How To Remove Facial Winkles Safely And Effectively?

We all know that facial wrinkles and creases can make one look older. However, a recent research study has shown that people with facial wrinkles are perceived as less attractive and less trustworthy than those with fresh, wrinkle-free skin. So, regardless of the underlying cause, facial wrinkles are an aesthetic problem that can negatively affect one’s personality and appearance. That is why, British women spent over £1.15 billion on facial skincare and rejuvenation. 

But how can one get rid of facial wrinkles safely and effectively? You may ask. We will answer this question in this blog. So, read on to learn more about facial wrinkle treatment options. 

What Is Botox, And How Does It Work To Reduce Wrinkles?

According to the NHS, Botox is a non-invasive cosmetic option. The procedure involves injecting a mild dose of botulinum toxin into the skin. The toxin causes local muscle relaxation, resulting in the smoothening of creases and wrinkles. 

How Does Botox Get Rid Of Wrinkles So Efficiently?

Contrary to surgical skin rejuvenation options, botox therapy is non-invasive and quite effective. This is because the botulinum toxin results in the relaxation of the muscles in the region where it is injected. As a result, the skin is relaxed and the wrinkles and creases in the area are smoothed out. This is why Botox has become one of the most popular facial cosmetic treatment options worldwide. According to statistics, over 7.3 million Botox injections were administered worldwide in 2022 alone. 

How Can I Get Rid Of Fine Lines On My Forehead?

There are many non-surgical cosmetic treatment options available to correct forehead lines. Botox therapy has the potential to smooth out fine lines on the forehead and restore one’s optimal facial aesthetics. Besides, dermal fillers can also be used to get rid of wrinkles and creases on the forehead and other areas. 

How To Get Rid Of The Wrinkles On My Eyelids?

Wrinkles around the eyelids, also called crow’s feet or canthal lines, resulting in an aged appearance. However, they don’t necessarily appear due to old age; they can also appear due to the influence of various facial expressions such as grief, chronic pain, and laughter. Due to their obvious effect on one’s facial appearance, people around the world seek treatment for this condition to look younger and more attractive. 

Crow’s feet can be treated in various ways. For example, some dermatological treatment options include exfoliation and peptide creams and retinol. Alternatively, botox therapy could also be used to remove wrinkles around the eyelids effectively. 

Is Botox The Temporary Wrinkle Solution?

Botox treatment involves injecting a mild dose of botulinum toxin under the skin. The toxin results in local relaxation of the muscles. As a result, creases and wrinkles are removed. However, this treatment option is not permanent and re-treatment may be needed after some time. 

How Is Botox For The Forehead Administered?

Botox is administered in the form of an injection below the skin. This treatment is done to smooth out vertical lines between the eyes that make one look older and unattractive. The infection causes the muscles around the forehead to relax, thereby eliminating facial creases, lines, and wrinkles. 

How To Extend The Life Of My Botox So I Can Get It Less Often?

The life of botox injections is dependent on various factors such as one’s diet and daily routine. The life of botox treatment can be extended by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and keeping oneself hydrated. 

Is Botox Safe?

One of the main concerns of prospective cosmetic treatment patients is whether Botox therapy is safe. According to the University of Utah Health, Botox injections are considered safe. Furthermore, there are very minor risks associated with this treatment and most of them are transient. 

What Are The Uses Of Botox Injections?

Botox comprises a mild toxin released by a bacterium called Clostridium tetani. This toxin, when injected in mild doses, causes local muscle paralysis. This is utilised in facial cosmetics to remove facial wrinkles, creases, and lines. So, Botox therapy is used for a variety of non-surgical cosmetic treatments worldwide. 

Can Botox Cause Cancer?

The idea that Botox could cancer is unsubstantiated and currently there is no evidence to link this type of treatment with the risk of cancer. Instead, a few studies have shown the positive role of botox injection in eliminating cancer cells. A research article stated that botox therapy could halt the growth of cancerous cells, thereby exhibiting anti-cancer properties. So, botox treatment is safe and does not carry the risk of cancer. 

If you live in London and are looking for the best place for non-surgical facial and cosmetic treatment, your best option is Harrow Dental in Hornchurch. Whether you need general dental services for your family, or you require cosmetic treatment, we provide all services under one roof at affordable rates. We also take pride in having the most qualified and experienced dental professionals who will take good care of your entire family’s dental and aesthetic needs. 

The secret behind our high-quality services is our top-notch dental team and the use of the best quality dental materials for treating our patients. So, if you are worried about your facial wrinkles or creases, or simply want cosmetic dental procedures such as bonding or veneers, let us help you. Book a free consultation with us today and let us take care of all your dental and cosmetic needs. 

What Does A Specialist Prosthodontist Do?

Dentistry is a vast field. A dental professional not only ensures that their patients enjoy optimal dental and physical health but also gives them an optimal smile and facial aesthetics. With time, dentistry has evolved tremendously and divided into many branches and specialties. 

Gone are the days when a single dental professional would perform all procedures. Today, dental professionals specialise in different fields to provide top-notch services to their patients—one such dental speciality. If your general dentist has just told you that you need to see a prosthodontist, you might be wondering about this speciality. But, there is no need to worry; this blog will explain everything you need to know about prosthodontics and what a prosthodontist does. So, read on to learn more. 

Who Is A Prosthodontist?

A prosthodontist is a dental professional who has obtained an additional 3 – 4 years of clinical training and experience in replacing missing teeth using prosthetic dental appliances. For example, if someone is missing one or more teeth, their prosthodontist will replace them with dental implants, teeth bridges, or removable dentures. Prosthodontists also replace missing teeth in people who have lost all their teeth using complete dentures or all-on-4 implant-supported complete fixed bridges. 

What Are The Advantages Of Seeing A Dental Specialist?

