Dental Crowns: Everything You Need To Know

Dental crowns are one of the most popular treatment options in the UK to restore worn-down or crooked teeth. In addition to improving the aesthetics of stained or damaged teeth, dental crowns also reinforce them. If you have one or more crooked teeth that affect your facial aesthetics and smile, you should consider dental crowns for your cosmetic dental treatment. 

If you’re not familiar with dental crowns, then this blog is for you. So, read on to learn more about dental crowns and they can help you enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile.   

What Are Dental Crowns, And How Do They Work?

A dental crown is a cap-shaped structure that rests on the visible surface of natural teeth. According to the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, dental crowns help restore the aesthetics and strength of damaged natural teeth. Tooth crowns are made of metal alloys, porcelain fused to metal, and porcelain bonded to zirconium. 

Why Do You Require Dental Crowns?

Tooth crowns are needed for two main reasons: to improve aesthetics and and restore the strength of damaged teeth. Dental crowns can be an excellent treatment option in the following cases:

  • To mask permanent tooth stains 
  • To restore the aesthetics and strength of won-down teeth 
  • To restore fractured or chipped teeth 
  • To reinforce teeth after a root canal treatment procedure

How Is A Dental Crown Installed?

The process of getting dental crowns is straightforward. During your first appointment, your dentist will perform a detailed clinical examination to assess whether you’re a suitable candidate for dental crowns. In the next appointment, they will perform a procedure called tooth preparation. This involves removing a thin layer of the outer enamel of the affected tooth. This creates space for bonding the crown to the tooth. After tooth preparation, your dentist will make an impression of your teeth which will be sent to the laboratory. 

At the next appointment, your dentist will try on the prepared crowns over the prepared tooth to check its fit. If everything goes well, they bond the crown to the prepared tooth using adhesive. That’s it! Your tooth is now protected by a crown. 

How Long Do Permanent Tooth Crowns Last?

The clinical life of tooth crowns depends on various factors, such as their material, the dentist and laboratory technician’s skill, and the extent of oral hygiene. However, according to the Cleveland Clinic, the average lifetime of a dental crown is between 5 and 15 years. 

What Are The Differences Between A Dental Cap And Crown?

A dental crown and a dental cap represent the same thing. A dental cap is a layman’s term for crowns that are placed over damaged teeth to restore them. So, if you hear someone say that they have got a dental cap, it simply means that they got a dental crown. 

What Is The Primary Function Of Dental Crowns?

The major function of tooth crowns is to restore the aesthetics, structure, and strength of badly damaged teeth. Your dentist may give you a crown to reinforce it after a root canal treatment procedure or if a tooth fractures. Similarly, you may also need a crown if you have permanent stains on your teeth that are not removable with professional whitening. You may also need a crown after a root canal treatment procedure.

What Are Dental Crowns Attached With?

Your dentist will bond a crown to one of your prepared teeth using a special adhesive. This adhesive ensures that the crown remains firmly bonded to the tooth structure. At the same time, your dentist will ensure that the bonding agent, which is typically a resin-based polymer, does not cause irritation or an allergic reaction in its vicinity. 

Can A Dental Crown Be Removed And Put Back On?

Your dentist will design your Dental crowns so that they to remain attached to the tooth structure, and cannot be removed by patients. However, your dentist can remove them if needed. For this, they will use a special instrument that helps them remove the crown. Afterwards, they can also bond the crown back to the tooth using an appropriate adhesive. 

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Dental Crowns?

Some of the advantages of dental crowns are:

  • Restoration of tooth strength and structure 
  • Improvement in facial aesthetics and smile 
  • They can last very long if looked after properly 

At the same time, they also have certain disadvantages:

  • Can be expensive, especially zirconia or CAD-CAM crowns 
  • You should avoid eating Hard and sticky foods with them as they can fracture or dislodge them 
  • Poorly prepared crowns can lead to secondary tooth decay at the tooth-crown junction 

Are Dental Crowns Safe?

Tooth crowns are made of safe materials that don’t carry a significant risk of allergic or adverse reactions. However, some people are allergic to metals present in metallic or porcelain fused to metal crowns. These people can benefit from porcelain crowns to prevent adverse effects. 

Do Crowns For Teeth Require Special Care?

The most important consideration with tooth crowns is to ensure optimal oral hygiene. If food starts to get stuck around the crown, it can lead to tooth decay and even crown dislodgment. Therefore, one must maintain optimal oral hygiene and avoid eating hard and sticky foods directly with crowns. 

If you’re looking for the best dentist in Essex for tooth crowns, you should consider Harrow Dental Practice and Dental Implant Centre for your entire family’s needs. We take pride in having a highly qualified team that will help you get the most out of your dental crown treatment. So, book a free consultation with us today and leave the rest to us. 

Can My Dentist Tell If I Smoke?

Did you know that around 6 million adults in the UK are smokers? Moreover, over 5.1 million British adults use e-cigarettes for smoking. While smoking is known to affect one’s physical health, it has also been shown to have a detrimental effect on one’s oral health. So, if you’re worried that your dentist can tell if you smoke, yes, they can! 

But how can my dentist tell if I smoke? You may ask! You will find the answer to this question in this blog. So, read this blog till the end to learn more about smoking and its effect on your oral health. 

