot wait for the completion of your orthodontic treatment – which may take anywhere between 8-24 months – or if you cannot afford orthodontic treatment, you may opt for cosmetic teeth straightening. When it comes to orthodontic treatment options, the removable aligners are generally reserved for mild to moderate problems, while braces effectively treat more severe bite problems. 

What Are The Benefits Of Having Perfectly Straight Teeth?

Apart from the most obvious benefit of enjoying a beautiful and attractive smile, there are several other benefits of having straight teeth. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, straight teeth offer the following health benefits:

  • Easy teeth cleaning – lower risk of gum problems and teeth cavities 
  • Lower risk of temporomandibular joint problems, headaches and migraines – due to decreased pressure on the jaw joints
  • Lower risk of tooth wear and sensitivity 
  • Improvement in sleep pattern

A poor bite is a reason behind some of the most common dental problems. Even if you have a single misaligned tooth, it will prevent your other teeth from mating optimally, thereby causing various dental problems that may ultimately result in tooth fracture. Hence, getting your teeth straightened as soon as possible to avoid complications later in life is recommended. 

Should Crooked Teeth Be Straightened?

The biggest problem with crooked teeth is that they can ruin your smile, especially if they are the front teeth. Besides, if your teeth are not aligned properly, you will have difficulty cleaning them properly, putting you at a higher risk of developing gum problems due to plaque and tartar deposition. Furthermore, an improper bite can lead to a host of problems that may ultimately result in tooth loss. 

Why Is It Necessary To Straighten Your Teeth Alignment?

Getting your teeth straightened is important for your smile and your dental health, and general well-being. As discussed earlier, misaligned or crowded are difficult to clean properly. The resultant gum problems not only affect one’s oral health, but according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it can also affect overall general health. Research has shown that the bacteria inside the inflamed gums can travel to other body organs and may cause serious, even life-threatening medical complications like heart attack, stroke, and preterm births. 

Do Clear Aligners Really Work To Straighten Teeth?

Clear aligners are removable appliances, just like retainers that are worn over the teeth. These removable aligners are designed so that each aligner set will gradually move your teeth in the desired direction. Your dentist will ask you to wear each aligner set – one for upper and lower teeth each – for about 14 days. Afterwards, you should switch to the next set of aligners. In this way, the removable aligners will continue to move your teeth and align them optimally. 

What Are The Teeth Straightening Options For Adults?

Today, there is no restriction to using any orthodontic treatment options for elders. In fact, using a specific orthodontic treatment option is more of a preference than a treatment requirement. Both fixed braces or Invisalign aligners can be used for treating orthodontic problems in adults. You should consult with your dentist regarding an orthodontic treatment option that best suits your dental health needs. 

Is It Possible To Get Perfect Teeth Without Braces?

The ideal treatment for straightening misaligned teeth is orthodontic treatment. However, if you cannot wait for 12-18 months for your orthodontic treatment to complete or cannot afford orthodontic treatment, your dentist may fix your teeth alignment problems cosmetically. There are several cosmetic options available for straightening teeth:

Your dentist will guide you on whether you are a suitable candidate for getting straighter teeth with cosmetic dentistry. 

Did you know that your smile is the first thing people notice about you? So, if you want to make a great first impression on people you meet for the first time, you must have perfectly aligned and pearly white teeth that beautify your smile if you don’t have straight teeth, no need to worry. If you live in or around Hornchurch, Harrow Dental Centre can help you. We take pride in having a qualified and experienced dental team that strives to provide high-quality dental services to our patients in a comforting and relaxing environment. So, book a free orthodontic consultation today and let us give you a set of pearly white teeth and a beautiful smile.

How Does Invisalign Work?

how does Invisalign workIf you are thinking about getting your teeth straightened with orthodontic treatment, you might find yourself stuck between different available teeth straightening options. Like many people, you might also be wondering whether the Invisalign removable aligners actually work – and whether they are a suitable option for you. But don’t worry, if you are also seeking answers to the above questions, this article is for you; it explains everything you need to know about orthodontic treatment options so that you can make an informed decision. 

Is Invisalign Really Better Than Braces?

Whether it is the conventional metal braces or the contemporary Invisalign aligners, every orthodontic treatment system has its own merits and demerits. The Invisalign aligners offer several benefits over the traditional metal braces. The most important positive feature of the Invisalign aligners is that they are made from a transparent material. Therefore, the Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible when you wear them. Also, since the aligners can be removed, they allow you to eat all your favourite foods and brush your teeth and floss without difficulty. 