Many people wonder why is it necessary to visit a specialist dentist. The answer is that not all dental problems require seeing a specialist. For example,  a general dentist can easily treat common dental issues such as teeth cavities or mild gum disease. However, if someone has lost many teeth and does not have sufficient bone tissue available to support an implant, they should consult a specialist prosthodontist. Why? Because they are trained to perform specialised procedures to treat even the most complex cases. 

Is General Dentistry A Specialty?

General dentistry involves, the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of common dental problems. A general dentist performs various procedures such as teeth cleanings, dental fillings, and root canal procedures. In short, general dentistry provides basic dental treatment to help maintain one’s oral and physical health. 

Although general dentistry comprises a significant portion of procedures performed in dentistry, it is not recognised as a speciality. According to the Royal College of Surgeons of England, general dentistry is not among the list of dental specialities recognised in the UK.  

What Do You Call Someone Who Makes Dentures?

A denture is a prosthesis used for replacing missing teeth. A dentist who specialises in replacing missing teeth by using various prosthetic dental appliances, such as dentures, bridges, and dental implants, is a prosthodontist. According to the British Society of Prosthodontists, a prosthodontist is a professional who specialises in the replacement of missing teeth. So, if you or a loved one requires tooth replacement, you should consult a prosthodontist. 

What Are Periodontics, Paedodontics And Prosthodontics?

Periodontics, or periodontology is a branch of dentistry that relates to the treatment of problems involving tissues that surround our teeth, such as the gums, the fibres around our teeth, and the jawbone. On the other hand, a pedodontist or a paediatric dentist specialises in the treatment of dental problems in children. Finally, a prosthodontist is a dental professional who specialises in replacing missing teeth. So, all three are dental professionals. However, they have different specialities. Generally, dentists have to obtain an additional three or four years of clinical training in their chosen field before they are considered specialists. 

How Do I Choose The Right Dentist For Dental Implants

Prosthodontists are dental professionals who specialise in replacing missing teeth using various treatment options such as teeth bridges, removable dentures, and implant-supported overdentures. If you have lost one or more teeth and considering getting them replaced with dental implants, you might be looking for a prosthodontist near you. 

The first thing to consider when selecting a prosthodontist for dental implants is their skill and qualifications. You can check the register of dental specialists on the General Dental Council’s website to confirm whether the specialist you’re considering holds a recognised qualification. Another good way to select a prosthodontist is to check for the online ratings of your local prosthodontic practices. You should go with a practice that has 5-star ratings and state-of-the-art facilities and offers flexible payment plans. 

Prosthodontist Near Me, What Factors To Consider When Choosing One?

If you or a loved one is looking for a prosthodontist in Hornchurch, here are some tips that will help you select the best dental specialist in town. 

  • The Qualification and Experience – the more qualified and experienced a specialist is, the higher the quality of their treatment. 
  • The Location – a prosthodontist in a metropolitan area will have higher treatment costs than one in the suburbs. 
  • Services Offered – you should select a prosthodontic practice that offers all your required services under one roof. 
  • Treatment Costs – you should look for a prosthodontist in your area who offers flexible treatment plans in the form of easy affordable instalments. This will help you manage your expenses during implant therapy. 

When it comes to finding the best specialist prosthodontist in Hornchurch, your best option is Harrow Dental. We take pride in having specialist prosthodontists in our team who can treat even the most complex missing teeth problems. We also have state-of-the-art equipment that allows us to offer the highest-quality services in town. So, book an appointment with us today and let us restore your smile and oral health. 

Wisdom Tooth Removal – Frequently Asked Questions

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History notes that hundreds if not thousands of years ago, our third molar teeth were meant for chewing – but not anymore. With time, our jaws became smaller until they didn’t have enough room for the teeth that erupted the last – the wisdom teeth. This is one of the reasons why there are so many complications associated with wisdom teeth and why they need to be removed so commonly. 

If your dentist has told you they need to remove one of your wisdom teeth, you may have many questions about this procedure. This blog will provide all the information you need about wisdom teeth removal. So continue reading to find out more about this procedure. 

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

According to the British Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, wisdom teeth are the last ones that erupt in the jaw. These teeth are so-called because they come in the mouth at a time when one attains maturity – anywhere between 16 – 24 years of age. However, despite their name, wisdom teeth are associated with many issues. 

Why Do Dentists Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. However, those third molar teeth that frequently cause problems or those that may damage the neighbouring teeth should be removed. Some of the situations that require the removal of wisdom teeth are:

  • Pericoronitis – this is a painful condition in which the soft tissues around a partially erupted (impacted) wisdom tooth become inflamed. When pericoronitis occurs frequently, it is best to remove the affected wisdom tooth. 
  • Grossly Damaged Wisdom Teeth – if a wisdom tooth has become grossly damaged and cannot be restored, your dentist may consider removing it. 
  • Orthodontic Purposes –  Sometimes, wisdom teeth are extracted to create space and realign the remaining teeth with braces or clear aligners. 

What Are The Pros And Cons of Removing Wisdom Teeth?

Your dentist will consider all the pros and cons of removing impacted wisdom teeth before performing the procedure. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of wisdom teeth removal:

  • Pain Relief – removing a grossly damaged wisdom tooth will save from the severe pain and discomfort of pericoronitis. 
  • Preserve the Other Teeth – removing an infected wisdom tooth will prevent damage to the adjacent teeth. 
  • Optimal Tooth Alignment – sometimes, removing a wisdom tooth allows the remaining teeth to be aligned optimally with orthodontic treatment

What Is The Process For Removing Wisdom Teeth?

The procedure to remove your wisdom teeth is similar to that for the other teeth. Your dentist will first administer local anaesthesia to make you pain-free. Next, they will use elevators to break the fibres that attach your gums and jawbone to the tooth. Afterwards, they grip the tooth with suitable forceps and apply outwards force in a figure-of-eight manner. Once the tooth has become sufficiently loose, they will pull it out. 