Can Smoking Affect My Mouth And Oral Health?

According to the Oral Health Foundation, smoking can directly affect one’s oral health. For example, persistent smoking can lead to various oral health-related complications such as teeth staining, bad breath gum disease, dry mouth, and even tooth loss. More importantly, studies have shown that smokers are at a higher risk of developing oral cancer than those who don’t smoke. 

Can A Dentist Tell If You Smoke Occasionally?

Smoking-related complications, such as teeth staining or gum disease, may not be visible in your mouth if you smoke occasionally. However, if you are a frequent smoker, there will be signs in your mouth from which your dentist can tell that you’re a habitual smoker. Two of the most oral health-related signs that can tell if you smoke are bad breath and yellow or brown staining of the teeth caused by tobacco.

Why Do Dentists Ask If You Smoke?

When you visit your dentist, they may ask if you are a smoker. This is because smokers are at higher risk of developing various dental complications like gum disease, dry mouth, or tooth loss than non-smokers. Furthermore, there is a higher risk of oral cancers among smokers. Therefore, dentists take additional care while examining the oral cavity of smokers to detect any underlying complications. 

What Can A Dentist Tell From Your Mouth?

Your dentist can tell a lot of things about your oral health, physical well-being, and habits just by looking at your teeth. For example, they can tell if you brush or floss your teeth regularly by the absence of gum swelling, teeth stains or plaque deposits on your teeth. Similarly, dentists can also detect various medical conditions by examining your teeth. In fact, dentists often detect developing medical issues during routine dental examinations. 

Can I Vape With Braces?

It is not recommended to vape with braces. This is because vaping can affect your gum health which directly influences the movement and realignment of your teeth. Hence, vaping may cause oral health complications that may slow down your treatment progress. 

How Can We Vape Without Getting A Dry Socket?

Dentists do not advise using a vape after getting a tooth extracted. This is because vaping can cause a condition called dry socket. In this condition, a good-quality blood clot fails to form inside the extracted tooth socket, thereby delaying healing. 

But what is the link between vaping and dry sockets? According to Healthline, nicotine in vape formulas restricts blood flow to the extraction socket, increasing the risk of a dry socket. Besides, there are various toxins in vaping formulas that significantly increase your risk of this complication. So, it is not recommended to use a vape after having one’s tooth extracted. 

Why Does Vaping Cause Bad/Sour Breath?

Some ingredients of vape formulas, such as propylene glycol, can cause a condition called dry mouth. In this condition, there is a reduced flow or production of the saliva resulting in incomplete cleaning of the oral cavity. As a result, plaque and tartar deposits form on the teeth which can lead to bad breath and other complications such as gum disease

How Can Dry Mouth Affect Your Oral Health?

One of the functions of saliva is to bathe our teeth and clean them. Frequent vaping or smoking restricts the production or flow of saliva, resulting in plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth. These deposits can cause various complications such as gum disease, bad breath, and even tooth loss. 

Can A Heavy Smoker Do A Dental Implant?

Heavy smokers have a higher risk of developing gum disease than non-smokers. In the advanced stages of gum disease, there is extensive bone loss in the jaws. Since the success of implant therapy is directly dependent on the quality and volume of the available jawbone, smokers tend to have a higher risk of implant failures than non-smokers. 

If smokers need a tooth implant, they should cut down on their habit and ensure optimal oral hygiene for some time to allow for the healing of the damaged tissues. Once optimal healing has taken place, their dentist will proceed with the implant placement procedure. However, smoking should be avoided even after implant placement as it can hamper the healing process.  

Why Doesn’t Smoking Affect Celebrities’ Teeth?

Vaping can cause inflammation of the gums and teeth staining, even in celebrities. However, these signs are not visible in celebrities because they mask these defects with cosmetic dental treatment. But one thing that should be kept in mind is that this type of cosmetic dental treatment is not the solution. It will only mask the issue. In fact, cosmetic dental treatment should not be done when someone is suffering from gum disease. So, the best solution is to restrict the habit of smoking or vaping. 

If you are concerned about your oral health due to smoking and are looking for the best dentist in Essex, your best option is to visit Harrow Dental Practice and Dental Implant Centre. We offer the highest-quality services to our esteemed patients. Whether you have teeth stains or bad breath due to smoking, our experienced dentists will take care of it. So, click here to make an enquiry and let us take care of the rest. 

Black Lines On Teeth: Causes & Treatments

If you observe that the base of your teeth is black or if they have black lines on them, it could be due to an underlying dental issue. More importantly, black lines around teeth can severely affect one’s smile and self-confidence. If you are also concerned about the black lines around your teeth, you have come to the right place. 

This blog discusses everything you need to know about black teeth lines and their management. So, read on to learn more about how to prevent black lines on teeth and their management. 

What Is Tooth Discolouration?

Discolouration of the teeth can occur due to various reasons. The two most common causes of tooth discolouration are eating strong-coloured foods and tartar formation. Besides, tooth staining can also occur because of intake of excessive fluoride or tetracycline during tooth development. Similarly, the treatment of tooth discolouration also depends on the underlying cause.  

What Causes Dark Black Stains On Teeth?

