How Much Does Dental Extraction Cost?

When we talk about dentists, the first thing that comes to mind is teeth extractions. However, teeth extraction is not that common anymore. Today, dentists focus on preserving as many teeth as possible. But even today, teeth need to be extracted in a few cases. 

So, what is tooth extraction, when it is needed, and how much does it cost? You will get answers to all these questions and many more in this blog. So, if your dentist has just told you that you need to get one of your teeth removed and you would like to know more about the procedure, read on!

What Is Dental Extraction Treatment?

Tooth extraction is a procedure in which a dentist pulls a tooth out of its socket. A tooth extraction may seem painful, but it is not. Why? Because your dentist will administer local anaesthesia to make you pain-free before starting the procedure. 

What Should I Know About Tooth Extractions?

If this is the first time you are having one of your teeth removed, there are a few things you should know about the procedure:

  • Dental extractions are painless. You will not feel any pain but may experience pressure sensations during the procedure. 
  • The procedure can be completed in under an hour. However, some dental extractions may take longer. 
  • You should come in for an extraction with a full stomach. 

What Is Better, Root Canal Or A Tooth Extraction?

A root canal and dental extractions are two separate procedures. A root canal is performed to treat infection inside the tooth’s pulp tissue. A root canal can be considered your dentist’s attempt to save a grossly damaged tooth. However, if a root canal is not successful or a tooth cannot be saved, your dentist will suggest getting it extracted and replacing it with an implant-supported prosthesis. 

How Much Does A Tooth Extraction Cost Privately?

Getting a tooth extracted from an NHS-affiliated dentist is considerably cheaper than going to a private dentist. However, the waiting times with NHS are quite long. So, if you don’t want to wait many weeks for your turn with the NHS, you may consider a tooth extraction with a private dentist. Regarding the cost, an extraction by a private dentist can cost around £50 and £350. 

Why Does It Cost So Much To Get A Tooth Pulled?

A tooth extraction is expensive because it is a surgical procedure that requires accuracy and precision. The cost may increase if someone needs an extraction of a broken tooth or root. This is because broken teeth or roots need to be removed with a more extensive surgical procedure called surgical resection. If you cannot afford the high cost of a private oral surgeon, you may consider going to an NHS dentist who will charge you considerably less. 

How Much Does It Cost To Remove Gold Teeth?

When we talk about gold teeth, it doesn’t mean that the tooth is made of gold. Instead, gold teeth refer to teeth having gold filings. Since gold fillings do not hinder tooth removal, the price of having a gold filling-containing tooth should be the same as one without it. But, there is one factor which should be considered. A tooth containing a large gold filling may break or fracture during the extraction. Surgical resection may be needed in these cases, which costs more than a regular extraction. 

What Are The Alternatives To Wisdom Tooth Removal?

A wisdom tooth extraction is performed for various reasons:

  • When there is insufficient space in the jaws to accommodate all the teeth. In such cases, wisdom teeth may be removed to create space and realign the remaining teeth 
  • When the position of a wisdom tooth risks infecting the adjacent teeth 
  • When the soft tissues around a partially impacted wisdom tooth get infected frequently, the affected wisdom teeth should be removed in this condition- called pericoronitis. 

Unfortunately, there is no alternative to wisdom tooth removal. If a wisdom tooth gets infected or affects the other teeth, it must be surgically removed. Choosing not to extract a problem-causing wisdom tooth can lead to various complications. 

Dental Extraction Near Me

If you have one or more teeth needing removal, you are strongly advised to visit a qualified and experienced oral surgeon. Why? Because a dental extraction is a surgical procedure. Therefore, you should go to a dentist who is very particular about cross-infection control. More importantly, your dentist should have excellent surgical skills. This is because the higher the surgery quality, the lesser the post-operative pain and discomfort will be. Another reason one should visit an experienced oral surgeon is that they are trained to administer local anaesthesia. Therefore, they will ensure that you remain pain-free throughout the procedure.  Finally, having your teeth removed by an experienced dentist minimises the risk of surgical complications. 

If you reside in North Harrow and you’re looking for an experienced and renowned oral surgeon, Harrow Dental Centre should be your first choice. We have a team of highly qualified general and specialist dentists who will take care of all your problems and treat you in a relaxing and soothing environment. We also have state-of-the-art technology that allows us to provide our esteemed patients with the best services in town. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us to book an examination now, and let us take care of your entire family’s dental issues. We look forwards to serving you. 