In some cases, wisdom teeth are partially or completely impacted. In these cases, dentists perform a surgical resection to remove the tooth. This procedure raises a soft-tissue flap and the bone surrounding the tooth is slightly removed to create a vantage point for pulling the tooth out. Your dentist will use forceps to remove the tooth. Alternatively, they may break the tooth into pieces and take them out individually. 

Is 40 Too Old To Have Wisdom Teeth Removed?

As mentioned earlier, there is a set age for removing wisdom teeth and not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. Therefore, someone in their 40s may experience wisdom tooth pain and require its removal. So, wisdom tooth removal can be performed at any age, when needed. However, if a dentist observes that a wisdom tooth may cause problems later in life, they will extract it during the patient’s young age as healing will be quicker.  

How To Recover After Wisdom Teeth Surgery?

Wisdom tooth removal is a surgical procedure. It may take a few days for complete healing to take place. There are a few things one should take care of after wisdom tooth surgery:

  • Avoid hard and sticky foods as they dislodge the blood clot and cause dry socket
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol intake for a few days after the surgery 
  • Do not take very hot food items as they may dislodge the clot 
  • Do not touch the site of surgery with your tongue 
  • Apply an icepack on the affected side of the face to minimise the swelling and discomfort
  • Take an over-the-counter pain medication to relieve pain

What Should I Eat After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

Dentists recommend eating a soft diet after wisdom tooth removal. This is because a hard diet can dislodge the blood clot and interfere with the healing. Therefore, one should eat a soft diet comprising of cereals, porridge, and fruits for a few days after the surgery.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Near Me

Wisdom teeth removal is best done by an oral surgeon. Why? Because oral surgeons obtain additional training and experience in treating surgical problems related to the oral cavity. So, one can expect that wisdom tooth removal done by an oral surgeon will have fewer complications and healing will occur more quickly. 

If you are having problems with one of your wisdom teeth and would like to get it removed in Hornchurhc, your best option is Harrow Dental Practice. We offer the highest-quality dental services to our patients under one roof. So, book a free virtual consultation appointment today and let us take care of all your worries. 

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dental Crowns

Chipped, crooked or discoloured teeth can ruin one’s smile and make chewing and speech difficult. However, this does not mean that you have to live with these tooth defects. A beautiful smile is the key to appearing attractive and friendly. An American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey showed that people who have beautiful smiles and perfect teeth are perceived as more friendly, intelligent, and approachable than those with flawed smiles. 

So, what can cosmetic dentistry do about crooked and worn-out teeth? There are many options available, but dentists commonly use dental crowns for this purpose. So, what are dental crowns, and how do they help restore one’s smile and facial aesthetics? You will learn in this blog. So, continue reading to find everything you need to know about dental crowns. 

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Dental Crowns?

If you are considering dental crowns, the first thing you will think about is their benefits and drawbacks. After all, you are investing in your facial aesthetics, so you need to be sure about what you’re getting into. Here are some pros and cons of dental crowns that will help you decide whether this treatment option is right for you. 

Pros of Dental Crowns 

  • Lifelike aesthetics and ability to blend in perfectly with neighbouring teeth 
  • Can treat a variety of cosmetic and restorative tooth defects
  • Reasonable durability if looked after properly 
  • Remain fixed to the teeth 
  • Restore one’s ability to eat and speak normally 

Cons of Dental Crowns 

  • Require extensive tooth removal than bonded fillings 
  • Can get stained over time 
  • Can get detached if one bites on extremely hard or sticky foods
  • More expensive than bonded restorations 

What Is Better, A Metal Crown Cap or a Ceramic Cap?

According to the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a crown is a cap-shaped structure that rests on the exposed surface of damaged teeth and is used for restoring their aesthetics and structure. 

Now that we know what a crown or cap is, the next question is whether a metal or ceramic crown would be suitable for you. The answer depends on your requirements. For example, if aesthetics and appearance are your foremost priority, you should consider a ceramic crown. Why? Because ceramic crowns are made of tooth-cloured ceramic, they blend in with your teeth and become virtually indistinguishable from the existing natural teeth. Although metal crowns are very strong and durable, many patients don’t like them due to their unaesthetic metallic appearance. Besides, these days ceramic-based crowns are made of highly durable materials. So, they can be easily used in replacement of metal crowns. 

How Much Do Gold Crowns And Porcelain Crowns Cost?

A gold crown is made of gold alloys. Gold-based crowns were extensively used a few decades back. However, due to the rising cost of gold and their yellowish appearance, their use has declined. More importantly, aesthetically more pleasing ceramic-based crowns are now available and are preferred by patients. If you are considering gold crowns, they may cost around £600 – £1000 per tooth. On the other hand, if you want to get your teeth restored with porcelain crowns, they may cost around £600 – £1200. The cost of dental crowns and other cosmetic treatment options like bonding and veneers depends on various factors and also varies according to the dentist’s skill, qualifications, and location. 

What Are The Benefits Of Getting Metal-Free Dental Crowns?

Metal-free crowns offer various benefits over metal-based ones:

  • Metal crowns have a distinct metallic appearance which is not liked by many. On the other hand, metal-free crowns, such as those made of porcelain or composites, have a lifelike appearance 
  • Some patients are allergic to the metals in crowns made of metal alloys. For these patients, metal-free crowns are a better option. 

What Type Of Dental Crown Do Most Dentists Like The Most?

A dentist will give you a prosthesis or restoration that best suits your dental needs and restores your facial aesthetics. Toot-coloured porcelain crowns are commonly used these days for restoring damaged teeth. These crowns are popular among dentists and patients due to their excellent aesthetics, safety, and reasonable durability. In some cases, dentists also consider metal-ceramic crowns when superior strength is needed, especially in the back teeth that receive very high biting forces. 

Can A Porcelain Dental Crown Last A Lifetime?

Like all other dental restorations, dental crowns have a limited lifetime. For example, if you look after your porcelain crowns properly through optimal oral hygiene and diet management, you can expect them to last up to 10 years. 