Black stains, spots, or lines on the teeth can form due to various reasons. Some of them are:

  • Plaque and Tartar Build up – one of the most common causes of black lines around teeth is the staining of long-standing tartar deposits
  • Dental Cavities – Sometimes, untreated dental cavities can get stained and appear as black spots
  • Beverages and Drinks – strong-coloured foods and drinks can also result in the black staining of the teeth. 
  • Dental Fluorosis – according to the American Dental Association, fluorosis is a condition characterised by the appearance of faint white lines on the teeth. These lines occur due to excessive fluoride intake during tooth development. Over time, these white lines get stained and may appear brownish or black. 

Do Black Lines On Teeth Mean Cavities?

There could be many reasons for the appearance of black lines on teeth. One of them is tooth cavities. If you observe black lines around your teeth, you should visit your dentist for a checkup. They will perform a detailed clinical examination and look at the x-ray images of your teeth. If the lines are caused by tooth decay, they will remove the damaged tooth portion and replace it with a white filling

What Causes A Black Spot On A Human Gum Near A Tooth?

Like teeth, there could be several causes for the appearance of black spots on the gums. For example, it could be due to a foreign object stuck between the gums, or because of high levels of melanin which makes the gums appear darker. According to Healthline, black lines on the gums can also occur due to bruises or moles. 

How To Remove Black Lines Around The Crown Of A Tooth?

The treatment of black lines around teeth depends on the underlying cause. If the lines are due to tartar deposition, your dentist will perform professional teeth cleaning to remove them. Similarly, if the formation of black lines is due to tooth decay, your dentist will treat it by removing the damaged tooth portion and replacing it with a suitable filling material. 

How To Prevent A Tooth From Turning Black?

The best way to prevent lines from forming on your teeth is to maintain optimal oral hygiene. By brushing and flossing regularly, you are preventing plaque and tartar buildup on your teeth, which is one of the most significant causes of teeth lines and gum disease. Moreover, you should visit your dentist regularly, so that any underlying oral health problems that may cause black lines on teeth can be addressed timely. 

What Is The Black Stuff Between Teeth?

If you observe something black between your teeth while brushing and flossing, it could be due to tartar buildup. The tartar between our teeth gets stained over time and becomes dark brown or black. This is why the space between two teeth appears black. It could also be due to a black-coloured foreign object over a food particle lodged between two teeth. Regardless, if you observe that the space between your teeth appears black, you should consult your dentist without delay. 

How To Get Rid Of Black Lines In Your Teeth?

As mentioned earlier, the management of lines around teeth depends on the underlying cause. If the lines are due to dental tartar, your dentist will treat them by performing professional teeth cleaning. Similarly, if the lines are caused by teeth staining, they will be removed through professional teeth whitening. Finally, permanent black lines will be treated through cosmetic dental procedures such as composite bonding or porcelain veneers

I’ve Got Black Lines On My Molar, Not Sure What It Is?

If you have black lines on the chewing surface of your molar teeth, it could be due to food impaction in the pits and fissures of the tooth which turn black over time. However, there is no need to worry. In most cases, these lines won’t cause any harm to your teeth. The main cause of these lines is poor oral hygiene. By simply improving your oral hygiene routine through regular brushing and flossing, you can prevent these black lines. 

If you’re looking for a good dental practice that will take care of your entire family’s dental health, then Harrow Dental Practice and Dental Implant Centre should be your first choice. We have a team of highly qualified and trained dentists who will take care of all your dental problems and ensure that you enjoy a healthy and lasting smile. So, click here to make an enquiry and let us take it from there. 

How To Fix A Chipped Front Tooth?

A chipped front tooth is not just an aesthetic problem, it can also cause difficulty in eating and speech. People with chipped or stained front teeth often avoid speaking or smiling in public as they feel shy and under-confident. If your chipped front teeth prevent you from smiling publically, here’s your chance to enjoy your dream smile. This article discusses all the treatment options for fixing chipped teeth. So, don’t forget to read till the end. 

I Chipped My Front Tooth, Do I Need To Fix It?

The most important issue with a front chipped tooth is the compromised facial aesthetics. Not only this but one’s speech and chewing efficiency may also be compromised. So, it is best to get one’s chipped tooth fixed without delay. Your dentist will assess the extent of the damage and prepare a treatment plan based on it. 

Is A Cracked Tooth A Dental Emergency?

A cracked or chipped may turn into a dental emergency when the crack extends into the pulp tissue of the tooth. The pulp is rich in nerves and blood vessels and if it gets exposed due to crack, it can result in severe pain creating a medical emergency. Moreover, the exposed pulp tissue may get inflamed over time resulting in severe infection requiring root canal treatment. 

What Are My Options For Repairing A Badly Chipped Front Tooth?

There are several options available to repair a badly chipped front tooth. The simplest option is to repair the damaged tooth portion with composite bonding. Alternatively, a porcelain or composite veneer can be placed over the tooth to mask the aesthetic defect. Finally, if the damage is extensive, your dentist may consider placing a crown over the tooth. The crown will not only restore the aesthetics but also reinforce the tooth. 

Is It Possible To Regrow A Broken Permanent Front Tooth?

It is not possible to grow back a permanent front tooth once it gets damaged. So, the only option to restore the aesthetics and structure of a broken tooth is to place a filling over it or restore it using a veneer or crown. 

Can Fractured Teeth Be Saved?