Can Dentures Be Fitted To Receding Gums? And Other Tooth Replacement Questions Answered

Removable dentures are one of the most commonly used options for replacing missing natural teeth. If your dentist has recently suggested removable dentures for tooth replacement, you will surely have questions about this treatment option. In this regard, one of the most frequently asked questions about removable dentures is whether they can be used with receding gums. If you are also looking for an answer to this question, you have come to the right place. So, read on to find out the answer to this question so that you can make an informed decision about this tooth replacement option. 

Receding Gums: Causes And Treatment Options?

Gum recession is a pathological process in which the gums start to move away from their normal attachment position on the teeth. Gum recession can occur due to a variety of reasons. Some of these are given below:


  • Gum Disease – the harmful bacteria inside inflamed gums release toxins that irritate the gums. This results in the movement of the gums away from their normal position. 
  • Physical Irritation – physical factors such as using excessive force during brushing or too much use of toothpicks can also cause gum recession. 
  • Overhanging Restoration – if a filling overhangs and touches the gum tissues, it can cause irritation and recession of the gums. 
  • Trauma – an accidental injury to the gums can also cause their recession. 


Which Is Better, An Implant Or A Bridge, If You Have Poor Gums?

Dental professionals recommend against getting any type of tooth replacement while there is underlying gum inflammation. This is because dental bridges are dependent on the supporting healthy teeth for their support. If there is gum disease, the teeth may already be mobile resulting in the pre-mature dislodgment of the bridge. Similarly, dental implants rely on the health of the bone tissue for the support. Again, if there is gum disease, it may have already caused extensive bone tissue damage. Hence, dentists always treat gum disease before considering any type of tooth replacement. 

What Causes Receding Gums On One Tooth?

Typically, gum recession occurs on all the teeth. However, there are certain cases when it can also occur in isolated teeth. Some of the reasons for isolated gum recession are:

  • Trauma to the affected tooth 
  • Misaligned tooth which receives excessive force during brushing 
  • Using too much toothpick 

Regardless of the location of gum recession, it should never be taken lightly and immediate dental assistance shoul be sought. 

What’s The Best Solution For Teeth Gap And Receding Gums?

Teeth gaps and receding gums are two separate issues. Teeth gaps typically appear when there is excess space in the jaws than needed for accommodating all the teeth in alignment. Alternatively, if a tooth is lost prematurely, the neighbouring teeth move towards the vacant space, creating extra spacing between all the teeth. Regarding the solution of teeth gaps, dentists utilise various options. These are:

For receding gums, the following options are available:

  • Periodontal therapy, including scaling and root planning
  • Gum grafting 

Can Cosmetic Dentistry Fix Receding Gums?

Cosmetic dentistry can help in restoring the aesthetic flaws caused by gum recession. However, other procedures need to be performed to treat the underlying cause. For example, if gum recession is because of periodontal inflammation, your dentist will remove the plaque and tartar deposits through scaling and planning and then treat the cosmetic issue. In some cases, treatment of the underlying issues restores gum health and attachment. On the other hand, when there is severe gum recession, a gum grafting procedure is performed to correct the optimal length of the gums.

Can Fake Teeth Chew Just As Good As Real Teeth?

There is nothing as good as one’s natural teeth. However, this does not mean tooth replacement options do not restore one’s ability to chew food. Instead, it depends on the type of tooth replacement. For example, removable dentures, especially complete dentures, rely solely on the underlying bone and soft tissues for their support and retention. Hence, they do not effectively restore one’s ability to chew food. On the other hand, dental implants are inserted directly into the jawbone, like natural teeth. Hence, they optimally restore one’s ability to chew food efficiently. In fact, dental implants are the next best thing for your natural teeth

What Happens If Your Gums Recede Too Far?

The most significant complication of gum recession is the exposure of the tooth roots, which are more vulnerable to sensitivity and decay than the tooth crowns. So, if the gums recede too far, it can cause root sensitivity and decay. 

Will My Teeth Fall Out From Receding Gums?

Gum recession is an indication of underlying gum disease. In the advanced stages of gum disease, there is extensive bone loss, resulting in the teeth becoming loose in their sockets. If this condition is not corrected in a timely manner, the teeth may start falling off. 

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Having Dentures?