How Effective Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are very effective in restoring aesthetic, restorative, and structural tooth defects. For example, if someone has chipped, stained, or crooked teeth, they can get a smile makeover with dental crowns. Besides, dental crowns also strengthen the teeth. Hence, they also restore one’s ability to chew and speak normally. 

Should Old Dental Crowns Be Replaced?

If an old dental crown is not causing any issues or affecting your facial aesthetics, there is no need to replace it. However, if you have a worn-out dental crown affecting your smile, it should be replaced with a new one. Moreover, fractured or stained crowns or veneers should also be replaced as they cannot serve their aesthetic or restorative purpose. 

If you are looking for the best cosmetic dentist in Hornchurch, your first choice should be Harrow Dental Practice, where all general and aesthetic dental procedures are offered in a comfortable and relaxing environment. So, request a consultation with us today and let us give you a healthy and lasting smile. 

Clear Or Metal Braces?

When considering orthodontic treatment, one of the biggest decisions is to choose a suitable treatment option. Whether to go with metal braces? Which option is better? These are some of the commonly asked questions regarding braces treatment. If you have similar questions and are looking for their answers, you have come to the right place. This blog provides a comprehensive comparison between clear and metal braces so that you can make an informed decision about your treatment. 

Ceramic Vs Metal Braces Price

Metal braces are among the time-tested treatment options used to straighten teeth for many decades. In the UK, getting your teeth straightened with traditional metal braces can cost you between £2000 and £2500. The treatment cost varies from case to case as it depends on many factors. On the other hand, if you’re considering ceramic braces, the treatment may cost you around £2500 – £4000. Again, the treatment cost with ceramic braces varies for every person, based on their individual oral health needs. 

How Are Ceramic Braces Better Than Metal Braces?

If you’re still unsure whether ceramic-based tooth-coloured brackets are the right choice for you, then here is one of their biggest advantage, that will help you decide. The foremost advantage is that ceramic braces are less notable than metal braces. Therefore, you can wear them anywhere without worrying about showing your braces. So, ceramic braces will not affect your facial aesthetics and will help boost your self-confidence.

Can Ceramic Braces Damage Your Teeth?

According to the British Orthodontic Society, ceramic braces are tooth-coloured brackets that offer a less conspicuous alternative to traditional metal braces. These brackets offer several advantages over metal braces, the most significant among them being their ability to blend in with the natural teeth and become virtually invisible. 

However, despite their numerous advantage, they do have certain drawbacks. For example, ceramic braces are not suitable for individuals who have a very low bite. In such individuals, there are chances that the ceramic brackets come in frequent contact with the opposing teeth and damage them. Besides ceramic brackets can also cause gum inflammation in susceptible individuals. So, it is advisable to consult your orthodontist in London before considering ceramic braces for aligning your teeth. 

Ceramic Vs Metal Braces: Pros And Cons

When selecting an orthodontic treatment option, it is important to consider its pros and cons. If you are considering clear braces for your treatment, we have outlined its advantages and drawbacks to help you decide. 

Pros of Clear Braces

The foremost benefit of clear braces is that they are virtually invisible as they are tooth-coloured. Furthermore, due to their inconspicuous appearance, they don’t affect one’s smile and facial aesthetics. As a result, they help boost the wearer’s self-confidence. 

Cons of Clear Braces

Some of the cons of clear braces are:

  • High Cost – the cost of treatment with clear braces is higher than conventional metal braces. 
  • Not Suitable for All Cases – clear braces are not suitable for treating extremely complex cases involving the bite. 
  • Not Suitable for Some Patients – ceramic braces are not suitable for patients with a deep bite or those who have a habit of teeth grinding. This is because ceramic braces can damage a natural opposing tooth if they come in contact with it. 

Ceramic Braces Vs Metal Braces Cost

An important factor to consider when choosing an orthodontic treatment option is its cost. With different types of braces available for treatment, they also have different treatment costs. To understand the cost comparison between metal and ceramic braces, let us look at the factors that affect orthodontic treatment costs. 

  • The Severity of the Issue  – the more complex an orthodontic problem is, the longer it will take and the higher its treatment cost. 
  • The Patient’s Age – it is easier to treat orthodontic issues in younger patients as the bones are flexible. So, the treatment cost will be lower in young patients as it will take less time to straighten their teeth. 
  • The Dentist’s Skill and Experience – specialist orthodontics charge more treatment than general dentists. 
  • The Dentist’s Location – dental practices in metropolitan areas have higher treatment rates than those in the suburbs.

Now that we know about the factors affecting braces cost, let us compare the treatment cost of ceramic and metal braces. The cost of ceramic braces in London varies between £2000 and £4000. On the other hand, metal braces can cost anywhere between £1500 and £3500. Your orthodontist will give you an estimate of your treatment costs after a careful evaluation of your treatment needs. 

Disadvantages Ceramic Braces Vs Metal Type Of Braces Cost

If we talk about metal braces, their most significant disadvantage is their conspicuous metallic appearance. That is why, metal braces are not preferred by many patients. Another drawback of metal braces is their potential to injure the oral soft tissues and cause discomfort. 

On the other hand, a major drawback of ceramic braces is that they are not suitable for all orthodontic patients. Besides, ceramic braces are more costly than traditional metal braces. If you are considering clear braces, let the best orthodontic practice in London give you the smile of your dreams! Harrow Dental has one of the best teams of dentists in town and state-of-the-art equipment to give you the highest-quality treatment you deserve. So, request a free virtual appointment with us today and let us give you a smile you can genuinely be proud of. We look forwards to serving you.

How Much Does Dental Extraction Cost?

When we talk about dentists, the first thing that comes to mind is teeth extractions. However, teeth extraction is not that common anymore. Today, dentists focus on preserving as many teeth as possible. But even today, teeth need to be extracted in a few cases. 

So, what is tooth extraction, when it is needed, and how much does it cost? You will get answers to all these questions and many more in this blog. So, if your dentist has just told you that you need to get one of your teeth removed and you would like to know more about the procedure, read on!