It is possible to save fractured teeth. However, it depends on the extent of the fracture. Even if the crack results in the exposure of the underlying pulp, the tooth can still be saved with a root canal procedure. However, according to the American Association of Endodontists, a tooth cannot be saved if the crack extends below the gumline. Your dentist will perform a detailed clinical examination and look at the X-ray images of the affected tooth to assess the extent of the damage. 

Is It Possible To Fix A Chipped Tooth Without Getting A Crown?

It is not necessary to restore all cracked teeth using dental crowns. Instead, your dentist will consider a crown when the damage is extensive and the restored tooth needs reinforcement. Dental crowns are typically required in the back teeth that have undergone a root canal procedure following a fracture. Teeth tend to become brittle after root canal treatment and are more prone to fracture. Your dentist will place a crown over such teeth to prevent 

Does A Root Canal Fix A Fractured Tooth?

A root canal procedure is not a treatment for a fracture. Instead, a root canal is performed when a tooth fracture exposes the underlying pulp tissue. According to the Oral Health Foundation, a root canal procedure involves removing the inflamed pulp tissue from inside the tooth and replacing it with an inert material. So, a root canal does not fix a fractured tooth. Instead, it is performed to treat pulp inflammation caused by the fracture. 

Can I Get A Chipped Tooth Fixed While Having Braces?

It is possible to repair a chipped tooth even if it has an orthodontic bracket on it. If the fracture is below the surface where the bracket is bonded, the process is straightforward. Your dentist will simply repair the damaged tooth structure with composite bonding.

On the other hand, if the damage extends into the region where the bracket is bonded to the tooth, your dentist may have to remove the bracket first. Afterwards, they will restore the damaged tooth portion, followed by bonding the bracket to the tooth. 

Is Getting Your Teeth Fixed Worth It?

Regardless of the type of damage, getting one’s teeth fixed is always beneficial. First, tooth restoration results in optimal facial aesthetics and improvement in one’s self-confidence. Secondly, restored teeth have superior chewing efficiency than chipped or fractured ones. Finally, damaged teeth may make optimal cleaning difficult, leading to complications such as tooth decay and gum disease. Restoring damaged teeth also helps prevent these complications. 

How Do Dentists Fill A Tooth Chip?

Dentists have various treatment options available to fix chipped teeth. The simplest and most commonly used treatment option is composite bonding. If superior aesthetics are required, your dentist may consider restoring the damaged tooth using porcelain or composite veneers. Similarly, if there is extensive damage due to chipping, your dentist will reinforce the tooth with a crown after restoring it with composite bonding. 

Are you looking for the best dentist in Essex for restoring chipped or grossly damaged teeth? Look no further. Harrow Dental Practice and Dental Implant Centre is the best place to go for all your general dentistry and cosmetic dental needs. No matter how complex your cosmetic dental issue is, our dental team will have a solution for it. So, click here to make an inquiry and let us take it from there. 

How Long Do Dental Implants Last? Factors To Consider

Tooth loss is becoming a growing concern in the UK. According to the Oral Health Foundation, over 71% of British adults have at least one tooth missing. Similarly, the Adult Oral Health Survey 2021 showed that almost 5% of the people in the UK have lost all their teeth. Unfortunately, even a single missing tooth can cause various oral and physical health complications, besides affecting one’s smile and facial aesthetics. If you have also lost one or more natural teeth, dental implants are the best tooth replacement option. 

But what are dental implants and how long do they last? You may ask! Don’t worry, we will provide answers to all your dental implant-related questions in this blog. So, continue reading to learn everything you need to know about implants for teeth. 

What are Dental Implants?

According to the American Academy of Periodontology, an implant is a screw-shaped titanium fixture placed into the jawbone. Dental implants serve as artificial roots and anchor themselves firmly in the jawbone to provide a strong foundation for the false teeth attached to it. Since dental implants are placed in the jaws just like natural teeth, they are considerably more durable and functionally efficient than other tooth replacement options such as bridges or dentures. 

How Long Do Dental Implants Take To Heal?

When considering dental implants for tooth replacement, you might be wondering about the time required for healing after implant surgery. The answer is that your dentist will perform the tooth implant surgery in two or more stages. In the first stage, they will surgically insert the implant within the jawbone. Afterwards, the surgical site will be left untouched for 4 – 6 months to ensure that healthy bone forms around the implant. So, only after about 6 months of implant placement will your dentist load it with a suitable prosthesis for tooth replacement.

What Is The Lifespan Of A Well-Treated Dental Implant?

Dental implants are by far the most durable option for replacing missing teeth. According to the Oral Health Foundation, well-looked-after and well-treated dental implants can last a lifetime. On the other hand, the risk of implant failure is significantly higher when they are placed by novice dentists. So, if you want to maximise the lifetime of your implants, you should go to an experienced and qualified dentist. 

How Many Days Does It Take To Implant A Tooth?

The surgical process of placing an implant into the jawbone, also called implantation, can be completed in a single sitting. However, it may take up to 6 months for the implant surgical site to heal properly and promote sufficient bone formation around it. So, placing an implant does not take long, but your dentist will wait for a few months before they will load it with a suitable prosthesis. 

Are Dental Implants Safe For My Long-Term Oral Health?