Like all tooth replacement options, removable dentures have their own merits and demerits. These are:


Pros of Dentures


      • Cost-effective 
      • Simple fabrication technique 
      • Repairable can be used to replace single, multiple, or all missing teeth 

Cons of Dentures


    • Service life is limited 
    • Can fracture easily if dropped 
    • Can get warped if exposed to sudden extreme temperature changes

Finding an excellent removable denture specialist in your area can be difficult. But, if you reside in Hornchurch, Harrow Dental Practice is the best place to visit. Whether you need removable dentures or teeth whitening for your stained teeth, we provide all the services under one roof. So, contact us today and request an appointment so that we can give you a healthy, lasting, and adorable smile. 

Dentures Vs Implants – Choosing The Best Tooth Replacement Option For You

Tooth loss is a global problem that affects people of ages and walks of life. It has been estimated that every British adult has at least 6 missing teeth in their mouths – and this number is increasing at an alarming rate. So, with the demand for tooth replacement options increasing in the UK, which option should one select? If you search the internet or ask a dentist, you will find that removable dentures and implants are among the most commonly used options for replacing missing teeth. 

But, the next question that may come to your mind would be, “ which is better: implants or dentures?” if you are looking for an answer to this question, you have come to the right place. This blog provides a comparative overview of removable dentures and implants so that you can make an informed decision about replacing your missing teeth. So, continue reading to find out more. 

What Are Dental Dentures?

A denture is a removable appliance used to replace one or more teeth. Removable dentures gain support from adjacent healthy teeth, underlying soft tissues, and jaw bones. A denture that replaces one or more teeth is called a partial denture. These dentures possess metallic extensions called clasps that encircle the supporting teeth and provide retention. On the other hand, dentures used to replace all missing teeth in a jaw are called complete dentures. These dentures rely solely on the underlying soft tissue and jawbone contour for their retention and support. 

What Is The Difference Between Dental Implants And Dentures?

As discussed earlier, a denture is a removable appliance that rests on the oral soft tissues and jawbone, gains support from the neighbouring teeth, and is used for tooth replacement. On the other hand, an implant is a screw-shaped fixture inserted directly into the jawbone like natural teeth, and it serves as a replacement root. Once the implant becomes fully anchored in the bone, a suitable prosthesis is attached to complete the artificial tooth structure. So, the main difference between a denture and an implant is that one is a removable prosthesis while the other remains fixed within the bone. 

Are Dentures Better Or Worse Than Implants?

Removable dentures are a time-tested and cost-effective option for replacing missing teeth. However, they also possess certain drawbacks compared to implants. For example, removable dentures do not restore sufficient chewing and speech efficiency compared to implants. Similarly, dentures have a limited lifespan and can break easily if dropped. Finally, materials leaching out of dentures may cause allergies or other adverse reactions. Hence, implant-supported teeth are better and longer-lasting than dentures. 

Why Would Someone Choose Dentures Over Bridges Or Implants?

When choosing between implants and dentures, dental implants are an obvious choice. However, there are two instances when one may have to go for dentures instead of implants. First, when one is not eligible to get implants, such as those with a history of cancer radiotherapy in the region or bisphosphonate use. The second case is when one cannot afford the higher cost of implant therapy. Other than that, dental implants are always the first choice whenever tooth replacement is considered. 

What’s Better, Dental Implant Or a Partial Denture?

If you are looking for a tooth replacement option for one or more missing natural teeth, dental implants are the best option. Why? Because they are durable, safe, and restore one’s ability to eat and speak without difficulty. In fact, dental implants can be regarded as the next best thing to one’s own teeth. So, when choosing between a partial denture or an implant-supported prosthesis, dental implants should always be your first choice. 

Are Dental Implants The Same As Bridges And Dentures?

No. Although the function of dental implants is the same as bridges and dentures – to replace missing teeth – implants work differently. Removable dentures rest on oral tissues and gain support from the adjacent teeth. Similarly, bridges are fixed prostheses that derive support from adjacent healthy teeth. On the other hand, dental implants are embedded into the jawbone like natural teeth. Hence, they offer the best aesthetics and function among all tooth replacement options. 

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Snap-On Dentures?

Snap-on dentures are also known as implant-supported dentures. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of these dentures are discussed below. 