What Is Dental Extraction Treatment?

Tooth extraction is a procedure in which a dentist pulls a tooth out of its socket. A tooth extraction may seem painful, but it is not. Why? Because your dentist will administer local anaesthesia to make you pain-free before starting the procedure. 

What Should I Know About Tooth Extractions?

If this is the first time you are having one of your teeth removed, there are a few things you should know about the procedure:

  • Dental extractions are painless. You will not feel any pain but may experience pressure sensations during the procedure. 
  • The procedure can be completed in under an hour. However, some dental extractions may take longer. 
  • You should come in for an extraction with a full stomach. 

What Is Better, Root Canal Or A Tooth Extraction?

A root canal and dental extractions are two separate procedures. A root canal is performed to treat infection inside the tooth’s pulp tissue. A root canal can be considered your dentist’s attempt to save a grossly damaged tooth. However, if a root canal is not successful or a tooth cannot be saved, your dentist will suggest getting it extracted and replacing it with an implant-supported prosthesis. 

How Much Does A Tooth Extraction Cost Privately?

Getting a tooth extracted from an NHS-affiliated dentist is considerably cheaper than going to a private dentist. However, the waiting times with NHS are quite long. So, if you don’t want to wait many weeks for your turn with the NHS, you may consider a tooth extraction with a private dentist. Regarding the cost, an extraction by a private dentist can cost around £50 and £350. 

Why Does It Cost So Much To Get A Tooth Pulled?

A tooth extraction is expensive because it is a surgical procedure that requires accuracy and precision. The cost may increase if someone needs an extraction of a broken tooth or root. This is because broken teeth or roots need to be removed with a more extensive surgical procedure called surgical resection. If you cannot afford the high cost of a private oral surgeon, you may consider going to an NHS dentist who will charge you considerably less. 

How Much Does It Cost To Remove Gold Teeth?

When we talk about gold teeth, it doesn’t mean that the tooth is made of gold. Instead, gold teeth refer to teeth having gold filings. Since gold fillings do not hinder tooth removal, the price of having a gold filling-containing tooth should be the same as one without it. But, there is one factor which should be considered. A tooth containing a large gold filling may break or fracture during the extraction. Surgical resection may be needed in these cases, which costs more than a regular extraction. 

What Are The Alternatives To Wisdom Tooth Removal?

A wisdom tooth extraction is performed for various reasons:

  • When there is insufficient space in the jaws to accommodate all the teeth. In such cases, wisdom teeth may be removed to create space and realign the remaining teeth 
  • When the position of a wisdom tooth risks infecting the adjacent teeth 
  • When the soft tissues around a partially impacted wisdom tooth get infected frequently, the affected wisdom teeth should be removed in this condition- called pericoronitis. 

Unfortunately, there is no alternative to wisdom tooth removal. If a wisdom tooth gets infected or affects the other teeth, it must be surgically removed. Choosing not to extract a problem-causing wisdom tooth can lead to various complications. 

Dental Extraction Near Me

If you have one or more teeth needing removal, you are strongly advised to visit a qualified and experienced oral surgeon. Why? Because a dental extraction is a surgical procedure. Therefore, you should go to a dentist who is very particular about cross-infection control. More importantly, your dentist should have excellent surgical skills. This is because the higher the surgery quality, the lesser the post-operative pain and discomfort will be. Another reason one should visit an experienced oral surgeon is that they are trained to administer local anaesthesia. Therefore, they will ensure that you remain pain-free throughout the procedure.  Finally, having your teeth removed by an experienced dentist minimises the risk of surgical complications. 

If you reside in North Harrow and you’re looking for an experienced and renowned oral surgeon, Harrow Dental Centre should be your first choice. We have a team of highly qualified general and specialist dentists who will take care of all your problems and treat you in a relaxing and soothing environment. We also have state-of-the-art technology that allows us to provide our esteemed patients with the best services in town. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us to book an examination now, and let us take care of your entire family’s dental issues. We look forwards to serving you. 

TMJ Disorders – Everything You Need To Know

Do you feel pain and discomfort while opening or closing your mouth? Do you hear clicking or popping sounds on one or both sides of the face when eating? If yes, you may be suffering from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. But don’t worry; while the name “TMJ disorders” may sound like something serious, TMJ disorders are easily preventable and treatable in most cases. 

This blog discusses everything you need to know about TMJ disorders – what are these and how they can be prevented and treated. So, read on to find out more!

What Are The Causes Of Sudden TMJ Pain?

According to the British Society for Occlusal Studies, TMJ disorders and pain can be caused due to various reasons. These include:

  • Imbalance dental bite 
  • Teeth grinding 
  • Muscle disorders 
  • Bone degenerative disorders 
  • Trauma to the jaw joints 
  • Misalignment of the jaws

Is TMJ Something To Worry About?

TMJ disorders can cause various complications if left untreated. For example, long-standing jaw joint disorders can damage the teeth, leading to sensitivity, tooth decay, and gum disease. Furthermore, TMJ disorders can create difficulties in eating, increasing the risk of malnutrition and generalised weakness. So yes, TMJ disorders should not be considered lightly. If you feel that you or a loved one is suffering from TMJ disease, it should be diagnosed and treated without delay. 

Is TMJ Life Threatening?

As mentioned earlier, TMJ disorders can cause various complications that can significantly affect one’s dental health and quality of life, these disorders are generally not considered life-threatening. Still, one should not take them lightly and seek expert help if they observe any problems with the functioning of their jaw joints. 

What Are The Causes Of Sudden TMJ Pain?

Sudden pain in the jaw joints can be caused if someone bites forcefully on a hard object. Furthermore, this situation can also arise if there is trauma or injury to the jaw joints. In any case, if someone feels a sudden pain in one or both of their jaw joints, they should consult a TMJ specialist immediately. 

How Do You Treat TMJ?

There are two main approaches to treating TMJ disorders: non-surgical and surgical. 