Dental implants have become the most sought-after tooth replacement option in the UK. This is because of their excellent durability, the ability to restore one’s facial aesthetics, and more importantly, their biocompatibility. Dental implants are made of titanium alloys, making them suitable for implantation in the oral cavity without the risk of adverse effects or an allergic reaction. So, if you’re looking for the safest tooth replacement option, you should consider dental implants. 

Do All-On-4 Dental Implants Last Forever?

An all-on-four implant is a prosthesis used for replacing all missing teeth in a jaw using tooth implants. It consists of four implants placed in each jaw that support a complete fixed bridge. Since the all-on-4 prosthesis is supported by dental implants, it provides excellent stability and is significantly more durable than the other tooth replacement options such as dentures and bridges. With proper care, you can expect your all-on-4 implant-supported teeth to last a lifetime. 

What Happens If You Don’t Get Dental Implants?

Not everyone needs a tooth implant. They are needed for only those individuals who have lost one or more teeth. However, if you don’t get an implant even if you have missing teeth, it can lead to various complications. First, bone tissue around the missing tooth starts to degrade, making the jawbone brittle and fracture-prone. Secondly, this bone degradation can also cause significant facial structural and aesthetic changes. Finally, it becomes challenging to eat and speak properly when one has one or more missing teeth. So, it is advisable to replace one’s missing teeth as soon as possible. 

What Should I Do If I Get An Infection After Dental Implants?

An infection around an implant is called peri-implantitis. This condition typically occurs when a dentist hasn’t ensured optimal infection control or if they have applied too much during implant placement. If you feel that you have an infection around the implant site – which is characterised by pain and swelling – you should consult your dentist immediately. 

Do I Have To Get My Implants Replaced After 10 Years?

It is not necessary to have your tooth implants replaced after 10 years. In fact, most dental implants last for a lifetime if they are looked after properly. You can consider tooth implants as the next best thing to natural teeth. 

Why Would You Need A Dental Implant?

When considering tooth implants, it is advisable to seek the services of a specialist implant dentist. Why? Because implant dentists have obtained additional training and qualifications in replacing missing teeth with implants. This means that they are better equipped to perform implant procedures with minimal risk of adverse effects or complications. 

If you are looking for the best implant dentist practice in Essex London, Harrow Dental Practice and Dental Implant Centre is your best option. We take pride in having one of the best dental professionals and equipment in town, to ensure that you get the most out of your implant treatment. Click here to make an enquiry regarding tooth implants and let us take care of all your dental needs. 

Is Composite Bonding The Solution For Crooked Teeth?

Cosmetic bonding is one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments in the UK. It is not only used for restoring grossly damaged and permanently stained teeth but also for cosmetically fixing crooked teeth. If you or a loved one has misaligned teeth and you’re searching for treatment options, you might be wondering whether composite bonding is a solution for crooked teeth, or should go for orthodontic treatment.

If you are stuck between choosing bonding or braces for crooked teeth treatment, then this blog is for you. In this blog, you will learn everything about bonding and how it can be used for the treatment of crooked teeth. So, continue reading. 

What Is Tooth Bonding?

Did you know that over 75% of the population have at least one filling, most of which are bonded restorations? According to the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, bonding is a restorative procedure in which your dentist will apply a tooth-coloured filling material over damaged, permanently stained, or crooked teeth to restore their structure and aesthetics. Dental bonding has become so much popular in the UK that it is routinely used for smile makeovers and cosmetic dentistry treatment. 

Can A Cosmetic Dentist Fix A Crooked Tooth?

The most effective and long-lasting treatment option for crooked teeth is orthodontic treatment. This is because braces or Invisalign aligners address the underlying issue and optimally align the teeth. This not only helps restore one’s smile and facial aesthetics but also optimises oral health and physical well-being. 

However, metal braces or clear aligners are not the only option for crooked teeth treatment. If someone does not want to wait for many months to get their teeth straightened, they may contact their cosmetic dentist for aesthetic treatment. In such treatment, a cosmetic dentist will address the aesthetic problem by using cosmetic bonding or porcelain veneers. However, the underlying issue will not be solved. 

So yes, a cosmetic dentist can fix a crooked tooth. However, if someone has multiple crooked teeth, then they should consider orthodontic treatment as a long-term solution. 

Is Composite Bonding A Good Option For My Teeth?

Composite bonding is routinely used by dentists for treating a variety of restorative and cosmetic dental issues. So, if you have crooked, chipped, or permanently stained teeth, you may consider getting them restored with composite bonding. Besides, composite bonding is safe and carries minimal risk of side effects. So yes, composite bonding is a good option for restoring damaged teeth. 

Do Veneers Straighten Teeth Just Like Braces?

Both veneers and braces can be used to fix crooked teeth. However, both treatment options work differently. While braces fix crooked teeth by moving and realigning them, veneers only fix the cosmetic issue and do not address the underlying problem. So, veneers do not straighten teeth like braces, they only restore facial aesthetics. 

Does Cosmetic Dentistry Include Braces?

Cosmetic dentists these days use invisible braces such as ceramic, lingual braces or clear aligners for the treatment of orthodontic issues. This is because all these orthodontic treatment options are inconspicuous and don’t affect one’s smile and appearance. So, if someone is looking for an aesthetically pleasing option for fixing their crooked teeth, they may consider Invisalign clear aligners or ceramic braces. 