Pros of Snap-on Dentures 

  • Excellent esthetics
  • Lifelong durability 
  • Optimal oral hygiene maintenance 
  • Optimal restoration of one’s ability to eat and speak 

Cons of Snap-on Dentures 

  • High treatment cost 
  • Extreme surgical skill and precision required for successful tooth replacement with snap-on dentures

Can You Get Implants After Having Dentures For Years?

Technically, it is possible to get implants after having dentures for many years. However, when dentures are worn long-term, they tend to exert pressure on the underlying jawbone and oral tissues, causing bone resorption. As a result, the bone becomes brittle and is insufficient to support the implants. In these cases, dentists have to restore optimal bone volume through bone grafting. So, it is advisable to consider dental implants for long-term tooth replacement. 

What Are Implant Retained Dentures?

An implant retained denture is one that is supported by dental implants. Conventionally, removable dentures are supported by the adjacent supporting teeth and the underlying jawbone and tissues. However, implant-retained dentures supported by one or more dental implants, depending on the number of missing teeth. 

Are you fed up with your existing dentures and would like to enjoy the comfort and convenience of dental implants? Head on to Harrow Dental Practice in Hornchurch. So, book an appointment today and walk away with a beautiful and lasting smile with implants. 

Are Teeth Implants Permanent?

Gone are the days when dentists only used removable dentures for replacing missing teeth. Today, much more durable and aesthetically pleasant options are available, such as dental implants.

An implant is a screw-shaped titanium post which serves as an artificial tooth root. Once it becomes fully anchored within the jawbone, the dentist then attaches a suitable prosthesis over it – depending on the number of missing teeth – to complete the artificial tooth. 

While dental implants have been popular worldwide as the most preferred tooth replacement option, many people are still unaware of how implants work or whether they are long-term tooth replacement option. If you are thinking of getting your missing teeth replaced with dental implants, this article will provide all the information you need to make an informed decision. 

Truth About Dental Implants

Dental implants are shaped just like a tooth root – and function like them too. Similarly, like the natural teeth, the implants are anchored within the bone. As a result, dental implants offer a solid foundation for the artificial teeth – the crowns, bridges or dentures attached to them. Since the dental implants remain fixed within the jawbone, they also restore one’s ability to eat and speak without difficulty. You can eat all your favourite foods – even the hard ones – without any problem. 

However, dental implants are indeed more expensive than other tooth replacement options. However, considering their numerous advantages, such as their safety, long life and aesthetics, their high cost is a minor drawback. 

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants are one of the most durable tooth replacement options currently available. The implants are made from high-quality titanium alloys, which makes them extremely resilient and durable. Research has shown that dental over 90% of dental implants last beyond 10 years. According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, well care and looked after dental implants can even last for a lifetime. Similarly, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons states an implant success rate of 95%

Can You Have Dental Implants With Receding Gums?

Like natural teeth, the presence of healthy gum tissues around an implant will significantly increase the chances of its success. However, this does not mean that gum recession individuals cannot get their teeth replaced with dental implants. 

During your initial appointment, your dentist will determine the underlying cause of gum recession. In the early stages, gum recession can be treated with professional cleaning. Your dentist may also perform a crown lengthening procedure. In this procedure, your dentist will detach the gums and replace them at a higher position where they cover the implant surface. In advanced cases where there is widespread gum recession, your dentist may need to perform gum grafting. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, gum graft surgery is a procedure in which your dentist will take soft tissue grafts from another body site to compensate for the lost gum tissue. 

What’s The Link Between Periodontal Disease An Implant Failure?

Dental implants look, function and feel just like natural teeth. While this is an upside, the downside of dental implants is that they can also get diseased like a real tooth. If regular oral hygiene maintenance is not ensured around an implant, or if there is insufficient gum tissue to cover the implant-restoration junction, plaque and tartar deposits begin to form around the implant. Over time, these bacteria release toxins and cause inflammation of the soft tissue around the implant. This condition is known as peri-implantitis, and it is one of the most common causes of implant failure. 

Will Getting Dentures Stop Gum Disease?

Gum disease is caused by two main factors; poor general oral health and harmful bacteria. Hence, gum disease management involves removing the plaque and tartar deposits from the teeth through professional cleaning – or other advanced periodontal procedures – if necessary. Unfortunately, getting dentures will not help with the cessation of gum disease. Instead, it may worsen the situation if oral hygiene maintenance is not ensured optimally. 

Will Tooth Extraction Cure Periodontal Disease?