  1. Non-surgical Treatment 

In many cases, TMJ disorders are temporary and go away with simple non-invasive measures. Some of the non-surgical treatment options that have been proven effective, and recommended by the US National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research in eliminating mild TMJ issue are:

  • Switching a soft diet to reduce load on the jaw joints 
  • Heat therapy over the affected area
  • Application of ice packs to reduce the inflammation 
  • Restoring optimal dental bite to reduce stress on the TMJs
  • Over the counter pain and anti-inflammatory medication
  • Anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants 
  • Muscle exercises and physical therapy 
  • Intra-oral appliances which fit over the mouth and help restore the optimal position and angulation of the jaws, thereby reducing stress over them
  1. Surgical Treatment 

If the above non-invasive measures aren’t effective, your dentist may suggest a surgical treatment. 

  • TMJ Surgery – if TMJ disorders are not being treated with non-surgical procedures, your dentist may consider performing surgery. 
  • Bite Adjustment – treatment may also be provided to restore the optimal occlusion of the teeth, and overcome parafunctional habits like teeth grinding (bruxism).
  • Botox Therapy – besides being used for facial cosmetic treatment, botox injections are also useful in treating TMJ disorders by reducing stress on TMJ-related muscles
  • Arthrocentesis – this is a procedure in which a fine needle pushes a liquid into the TMJ. The pressure of the fluid removes the scar-like tissue (adhesions). Furthermore, the pressurised liquid also removes substances that cause inflammation around the TMJs. 

Can TMJ Cause A Jaw To Get Stuck?

TMJ disorders can create difficulty in the opening and closing of the jaws. Long-standing TMJ disorders can significantly hamper TMJ movement and a time comes when the jaws get stuck. At this stage, either it becomes difficult to open or close the mouth. This usually happens when one or both of the jaw joints get dislocated. 

Does TMJ Affect Hearing? If So, How Do You Deal With It?

The TMJs are located very close to the ear. As a result, inflammation around the TMJ and its muscles can block the eustachian tubes, affecting one’s hearing. If this condition is not treated timely, the hearing problems can become more severe and may even damage the ears. 

Can TMJ Go Away On Its Own?

TMJ disorders can go away on their own if they are diagnosed at an early stage. Long-standing TMJ disorders usually require non-surgical or surgical treatment before they are completely eliminated. 

Can TMJ Be Treated Without Surgery?

Yes, mild to moderate TMJ issues can be treated without surgery in their early stages. Some of the available non-surgical treatment options are physiotherapy, hot or cold treatment, diet management, and psychological treatment. 

What Should I Look For In A TMJ Specialist?

An ideal TMJ specialist is one who has undergone additional training and has extensive experience in treating TMJ disorders. Many dentists obtain additional clinical certifications to treat problems related to the jaw joints. 

Does TMJ Cause Headaches?

Yes, TMJ disorders can cause headaches. This happens when there is excessive pressure on the muscles associated with the TMJ or those used for chewing. A spasm of these muscles can cause headaches. So, if you frequently have headaches along with difficulty in mouth opening, you should consider visiting a TMJ specialist for expert advice. 

What Are Some Ways To Get Rid Of TMJ?

As mentioned earlier, there are two major approaches to TMJ disorder treatment: non-surgical and surgical. TMJ specialists usually start with non-surgical measures to treat these disorders. However, if these approaches are unsuccessful, they may consider surgical treatment to treat the underlying issue. 

If you or a loved one has TMJ pain and they are looking for a relatable and renowned TMJ specialist in Hornchurch, Harrow Dental is the best place to visit. We have a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals who are trained to treat TMJ problems. So, book an appointment today and let us keep you healthy and smiling.  

Finding A Good Childrens Dentist Near Me

As parents, we want the best for our kids; the best education, comfort, excellent quality of life and, more importantly, the best health. While we take care of virtually every aspect of our child’s upbringing and care, many parents ignore a crucial aspect: their children’s oral health. 

“But why is the oral health of my child so important? After all, their milk teeth will be replaced with permanent ones”, you may ask. The answer is that your child’s milk teeth are equally important as their successors because your kid will learn good dental hygiene and dietary habits with their primary teeth. Furthermore, milk teeth serve as placeholders for permanent ones. If the milk teeth get damaged or lost prematurely, it can cause complications later in life, such as tooth misalignment and speech and jaw joint disorders. 

That is why it is crucial that parents must take their kids for dental health checks regularly. But how to find a good kids’ dentist near me? You may ask. But don’t worry; this blog is there to help. This blog mentions practical tips that will help you find the right paediatric dentist in town. So, read on!

How To Find A Good Dentist Near You And Your Kids?

If you have recently moved into a new neighbourhood or your child has just grown their first milk tooth, you might be looking for the best children’s dentist in your area.

  1. The first thing to do is to ask your colleagues, friends, and relatives for recommendations regarding kid dental practices near your office, home, or kid’s school.
  2. Furthermore, you should also search online for paediatric dental practices in your area and shortlist a few with the highest online ratings.
  3. Next, your should visit each practice and meet the dentist and their team.
  4. Finally, you should select a practice that your child feels comfortable with.   

What Do You Look For In A Pediatric Dentist? 

While selecting a good paediatric dental practice for your child, you should consider the following factors:

  • Select a practice that offers all paediatric dentistry-related services under one roof
  • The paediatric dentist should have sufficient experience treating dental disorders in children
  • The practice should have a gentle-dental team with a purpose-built operatory that soothes the patients and allays their fears.
  • Accepts your family dental insurance. Alternatively, it should offer flexible payment plans. 

What Dental Clinic Is Best For Children?

A dental clinic that offers an entire range of paediatric dental services under one roof and has an experienced and qualified paediatric dentist available is the best practice for your kid’s dental treatment. 

What Are Dentist Tips For A Child’s First Go-To Dentist?