When it comes to their efficacy, the Invisalign aligners are an excellent option for fixing a wide range of mild to moderate orthodontic problems. However, for more complex or complicated orthodontic issues, your orthodontist may recommend getting braces. 

What Disadvantages Are There To Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners are an excellent option for individuals who wish to get their teeth straightened without wearing the unesthetic metal braces. Despite their numerous benefits, Invisalign aligners – like other orthodontic treatment options – have a few disadvantages. The first drawback is that the success of treatment with Invisalign is highly dependent on patient compliance. The aligners will only work if you wear them for at least 22 hours each day. Therefore, Invisalign aligners may not provide the desired results in individuals who do not follow their dentist’s instructions regarding their care and use. 

Another drawback of the Invisalign aligners is that these aligners are more expensive than conventional braces. Furthermore, the removable aligners may require a longer treatment time to fix complicated or complex problems than the fixed braces. Before starting your treatment, your dentist will perform a thorough clinical exam and evaluate a digital scan of your teeth to prepare a custom treatment plan – and to ascertain  which orthodontic treatment option best suits your orthodontic treatment needs. 

Can Invisalign Damage Your Teeth?

Your dentist or orthodontist will design multiple sets of numbered aligners for you. You will be asked to wear each aligner set for 14 days – wearing them at least for 22 hours each day. American Association of Orthodontists, your aligners will be designed in such a way that they will gradually move your teeth in the desired direction – by applying calculated and gentle forces. Therefore, they will not harm your teeth or gums in any way. Each set of aligners will continue to realign your teeth – bringing you one step closer to a naturally beautiful and healthy smile. 

How Good Are Invisalign Braces?

The success of Invisalign treatment depends on various factors. The most important among them is the skill of the orthodontist. While you may find many general dentists offering orthodontic treatment – and even they are legally allowed to do so – they do not have the same experience and skills as a specialist orthodontist. According to the National Health Service (NHS), orthodontists have to undergo three or four years of specialised training after dental schools before they are considered specialists in their field. Therefore, it is always good to go to an orthodontist if you need braces or Invisalign treatment. 

What Can Invisalign Not Fix?

Invisalign aligners can be used to treat a wide range of orthodontic problems such as tooth spacing, crowding misalignment, and mild rotation. For moderate to severe orthodontic issues, your orthodontist may rely upon special Invisalign attachments – that are attached to your teeth – and serve as anchors, allowing your aligners to perform complex tooth movements like rotations and transverse movements. 

Despite that, there are few cases involving bite problems that may not be suitably treated with Invisalign aligners. For these cases, your dentist may recommend conventional metal braces for optimal treatment. 

Why Do So Many People Use Braces And Not Invisalign?

There are many factors why many people continue to choose metal braces for their treatment. First, the Invisalign aligner treatment is expensive, and not all people can afford it. Furthermore, the Invisalign treatment is not covered by the NHS, while orthodontic treatment with braces is only available for youngster below 18 years of age. 

Second, not all dentists are skilled or experienced enough to perform orthodontic treatment with clear aligners. Therefore, they would instead treat their patients with whatever treatment option they are more comfortable and skilled at – the conventional metal braces. 

Finally, a small number of patients have to wear braces – despite their desire to get treated with Invisalign aligners – because they are not suitable candidates or because their problem cannot be fixed with removable aligners. 

To sum up, both metal braces and clear aligners are effective in fixing misaligned or crooked teeth. However, they work in different ways. If you wish to straighten teeth, you must go to a fully trained and qualified dentist  who has extensive clear aligner therapy experience. If you are looking for an orthodontic practice in Hornchurch for Invisalign aligners, look no more. 

At the Harrow Dental Practice, we have a team of qualified and experienced dentists who have years of experience in turning flawed and blemished smiles into picture-perfect, naturally beautiful smiles with Invisalign aligners. 

So, what are you waiting for? Book a free video consultation appointment with us today, and let us give you a set of perfectly aligned pearly whites and a brand new smile.

Fixing an Overbite: Which is Better? Braces vs Invisalign

Is it really true that Brits have bad teeth? Stereotypes aside, we’re not actually doing that bad with our teeth and with advances in oral healthcare technology, care is getting more accessible.