Tooth loss is the leading cause of long term gum disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 10% of the world population have lost a tooth because of gum inflammation. As discussed earlier, the only treatment of periodontal disease is strict oral hygiene maintenance and removal of plaque and calculus deposits on the teeth with professional cleaning. Getting your teeth extracted will not help in treating gum disease. 

How Long Do Dental Implants Take To Heal?

Once your dentist places an implant inside the bone, he or she will place a healing collar over it. This is done to ensure the implant site’s uninterrupted healing- which generally takes anywhere between four to six months. Once the implant site has healed properly, and bone tissue has formed around the implant, only then will your dentist attach a prosthesis over it. 

How Long Does A Dental Implant Procedure Take?

The time needed for the placement of dental implants depends on various factors, such as the site and the number of implants to be placed. On average, the surgical procedure for the placement on an implant can take anywhere between one to two hours. The duration may be prolonged if your dentist needs to perform an additional procedure like bone graft. Don’t worry; this procedure won’t be painful as your dentist will perform it under the effect of local or general anaesthesia. 

Looking for top-quality, long-lasting dental implants in Hornchurch? Our implant dentist, Dr Saleha Aria and Prosthodontist, Dr Safa Somi at Harrow Dental Practice, can help. Whether you seek dental implants for tooth replacement or braces for missing teeth, Harrow Dental Practice offers all dental care services under one roof.

A beautiful smile with dental implants awaits you at Harrow Dental. Not sure about implants? Book a free consultation appointment today and get honest advice from our dentists. 

Dental Implants Essex: How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Did you know that dentistry is one of the oldest careers, going back to 7,000 BC in the Indus Valley Civilization? Are you needing to head to the dentist for dental implants but want to understand more about the process?

In this article, we here at Harrow Dental Practice will walk you through all about dental implants, the different kinds available, and how long they last. Read on to discover why many are making the choice to say hello to implants to have their beautiful smile back!

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a replacement for teeth that are missing. They’re a good foundation for either removable or fixed teeth. High-quality dentists will always try to make your dental implants resemble your other teeth as much as possible.

Dental Implant Benefits

There are various benefits including easier eating, an improvement in appearance, comfort, and self-esteem. Dental implants are an improvement to your oral health as well since they don’t require supporting teeth as bridges do. Your other teeth won’t need to be altered to support your implant as bridges do.


Another reason patients love their implants is the convenience of them. You don’t have to worry about removing dentures or messy adhesives.

Bite Force

Since a tooth implant goes into where your tooth was before, this allows you to maintain the same bite that you had previously. Other replacement options won’t be as effective in restoring your tooth’s bite. This is due to them not being placed into your jaw.

Prevents Bad Changes

Having your teeth helps keep the facial structure of your face. When teeth are lost, it causes your face to lose the support it needs.

This can cause you to appear older than you are. Implants are similar to your natural teeth as far as support, and can help prevent it from changing its shape.

Natural Speech

Dentures can negatively impact your speech. Implants will allow you to have a more normal speech pattern.

Dental Implants for Seniors

You might be wondering if dental implants are the right choice for seniors, the answer is yes! Whether you’re 95 or 25, you deserve a smile that you love and will offer you more convenience with eating and comfort.

Instead of dentures which can cause more tooth and bone loss, choose implants. Dentures become loose over time which can make eating uncomfortable since your gums are sore from wearing the dentures.

There’s no such thing as too old for implants. Why suffer from trouble speaking and eating? You deserve to spend time with family and friends, and not feel uncomfortable.

Full Mouth Dental Implants

If you have most or all of your teeth missing, full mouth dental implants might be a great option for you. First, your implants will be placed in your jawbones, and they’ll act as a root replacement.

Why Full Mouth Dental Implants Might Be Right for Me?

Your dentist might recommend full mouth dental implants if they believe you’ll take good care of your oral hygiene after a procedure. Proper cleaning and flossing are vital after implants, you treat them like your other teeth.

You might be experiencing edentulism which means all of your natural teeth are missing. This is a way to ensure that you have a natural and beautiful smile.

Do you have bad or missing teeth? If your teeth are extremely damaged, your dentist might recommend full mouth dental implants as well.

How Long Does a Dental Implant Procedure Take?

Dental implants can be done in 4 appointments. For the first appointment, you come to Harrow Dental Practice in Hornchurch, Essex, for a consultation. You’ll meet the prosthodontist and cosmetic dentistry team.