As mentioned earlier, you should select a paediatric dental practice close to your child’s school, home, or workplace. Furthermore, you should go with a practice with an experienced and qualified dentist with a proven track record of treating paediatric dental issues. You should also ensure that the practice you select accepts your family’s dental insurance or offers flexible payment plans. Most importantly, go with a practice that has a friendly, welcoming, and gentle-dental team

How Frequently Do Your Kids Visit Pediatric Dental Clinics?

The frequency of your child’s visit to a paediatric dentist mainly depends on their oral health status. For example. Kids with healthy, cavity-free teeth may need to see their dentist twice a year. On the other hand, if a kid has underlying dental issues like teeth cavities or gum disease, they may need to visit more frequently. So, your child’s dentist will suggest the frequency of your child’s checkup visits after a thorough clinical examination. 

How To Prepare Your Child For Their First Visit To The Dentist?

Many children fear visiting the dentist because they think their treatment will be uncomfortable or painful. Therefore, parents must counsel their kids that they are only visiting for a checkup and there will be no invasive or painful procedure. Once the child is convinced, they will be less hesitant and more cooperative during their appointment. 

What Do People Look For In Choosing A Dentist?

When choosing a dentist, people should look for the following:

  • A highly experienced and skilled dentist available at the practice 
  • Vicinity to their home, office, or kid’s school
  • An entire range of dental services provided under one roof for the family 
  • Family dental insurance accepted
  • If insurance is not available, the practice should offer flexible payment plans
  • Round-the-clock dental emergency services are available 

How Do You Choose A Dentist For Your Toddler?

Dental care for your kids should start right from their toddler years. If you are looking for a good dentist for your toddler, you should remember the tips for choosing a paediatric dentist near you mentioned in this blog. 

What Types Of Treatments Do Pediatric Dentists Provide?

Paediatric dentists are dental professionals who have undergone additional 3-4 years of clinical training to specialise in treating dental issues related to kids. Some of the services provided by paediatric dentists are:

  • Prevention and diagnosis of tooth decay 
  • Counselling the kid and their parents regarding a tooth-friendly, healthy diet 
  • Diagnosing and treating common dental issues such as gum disease 
  • Monitoring the growth pattern of the child’s teeth and taking reparative measures in case of an anomaly

If you are looking for a good kids’ dentist in Hornchurch, Essex, Harrow Dental should be your first choice. We provide all paediatric dental services under one roof at affordable rates. So, book an appointment today and let us take good care of your child’s pearly whites and their smiles. 

How Long After A White Filling Can You Eat?

Has your dentist just told you you need a filling for one of your crooked teeth? If yes, you may have several questions in your mind regarding this procedure. For example, one of the questions that are commonly asked by dental patients about dental fillings is how long they need to wait after getting a filling before they can eat anything. If you are also searching for an answer to this question, you are in luck! This blog will explain everything you need to know about tooth fillings. So, read on!

How Long Should You Wait After Getting A Filling Done To Eat?

Dentists use different types of fillings to restore damaged or crooked teeth. For example, tooth-coloured composite is one of the most commonly used dental fillings these days. These fillings are composed of a tooth-coloured polymeric resin combined with fillers. After getting a composite filling, you should wait at least 2-4 hours before you can resume eating from that tooth. Even then, you should avoid eating hard and sticky foods directly with the restored teeth. 

On the other hand, if you have received an amalgam filling, you should wait for at least 24 hours before putting a load on the tooth. Why? Because the chemical reaction in silver amalgam fillings continues for 24 hours, after which these fillings attain sufficient hardness and strength. Furthermore, one must also avoid taking very hot or cold drinks as it may cause them to shrink or contract, leading to dislodgment. 

How Soon After Getting A Tooth Filled Is It Safe To Chew Gum?

White chewing gum may seem like a harmless activity immediately after getting a filling, but it is not. Why? Because when you chew gum, it creates a negative pressure when it touches the restored tooth, resulting in the dislodgment of the filling. That is why dentists recommend waiting at least 2-4 hours before chewing gum in the case of bonded restorations. On the other hand, silver amalgam fillings should be allowed to be set for 14 hours before enjoying chewing gum. 

Can I Eat From Both Sides Of My Teeth After A Tooth Filling?

In cases where both sides of the mouth require fillings, dentists generally restore one side at a time. This is to allow one to eat without difficulty while leaving the restored side unaffected. So, you should eat only from the side where you don’t have any fresh fillings so that the new filling remains in place. 

Can You Eat With A Temporary Filling?

Temporary fillings are given by dentists to restore one’s smile and facial aesthetics. Hence, their primary purpose is to ensure one does not feel self-conscious till they get their permanent fillings. However, temporary restorations are not designed to be used for eating. So, if you have received a temporary filling, you should not use it for chewing as it will not be strong enough to bear the biting pressure, especially in the back teeth. 

How Long Do White Fillings Last?

A common concern about the white fillings is how long they last. Previously, it was thought that composite fillings were not strong or durable as silver amalgam fillings. However, thanks to contemporary dental technology, tooth-coloured bonded restorations have considerably more durable. For example, you can expect a bonded restoration to last up to 10 years. Also, the life of these fillings can even be further enhanced by ensuring optimal oral hygiene, eating a tooth-friendly diet and visiting the dentist regularly.  

How Long Should I Wait To My Brush Teeth After A Dental Filling?

Brushing your teeth is one of the most critical aspects of your daily oral hygiene routine. However, many dental patients are concerned about whether they should brush their teeth on the day they get one of their teeth filled. So, the answer is that there is no need to wait; you can brush your teeth as soon as you get home. However, you should take care not to apply too much brushing pressure as it may dislodge the restoration. The best way is to brush your teeth gently. 

How Long Does It Take A Dental Filling To Harden?

Tooth-coloured composite fillings are hardened using a special light. So, they attain their maximum hardness as soon as they procedure is complete. On the other hand, silver amalgam filings are made by mixing mercury with metal alloys. Therefore, a chemical reaction continues for the next 24 hours, even after the filling placement. So, amalgam fillings typically attain sufficient hardness after 24 hours. 