Take overbites, for example. People have a couple of options for fixing their overbite. Traditional braces or Invisalign, the new kid on the block.

Let’s look at Invisalign vs braces to help you decide which method is right for you.

What Is an Overbite?

Overbites are actually quite common. They can range from being a slight inconvenience to seriously affecting both your appearance and your oral health. Many people have overbites so slight that they never notice them or feel the need to fix them.

Those that do, however, may notice:

  • Trouble eating, especially biting into foods
  • Pain in the jaw
  • Soreness in the face
  • Worn teeth or uneven teeth wearing
  • Damage to the roof of the mouth inflicted by the lower teeth

Overbites can be caused by several things including excessive thumb sucking or overuse of pacifiers as a child, nail-biting, or hereditary factors.

What Is Invisalign?

Most people are already familiar with traditional braces. Metal brackets are attached to your teeth and the wires between them put gentle pressure on your teeth to slowly move them to the desired position. Modern braces come in tooth colours to make them more discreet, or you can pick a bold colour to flash a brilliant smile in a different way.

Invisalign braces follow the same idea but is a lot more discreet. Instead of filling your mouth with metal, you get clear plastic trays that you pop in your mouth. Unlike braces, Invisalign can be removed to eat, although it is recommended to wear the trays for 23 hours a day. That means that if you want to indulge in popcorn one day, you can!

Without all the metal and wires, Invisalign is much more comfortable. You must always remember to take them out to eat or drink anything besides water and you have to brush after every meal to avoid staining. Some people find it difficult to summon the self-discipline to wear them as directed.

When it comes to the Invisalign vs braces cost, braces typically win out. However, if you choose extras like tooth-coloured braces, they can get more expensive.

Invisalign vs Braces Effectiveness for Fixing an Overbite

One of the biggest benefits of braces is that they can be used to treat virtually all kinds of serious bite problems. Invisalign is only effective for people with mild bite problems. In recent years, the treatment has been equipped with rubber band capabilities, which has made it more capable of correcting overbites. However, braces are still the most effective option for intense work.

Find an Orthodontist Today

The main thing to be aware of when choosing orthodontics is to choose a qualified orthodontist. Someone with lots of experience can help you compare Invisalign vs braces and choose the best option for you.

Ready to get started? Check out a free consultation with our orthodontist here at Harrow Dental Practice in Hornchurch today!

Does Invisalign Hurt?

If you’re considering getting your teeth aligned with Invisalign removable aligners, then you might be wondering whether clear aligner treatment will be painful. Well, like all other orthodontic treatment options, aligners may cause some discomfort. But here is the good news! They won’t be as painful as the conventional metallic, ceramic, or lingual braces.

When Does Invisalign Stop Hurting?

When you start wearing your first set of aligners, you may feel a slight feeling of pressure or pain in your teeth. This is actually a good sign – as it indicates that the aligners are moving your teeth in the right direction. As you grow accustomed to your new aligners, this pain will gradually subside and go away in a few days.And are you

After wearing your aligners for about two weeks, feel that your aligners have become slightly loose. This indicates that your current set of aligners have done their job and it’s time to switch to the next set of numbered aligners.

When you wear the next set of aligner trays, you will again feel pain and pressure around your teeth, as they continue to realign your teeth. This is nothing to worry about! The feeling of discomfort and pain will go away as you continue to wear the aligners for a few more days.

How To Stop Invisalign Hurting When I Take It Off?

Taking the aligner trays off can be a challenging task for some. The key to removing your aligners is following the instructions of your dentist for orthodontist. Sometimes, removing your aligners with your fingers can cause significant pain and discomfort. If you use random ways of removing the aligners, not only will you experience pain but you may also damage your gums or cheeks in the process.

You can avoid this simply by using a small, but a really helpful tool – the OrthoKey. It is a small appliance that can easily fit into your aligner and allows you to remove your aligner without damaging them or causing pain. You may also use Invisalign Chewies for easy insertion or removal of your aligners.

Invisalign Pain In One Tooth, What’s The Cause?

Sometimes, one or more of your teeth require more pressure or force to realign then. If you have a tooth (or teeth) that are more crooked, rotated, or misaligned than the rest, then your orthodontist will design your aligners so that more force is applied to them in comparison to the others – to ensure that all your teeth are aligned optimally and equally aligned – when your treatment is completed.