The next visit to Essex you’ll receive the abutment and dental implant in place. Extractions can be done the same day as well. You’ll receive a temporary crown to allow your mouth to heal before receiving your replacement tooth.

The healing process can take between 8-10 weeks. This is important to ensure that your jaw bone is strong enough to hold your implant.

Visit 3 you’ll have impressions taken in our Essex office. This is so that you can have your dental crown fitting in your mouth properly. The dental crowns will match your other teeth.

Visit 4 will be your final fitting. You’ll have your brand new tooth/teeth in place.

After this appointment, you’ll want to visit your dentist for regular appointments to make sure you take care of your teeth properly. Dental hygienists are important as well.

Dental Implant Problems

As with any procedure, there’s a risk of dental implant problems. To minimize this risk, ensure that you go with a high-quality dental office that you can trust with plenty of experience, and who will use the proper equipment necessary. You’ll also need to take proper care of your dental implants as your other teeth to avoid other problems from surfacing.

1. Loose Implant

When the bone doesn’t fuse and grow with the implant, a loose tooth can occur. It’s known as osseointegration failure. Osseointegration is the process where the dental implant fuses with the bone.

If the process doesn’t happen properly, it can cause problems. The implant can fall out, become loose, or become uncomfortable.

Bone loss after an implant is another reason for a loose implant. Some bone loss is normal over the years, but it shouldn’t be enough to affect your implant.

2. Infection

In order to reduce your risk of an infection, take proper care of your gums. If you’re not sure about the proper way to brush or floss, speak with your dentist and dental hygienist who can help guide you.

If you have a bacterial infection in your gum you might need antibiotics to treat it. If it’s in the bone that may require removal of the infected bone tissue.

3. Nerve Damage

Choosing a high-quality dentist is vital, especially with avoiding nerve or tissue damage. Damage can lead to a decline in your quality of life. If you notice any nerve or tissue damage, get help straight away.

4. Peri-Implantitis

Peri-implantitis can take 5 years to cause symptoms. You might notice swelling or bleeding around the implant’s site. It’s due to chronic inflammation at your implant.

5. Sinus Issues

Sinusitis is a problem that causes swelling of the sinuses. Some symptoms are a blocked nose, bad breath, a toothache, sinus headaches, etc. This is a less common issue that’s found.

Avoiding Dental Implant Failure

First, take great care of your teeth and eat healthily. Fizzy drinks, junk food, and sugar can lead to tooth decay. Ensure that you have plenty of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

If you have a medical condition, speak with your doctor before starting dental implant treatment. Avoid smoking since that can cause infections, inflammation, and failure.

Make sure that you floss and brush everyday. Brush at least twice a day, and floss once a day.

How Long Do Dental Implants Take To Heal?

The healing process can take time, and varies from person to person. It’ll depend on whether you needed bone grafting, and if there’s a sinus lift involved.

Bone grafting is performed when there’s not enough bone height necessary for the implant. It usually takes about 6-8 months for implants to fully heal.

How Soon After Tooth Extraction Can You Have an Implant?

The good news is an implant can be fitted on the same day as your extraction. You’ll receive a temporary crown until your permanent crown is made and ready to be placed.

How Long Do Implants Last?

Correct aftercare is important to have implants long-lasting. To maintain long-term health of implants, keep your regular checkups with your dentist and dental hygienist.

Maintain excellent hygiene. Be mindful of what you’re eating and drinking throughout the day.

Are Dental Implants Painful?

There’s little to no discomfort during the procedure. Much less pain is involved in an implant than an extraction.

Local anesthesia is also an option as well. After the procedure you can use over-the-counter medications to help with the pain. After the procedure you might notice some discomfort for a few days.

What Is the Success Rate for Dental Implants?

The good news is dental implants are highly successful, up to 98%. They can last for the long-term as well by following the proper care mentioned above.

Dentures vs Dental Implants

Dental implants are becoming standard procedure for many dental offices since they’re more convenient and comfortable. Speak with your dental office, and see if dental implants are an option for you. This will help prevent the jaw bone damage that dental implants can lead to.

Exploring Dental Implants Essex

Now that you’ve explored dental implants Essex, you should have a better idea if dental implants are right for you or not. Are you dreaming of having a smile that you’ll love?

Dreaming of having a youthful smile back again? Please visit this page for a free consultation today.