Can I Get Dental Bonding Instead Of Braces?

In some cases, mild to moderate orthodontic issues such as overcrowding or spacing can be fixed with cosmetic bonding. However, as mentioned earlier, bonding only provides a cosmetic solution and does not address the underlying issue of misalignment. So, it is possible to fix crooked teeth with bonding instead of braces. It is better to restore facial aesthetics and optimal tooth alignment using braces or clear aligners. 

Can I Get Composite Bonding On Crowded Teeth?

Mild to moderate cases of tooth overcrowding can be cosmetically fixed with cosmetic bonding. However, bonding does not restore optimal tooth alignment and is not as long-lasting as orthodontic treatment. So, if you are looking for a long-term solution for your crowded teeth, you should consider orthodontic treatment. 

What Should I Do If I Have Gaps In My Teeth?

If you have gaps between your teeth, the best solution is orthodontic treatment. Thanks to modern dentistry, there are several orthodontic treatment options available to fix teeth gaps, such as metal braces, ceramic and lingual braces, or Invisalign clear aligners. Your dentist will suggest the most suitable treatment option for you after a thorough clinical examination. 

Can You Fix A Gap Without Braces?

As mentioned earlier, the best option for fixing teeth gaps is braces and clear aligners. However, it is possible to treat teeth gaps without the use of braces or clear aligners. Such treatment involves cosmetic dentistry procedures such as veneers or cosmetic bonding. 

So, if someone has mild to moderate teeth spacing, and they are not willing to wear braces or aligners, they may consider getting their problem cosmetically fixed with bonding or porcelain veneers. However, not everyone is a suitable candidate for cosmetic restoration of teeth gaps. Your dentist will suggest cosmetic bonding for treating your teeth gaps after a thorough clinical examination. 

Are you looking for the best dentist in Hornchurch for the treatment of teeth gaps? Look no further. Harrow Dental Practice offers all cosmetic dentistry, orthodontic, and general dentistry solutions under one roof. We also take pride in having the most qualified and experienced dentists in town to care for all your dental issues. So, click here to make an enquiry about teeth straightening or cosmetic dentistry. We look forward to serving you. 

Benefits Of Straight Teeth: Health, Beauty, & Confidence

Our teeth are important for various reasons. They allow us to eat and speak, but more importantly, they make us look beautiful. However, only perfectly aligned and stain-free teeth make us look pretty. A survey by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry showed that people who had straight teeth were perceived prettier, friendlier, and more approachable than those with crooked teeth. So, having a straight set of teeth has many benefits. 

If you or a loved one has misaligned teeth and are wondering how beneficial it would be to straighten them, then this blog is for you. So, continue reading to learn about all the benefits of having straight teeth. 

How Important Are Straight Teeth In Society?

From society’s point of view, having straight and pearly white teeth means that you will be perceived as more confident, approachable, and attractive than those with misaligned teeth. This alone is a huge social advantage. According to another survey by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), 45% of the respondents believed that a smile is the most attractive feature in people, regardless of age. 

What Are The Benefits Of Having Perfectly Straight Teeth?

As mentioned earlier, straight teeth have many advantages. Let us discuss them in detail:

  • Functional Benefits – straight teeth allow for optimal chewing and digestion. So, we can expect that people with optimally aligned teeth will have better physical health than those with crooked teeth. 
  • Oral Health Benefits – straight teeth are easier to clean. That is why, people with properly aligned teeth have a considerably lower risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Besides, people with properly aligned teeth have better digestion and immunity. As a result, they are more resistant to the development of various medical and dental diseases. 
  • Aesthetic Benefits – straight teeth make people look attractive and prettier. No matter how attractive your facial features are, you can’t appear beautiful unless you have a set of straight and milky white teeth. 

Should Crooked Teeth Be Straightened?

Yes, crooked teeth should be straightened. Why? Because they offer several functions, health, and aesthetics-related benefits over misaligned teeth. So, as soon as one grows all their natural teeth, they should consider straightening them with braces or clear aligners.  

Are Braces Attractive?

Many people find traditional metal braces unattractive. This is because they have a conspicuous metallic appearance that significantly affects facial aesthetics. Besides, metal braces can also cause oral soft tissue injuries. 

However, there are other, less conspicuous braces available that can be used for teeth straightening, such as lingual braces and tooth-coloured ceramic braces. So, if you are avoiding metal braces due to their unaesthetic appearance, you may consider ceramic braces or Invisalign clear aligners. 

Are Uneven Teeth Unattractive?

Some people may find uneven teeth attractive. However, the majority of people find misaligned or uneven teeth unattractive. This is because uneven teeth affect the symmetry of the entire face and can significantly change one’s appearance and smile. That is why we find Hollywood celebrities – who have straight teeth – attractive and charming. So, if someone wants to appear attractive, they should have straight and perfectly aligned teeth. 

What’s Embarrassing About Crooked Teeth?

People with crooked teeth often avoid smiling or speaking in front of people. This is because they feel embarrassed about their crooked teeth. Another reason for feeling embarrassed about misaligned teeth is that most crooked teeth get stained due to insufficient cleaning and affect one’s facial aesthetics. Overall, crooked teeth can significantly lower one’s self-confidence and attractiveness, in addition to causing various health-related complications. 