In such cases, you might feel more pain in one or more of your teeth than the rest.

Invisalign Hurts My Teeth When I’m Eating, What’s The Cause?

Invisalign recommends that you should wear your aligners for at least 22 hours each day – only removing them for oral hygiene maintenance and eating/drinking. Invisalign aligners need to be removed whenever you eat or drink anything.

If you eat or drink while wearing your aligners, not only will it stain them but may also cause them to fracture or get warped. More importantly, the aligners will not allow you to chew your food properly, causing gastric problems or indigestion. Hence, best practice is to remove your aligners when you wish to eat or drink and then wear them back on after rinsing your mouth and washing the aligner trays.

Invisalign Pain Relief

The longer you wear your aligners each day, the quicker your teeth and oral cavity will become accustomed to them and the lesser pain you will feel. So, make sure you wear aligners for at least 22 hours each day. There are several ways in which you can mitigate Invisalign pain.

First, you can use orthodontic utility wax over where the aligners are hurt. Secondly, you can use your over the counter medication to relieve the pain. Additionally, many patients report that products such as Orajel are also quite helpful in reducing the pain. Eating a soft diet can also help in minimizing the Invisalign treatment pain.

Does Invisalign Hurt More Than Braces

One of the most common problems that patients report regarding metallic braces is the pain and discomfort they cause when they rub on the inside of your cheek. This problem has been eliminated with the Invisalign aligners. In addition to being more effective in treating mild to moderate orthodontic problems, Invisalign removable aligners offer superior comfort and convenience than conventional braces.

The aligner trays are fabricated from a medical-grade, flexible polyurethane material that helps move your teeth in the desired direction without causing significant pain or discomfort.

If you’re looking for an orthodontic treatment option that does not affect your facial aesthetics, and offer comfort and convenience, then Invisalign removable aligners should be your first choice. The process for getting the Invisalign aligners – from diagnosis to treatment planning – is simple and hassle-free.

Time to take action

If you’re looking for a Platinum elite Invisalign provider near Hornchurch in Essex then we are here to help, call us on 01708 479 717 or request an appointment online.

How to Get a Perfect Smile

Do you often stand in front of the mirror and wish there was something you could do to improve your smile? The British orthodontic society is reporting that the number of adults seeking orthodontic treatment in the UK has risen recently by about 75%.

A beautiful smile is an invaluable social asset. It not only makes you look younger but also boosts your self-esteem and makes you look more attractive. A survey conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry revealed that a staggering 99.7% of the respondents believed that a beautiful smile is a priceless social asset. But while some are born with a Rockstar smile, others are not that lucky. But the good news is that no matter how flawed a smile is, you can still get a picture-perfect, naturally beautiful smile. How? Continue reading to find out.

How can I improve my smile?

Here are some tips that can help you in getting your dream smile:

Oral Hygiene Maintenance

A healthy smile is a beautiful smile. You cannot enjoy a charming and attractive smile without meticulous oral hygiene. Dentists worldwide recommend that you must brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day for having those pearly white, perfect teeth! For best results, the British Dental Association recommends that you should use a soft toothbrush and a fluoride-containing toothpaste for either adults or children (be sure to purchase the correct one).

Regular Dental Check-ups

No matter how meticulous you are in brushing and flossing, your oral hygiene routine is incomplete without regular checkups. Your dentist can diagnose dental problems well before they are even visible to the naked eye, not only saving you from huge expenditures on treatment but also ensuring that you retain a beautiful smile throughout life.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Whether it is about restoring chipped or crooked teeth, restoring the balance between your upper lips and the size of your teeth, teeth whitening, or replacing missing natural teeth, cosmetic dentistry has the solution to all your aesthetic problems.