How Soon After Filling A Tooth Can You Brush?

Many think brushing their teeth immediately after getting a filling may damage or dislodge the restoration. However, the fact is that there is no restriction on brushing one’s teeth after having a tooth filled. Why? Because your dentist will make sure that your tooth filing is secured and has hardened sufficiently before allowing you to go home. So, if you brush your teeth gently, you don’t have to worry about the filling getting chipped or dislodged. 

Tooth-coloured composite fillings are one of the best options for restoring crooked, stained, or chipped teeth. However, one must go to an experienced dentist to restore teeth. This is because novice dentists may charge you less, but you must expect your fillings to last for a short time. So, if you are looking for a good dentist in Hornchurch, Essex, your best option is Harrow Dental. Our practice offers all services under one roof at affordable rates. So, book an appointment with us today, or visit here to learn more about our dental practice. 

Thinking Of Getting Your Teeth Straightened? Here’s What You Need To Know

In today’s fast-paced world, having perfectly aligned and straight teeth is not just essential for health enjoying good health, but also for aesthetic reasons. An American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey showed that people who have attractive smiles – thanks to their perfectly aligned teeth – are considered more approachable, friendly and attractive than those with flawed smiles. 

So, if you are also concerned about your crooked teeth and feel under confident due to them, you might be thinking of the available treatment options and the process involved. But, no need to worry; this blog provides all the information that you need to have before starting your orthodontic treatment. So, continue reading and begin your orthodontic treatment journey with confidence. 

What Are The Best Teeth Straightening Options?

Thanks to contemporary dentistry, several options are available to fix crooked teeth. However, broadly speaking, there are two main types of treatment options: fixed and removable appliances.

The fixed appliances:

  • Traditional metal braces
  • Tooth-coloured ceramic
  • Incognito or lingual braces

On the other hand, the removable appliances include Invisalign clear aligners. 

With a multitude of treatment options available, you may find it challenging finding an option that suits you the best. However, no need to worry; your dentist will help you find a treatment option that best suits your treatment needs. 

What Are The Health Benefits Of Teeth Straightening?

Many people consider teeth straightening as a purely aesthetic requirement. The fact is that getting one’s teeth straightened also offers many health benefits. For example, straight teeth are also for optimal chewing of the foods, enabling the digestive system to digest it properly and extract energy. Hence, straight teeth help ensure optimal physical health. Furthermore, crooked teeth promote plaque deposition, which is a safe haven for harmful bacteria. So, crooked teeth increase the risk of systemic illnesses which are transferred from the diseased teeth and gums to other body organs. 

How Much More Would You Smile If You Had Perfect Teeth?

It is commonly observed that people with crooked or misaligned teeth avoid smiling in public. So, misaligned teeth can have a significant impact on one’s self-confidence. On the other hand, if one gets their teeth straightened, they would want to show their beautiful teeth and attractive smiles. So naturally, if one had perfect teeth, they would smile a lot more than those who have imperfect smiles or crooked teeth. 

Why Do People Decide Not To Have Their Teeth Straightened?

There are two main reasons people decide not to have their teeth straightened. First, many think the only option for straightening teeth is metal braces, which many find unaesthetic and uncomfortable. Secondly, orthodontic treatment can be expensive for many. But there are solutions or every problem. If you are avoiding orthodontic treatment because you don’t want to wear braces, you can get ceramic braces or Invisalign aligners that are virtually invisible. Similarly, if you find orthodontic treatment costly, you may consider going to a dentist who offers flexible treatment plans to cover your treatment. 

What Are The Teeth Straightening Options For Adults?

There are several options available for fixing crooked teeth in adults. Among the fixed appliances, adult orthodontic patients can go for metal braces. Alternatively, if they are looking for aesthetically more attractive options, they may consider ceramic or lingual braces. On the other hand, an adult patient may also consider Invisalign clear aligners for their treatment.  

Is There Any Way To Straighten Teeth In One Day?

The ideal method for straightening misaligned teeth is through orthodontic treatment. However, treating even a mild orthodontic issue may take up to 8 months. Therefore, no one can have their straightened on a single day. However, there are specific cosmetic options that allow you “hide” your cosmetic flaws and get a dazzling smile in just one day. For example, your dentist can give you veneers to mask minor orthodontic issues such as mild crowding or spacing. However, veneers do not solve the problem; they simply hide the flaws. So, one should get their teeth straightened with orthodontic treatment to address the underlying issue appropriately. 

How Long Do Teeth Straightening Treatments Last?

The duration of teeth straightening treatment depends on various factors, such as the severity of the case, patient compliance and, more importantly, the dentist’s experience and skills. However, mild orthodontic problems can typically be treated within 6-8 months, while more complicated issues may take up to 24 months. 

Does Straightening Of Teeth Make Them Weak?

People who undergo orthodontic treatment often observe that their teeth have become mobile and assume they have become weak. But this is not correct. The fact is that teeth tend to become slightly mobile during orthodontic treatment, as they are forced to move within the bone tissue. However, as soon as the braces are removed, the teeth become firmly anchored within the bone tissue once again. So, orthodontic treatment does not make one’s teeth weak. However, if one does not take good care of their oral health during orthodontic treatment, they can get tooth decay and gum disease, making their teeth weak. 

What Is The Right Age To Correct Teeth Alignment?

The ideal age for correcting tooth misalignment is during the teenage, as soon as all the permanent teeth (except wisdom teeth) have come in. Why? Because at a young age, the bones are flexible, and teeth can be aligned more easily. So, orthodontic treatment takes lesser time to complete. 

Are Dental Braces’ Sole Purpose To Straighten Teeth?

Yes, the main aim of dental braces is to straighten and align the teeth. However, this is done not just for cosmetic reasons but also to ensure optimal oral health and physical well-being. 

If you are looking for the best Orthodontic practice in Hornchurch, Harrow Dental Practice is at your service. To find out more about creating your perfect smile, contact us today