Is It Possible To Treat Crooked Teeth With Invisalign?

Crooked teeth can be treated with various orthodontic treatment options, such as fixed braces and removable Invisalign clear aligners. Clear aligners have recently become the most sought-after option for straightening crooked teeth. This is because they are comfortable to wear and virtually invisible. So, they can be worn without affecting one’s smile and appearance. Besides, there is no food restriction with clear aligners and they allow for superior oral hygiene maintenance than fixed braces. So clear aligners are an excellent option for straightening crooked teeth. 

Will Braces Make Me Look Ugly?

Many people avoid getting braces due to their unaesthetic metallic appearance. When worn, metal braces are quite conspicuous and can affect one’s facial aesthetics. But, there is no need to worry. If you don’t want to get braces due to their conspicuousness, you can get your teeth straightened with Invisalign removable aligners. 

Invisalign aligners comprise a set of removable, tray-like, transparent appliances worn over the teeth. The aligners are designed such that they will exert pressure on your teeth and sequentially move them in the desired direction. Hence, each aligner tray will bring you one step closer to your dream smile. 

Besides, if you don’t want metal braces, you may also consider ceramic or lingual braces.

If you’re searching for the best orthodontic practice in Essex, your best option is Harrow Dental Practice. We offer all kinds of general and specialised dentistry services to our esteemed patients in a comfortable environment and at affordable rates. If you want to know more about orthodontic treatment and its benefits, you can download a voucher for virtual consultation and discuss your treatment options with our specialist dentists. So, what are you waiting for? Book an appointment with us today and let us give you a smile that you genuinely deserve. We look forward to serving you. 

How To Remove Facial Winkles Safely And Effectively?

We all know that facial wrinkles and creases can make one look older. However, a recent research study has shown that people with facial wrinkles are perceived as less attractive and less trustworthy than those with fresh, wrinkle-free skin. So, regardless of the underlying cause, facial wrinkles are an aesthetic problem that can negatively affect one’s personality and appearance. That is why, British women spent over £1.15 billion on facial skincare and rejuvenation. 

But how can one get rid of facial wrinkles safely and effectively? You may ask. We will answer this question in this blog. So, read on to learn more about facial wrinkle treatment options. 

What Is Botox, And How Does It Work To Reduce Wrinkles?

According to the NHS, Botox is a non-invasive cosmetic option. The procedure involves injecting a mild dose of botulinum toxin into the skin. The toxin causes local muscle relaxation, resulting in the smoothening of creases and wrinkles. 

How Does Botox Get Rid Of Wrinkles So Efficiently?

Contrary to surgical skin rejuvenation options, botox therapy is non-invasive and quite effective. This is because the botulinum toxin results in the relaxation of the muscles in the region where it is injected. As a result, the skin is relaxed and the wrinkles and creases in the area are smoothed out. This is why Botox has become one of the most popular facial cosmetic treatment options worldwide. According to statistics, over 7.3 million Botox injections were administered worldwide in 2022 alone. 

How Can I Get Rid Of Fine Lines On My Forehead?

There are many non-surgical cosmetic treatment options available to correct forehead lines. Botox therapy has the potential to smooth out fine lines on the forehead and restore one’s optimal facial aesthetics. Besides, dermal fillers can also be used to get rid of wrinkles and creases on the forehead and other areas. 

How To Get Rid Of The Wrinkles On My Eyelids?

Wrinkles around the eyelids, also called crow’s feet or canthal lines, resulting in an aged appearance. However, they don’t necessarily appear due to old age; they can also appear due to the influence of various facial expressions such as grief, chronic pain, and laughter. Due to their obvious effect on one’s facial appearance, people around the world seek treatment for this condition to look younger and more attractive. 

Crow’s feet can be treated in various ways. For example, some dermatological treatment options include exfoliation and peptide creams and retinol. Alternatively, botox therapy could also be used to remove wrinkles around the eyelids effectively. 

Is Botox The Temporary Wrinkle Solution?

Botox treatment involves injecting a mild dose of botulinum toxin under the skin. The toxin results in local relaxation of the muscles. As a result, creases and wrinkles are removed. However, this treatment option is not permanent and re-treatment may be needed after some time. 

How Is Botox For The Forehead Administered?

Botox is administered in the form of an injection below the skin. This treatment is done to smooth out vertical lines between the eyes that make one look older and unattractive. The infection causes the muscles around the forehead to relax, thereby eliminating facial creases, lines, and wrinkles. 

How To Extend The Life Of My Botox So I Can Get It Less Often?

The life of botox injections is dependent on various factors such as one’s diet and daily routine. The life of botox treatment can be extended by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and keeping oneself hydrated. 

Is Botox Safe?

One of the main concerns of prospective cosmetic treatment patients is whether Botox therapy is safe. According to the University of Utah Health, Botox injections are considered safe. Furthermore, there are very minor risks associated with this treatment and most of them are transient. 

What Are The Uses Of Botox Injections?

Botox comprises a mild toxin released by a bacterium called Clostridium tetani. This toxin, when injected in mild doses, causes local muscle paralysis. This is utilised in facial cosmetics to remove facial wrinkles, creases, and lines. So, Botox therapy is used for a variety of non-surgical cosmetic treatments worldwide. 