  • Veneers – a veneer is a thin shell of porcelain that is bonded the front teeth surfaces to restore tooth shape, function and aesthetics. Dental veneers are useful for the correction of the following cosmetic problems:
    • Chipped or fractured teeth.
    • Teeth with permanent stains
    • Cosmetic correction of excessive teeth gaps
    • Correction of mild tooth misalignment
  • Crowns – porcelain crowns are often referred to as a ‘cap’- they are shaped structures that are placed over the entire visible structure of a tooth. They are not only used for restoring tooth aesthetics but are also used reinforcing weakened teeth, owing to their excellent strength and durability. You can benefit from porcelain crowns in the following situations:
    • Grossly damaged teeth that cannot be restored with fillings
    • To mask permanent teeth stains
    • To restore the structure of chipped or fractured teeth
    • If you are not satisfied with the shape or size of your teeth, your cosmetic dentist will give you crowns to cosmetically reshape them and restore your smile.
    • To reinforce weakened teeth
    • To reinforce teeth that become brittle following a root canal procedure.
  • Dental Implants – Dental implants are by far the most aesthetically pleasing, functionally efficient and durable option for replacing missing natural teeth. An implant is a screw-shaped metallic fixture that is inserted into the jawbone, and it serves as the replacement root. Once the implant has become completely embedded within the bone, a suitable prosthesis such as a porcelain crown, bridge or a removable denture is then placed over it to restore the artificial tooth. Dental implants look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. If you shy away for smiling in public because of your missing teeth, then dental implants may be the best option for restoring your facial aesthetics and smile.

Perfect teeth alignment

Do you want to get rid of your misaligned and crooked teeth, but the thought of wearing those ugly metal braces is a deal-breaker for you? Don’t worry; you can still get a set of perfectly aligned teeth with Invisalign removable aligners. Invisalign is an orthodontic system based on the use of removable aligners. The aligners are designed from a special transparent acrylic material that makes them virtually invisible. Also, the Invisalign aligners are more comfortable and convenient in comparison to the conventional metal braces as they allow you to eat all your favorite foods and maintain optimal oral hygiene.

A beautiful smile not only makes you look gorgeous, but it can also bring joy and smiles to so many other faces! So, what’s stopping you? Book an appointment your cosmetic dentist today and impress your loved ones with your brand-new smile.

How much does a perfect smile cost?

The cost will always vary depending on exactly what treatment is required, So it’s very difficult to say exactly. Here are a few examples:

  • Teeth whitening – to get perfect white teeth £395
  • Composite bonding – to restore broken down teeth or reshaped teeth, from £250
  • Orthodontic treatment with 6 month smiles – from £3600

Many dental practices offer interest-free finance making treatments affordable and a monthly basis.


Invisible Braces & Orthodontics – An Overview

Conventional dental braces have been a very effective and popular orthodontic device for correcting a wide range of orthodontic problems like misaligned teeth, crooked teeth, teeth with excessive or uneven gaps etc. One of the problems associated with braces was poor aesthetics due to their metallic appearance. Naturally, people who were conscious of their smile and appearance did not like wearing braces, except where absolutely clinically necessary.

These metal fixed braces were a rather un-aesthetic way of improving your smile. Orthodontists and technologists realized this problem and have come up with some alternative orthodontic solutions which are invisible to various degrees. If you are not happy with wearing conventional steel braces but need orthodontic correction, you can look at the alternatives below.

1.      Lingual Orthodontics

Lingual invisible braces

To move the archwire and the brackets out of sight of people, dentists can give you braces with the archwire and the brackets on the tongue-side (or lingual side) of the teeth. Teeth straightening with this type of brace is called lingual braces. Lingual braces are aesthetically far superior to the conventional braces and are particularly popular with adults because they are more conscious of their looks.

The downside of Lingual Braces

·        Inconvenience – despite being less conspicuous, lingual braces do pose some problems as the brackets come in between the tongue and the teeth. As a result, the tongue movement is hampered because of the reduced space available, and you will also feel a little odd for some time.

·        Difficulty in Playing instruments – Also, if you play wind instruments, you may have some difficulty operating them with lingual braces.

·        Special Training Required – Not all dentists are trained in providing treatment with lingual braces. Special training is required in addition to the basic dentistry degree to be able to apply lingual orthodontics.

You will need to have a full smile assessment prior to having this type of virtually invisible braces in order to determine your suitability.

2.       Clear Brackets with Tooth Coloured Wires

Clear brackets with tooth coloured wiresThis is yet another cosmetic alternative to the standard braces. The archwire is made tooth coloured to reduce its visibility against the background formed by your teeth. And the brackets are made of transparent plastic or tooth coloured ceramic so that they are not noticed. In addition, clear or transparent ligatures are used to enhance aesthetics.

Generally, the ceramic brackets are designed in such a way that they do not stain easily. However, the ligatures tend to stain easily, but this is not a big issue as they will be replaced on each visit.

The Price of Improved Aesthetics with Ceramic Braces

Ceramic clear braces are weaker than the conventional metallic braces. Therefore, they require a longer treatment time as orthodontists apply milder forces to make sure that the brackets are not overloaded. In addition, treatment with ceramic braces is costlier as compared to the conventional metallic braces.

Having a confident smile is extremely important during treatment as well is after, so straight teeth with this type of orthodontic brace can be really beneficial. No one need know you have braces fitted.

3.      Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisible bracesIn the category of orthodontic teeth alignment appliances, the Invisalign™ aligners sit at the top of the lot. A product created by engineering and dental technology the Invisalign treatment is very popular. It has really taken the orthodontic field by a storm.

How Invisalign Works

The treatment consists of wearing a custom-made plastic aligner looking like a teeth guard for two (or one week, in some cases) which moves your teeth through a pre-planned shift. Then the next numbered aligner is put on for a similar period. Successively numbered aligners move your teeth through pre-determined stages, and by the time you remove your last aligner your teeth have moved as planned to give you an excellent smile.

Some patients may be suitable for Invisalign Lite which is a reduced time system suitable for moving cosmetic front teeth only.

Invisalign Teen may also help with younger patients, these have a series of indicators letting the clinician and parents know whether the braces are being worn for the required amount of time

How You Get the Invisible Aligners

At the start, the dentist takes impressions, photos, and x-rays of your teeth as they are. The impressions are digitized into a computer software which can display these in 3-D. Another specialized software helps the dentist plan a gradual movement plan for your teeth again showing the teeth in their intermediate stages, and the final stage (which you can see). This plan is fed to a computer-aided machining system which makes two to three dozen of numbered aligners which when worn continuously, and in turn, move through the planned stages.

Many practices offer a free no obligation consultation for Invisalign, so it’s worth asking if this is possible from your dental practice.

Wearing retainers

A retainer, another appliance like the last aligner, is worn for about six months to consolidate the tooth movement already achieved. This retainer practice is common with the braces correction.

Invisible braces – The Bottom Line

All orthodontic treatments have their own merits and problems. If you have an orthodontic problem, consult a good orthodontist. In case of mild to moderate orthodontic problems, and if there are no technical limitations, Invisalign often gives the best value for your money. However, for more complex cases, conventional or lingual braces may prove to be the treatment of choice.

Please also see our other blog posts talking about Invisalign and straightening crooked teeth

How much are monthly payments for Invisalign

One of the great things about monthly payments for Invisalign is that it brings the price down to an affordable level for most people, allowing you to have straighter teeth at a cost that is right for you.

Many high-priced items such as cars and luxury goods offer monthly instalment payments and Invisalign is no different.

What follows is a range of monthly payments* for different Invisalign scenarios:

Invisalign i7 monthly payments

Invisalign i7 (A new addition to the Invisalign treatment family offering an easy and convenient solution especially for minor tooth movement at the front).

  • Full cost of treatment £2000
  • 12 months 0% interest. 12 monthly payments of £166.67 per month
  • 60 months 9.9% interest. 60 monthly payments of £42 per month

Invisalign i7 monthly payments

This brings the treatment of Invisalign down to an amazing £1.38 per day, less than a cup of coffee!

Invisalign light case

An Invisalign light case would typically involve movement of multiple teeth, not just the cosmetic anterior teeth as in Invisalign i7

  • Full cost of treatment £4500
  • 12 months 0% interest. 12 monthly payments of £375 per month
  • 60 months 9.9% interest. 60 monthly payments of £94.51 per month

Invisalign light monthly payments

Invisalign comprehensive or complex case

A complex or comprehensive Invisalign case with involve movement of multiple teeth, possibly with complex bite involvement to rearrange posteriorly teeth and how they meet together.

  • Full cost of treatment £5500
  • 12 months 0% interest. 12 monthly payments of £458.33 per month
  • 60 months 9.9% interest. 60 monthly payments of £115.51 per month

Complex Invisalign monthly payments

The company we use, Chrysalis Finance offer a customised monthly payment calculator, you can access their payment calculator here.


Our dental practice in Hornchurch, Essex also offer a range of special offers on Invisalign, please visit our Invisalign page to find out more

*Subject to status. Conditions apply.