Can Botox Cause Cancer?

The idea that Botox could cancer is unsubstantiated and currently there is no evidence to link this type of treatment with the risk of cancer. Instead, a few studies have shown the positive role of botox injection in eliminating cancer cells. A research article stated that botox therapy could halt the growth of cancerous cells, thereby exhibiting anti-cancer properties. So, botox treatment is safe and does not carry the risk of cancer. 

If you live in London and are looking for the best place for non-surgical facial and cosmetic treatment, your best option is Harrow Dental in Hornchurch. Whether you need general dental services for your family, or you require cosmetic treatment, we provide all services under one roof at affordable rates. We also take pride in having the most qualified and experienced dental professionals who will take good care of your entire family’s dental and aesthetic needs. 

The secret behind our high-quality services is our top-notch dental team and the use of the best quality dental materials for treating our patients. So, if you are worried about your facial wrinkles or creases, or simply want cosmetic dental procedures such as bonding or veneers, let us help you. Book a free consultation with us today and let us take care of all your dental and cosmetic needs. 

What Does A Specialist Prosthodontist Do?

Dentistry is a vast field. A dental professional not only ensures that their patients enjoy optimal dental and physical health but also gives them an optimal smile and facial aesthetics. With time, dentistry has evolved tremendously and divided into many branches and specialties. 

Gone are the days when a single dental professional would perform all procedures. Today, dental professionals specialise in different fields to provide top-notch services to their patients—one such dental speciality. If your general dentist has just told you that you need to see a prosthodontist, you might be wondering about this speciality. But, there is no need to worry; this blog will explain everything you need to know about prosthodontics and what a prosthodontist does. So, read on to learn more. 

Who Is A Prosthodontist?

A prosthodontist is a dental professional who has obtained an additional 3 – 4 years of clinical training and experience in replacing missing teeth using prosthetic dental appliances. For example, if someone is missing one or more teeth, their prosthodontist will replace them with dental implants, teeth bridges, or removable dentures. Prosthodontists also replace missing teeth in people who have lost all their teeth using complete dentures or all-on-4 implant-supported complete fixed bridges. 

What Are The Advantages Of Seeing A Dental Specialist?

Many people wonder why is it necessary to visit a specialist dentist. The answer is that not all dental problems require seeing a specialist. For example,  a general dentist can easily treat common dental issues such as teeth cavities or mild gum disease. However, if someone has lost many teeth and does not have sufficient bone tissue available to support an implant, they should consult a specialist prosthodontist. Why? Because they are trained to perform specialised procedures to treat even the most complex cases. 

Is General Dentistry A Specialty?

General dentistry involves, the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of common dental problems. A general dentist performs various procedures such as teeth cleanings, dental fillings, and root canal procedures. In short, general dentistry provides basic dental treatment to help maintain one’s oral and physical health. 

Although general dentistry comprises a significant portion of procedures performed in dentistry, it is not recognised as a speciality. According to the Royal College of Surgeons of England, general dentistry is not among the list of dental specialities recognised in the UK.  

What Do You Call Someone Who Makes Dentures?

A denture is a prosthesis used for replacing missing teeth. A dentist who specialises in replacing missing teeth by using various prosthetic dental appliances, such as dentures, bridges, and dental implants, is a prosthodontist. According to the British Society of Prosthodontists, a prosthodontist is a professional who specialises in the replacement of missing teeth. So, if you or a loved one requires tooth replacement, you should consult a prosthodontist. 

What Are Periodontics, Paedodontics And Prosthodontics?

Periodontics, or periodontology is a branch of dentistry that relates to the treatment of problems involving tissues that surround our teeth, such as the gums, the fibres around our teeth, and the jawbone. On the other hand, a pedodontist or a paediatric dentist specialises in the treatment of dental problems in children. Finally, a prosthodontist is a dental professional who specialises in replacing missing teeth. So, all three are dental professionals. However, they have different specialities. Generally, dentists have to obtain an additional three or four years of clinical training in their chosen field before they are considered specialists. 

How Do I Choose The Right Dentist For Dental Implants

Prosthodontists are dental professionals who specialise in replacing missing teeth using various treatment options such as teeth bridges, removable dentures, and implant-supported overdentures. If you have lost one or more teeth and considering getting them replaced with dental implants, you might be looking for a prosthodontist near you. 

The first thing to consider when selecting a prosthodontist for dental implants is their skill and qualifications. You can check the register of dental specialists on the General Dental Council’s website to confirm whether the specialist you’re considering holds a recognised qualification. Another good way to select a prosthodontist is to check for the online ratings of your local prosthodontic practices. You should go with a practice that has 5-star ratings and state-of-the-art facilities and offers flexible payment plans. 

Prosthodontist Near Me, What Factors To Consider When Choosing One?

If you or a loved one is looking for a prosthodontist in Hornchurch, here are some tips that will help you select the best dental specialist in town. 

  • The Qualification and Experience – the more qualified and experienced a specialist is, the higher the quality of their treatment. 
  • The Location – a prosthodontist in a metropolitan area will have higher treatment costs than one in the suburbs. 
  • Services Offered – you should select a prosthodontic practice that offers all your required services under one roof. 
  • Treatment Costs – you should look for a prosthodontist in your area who offers flexible treatment plans in the form of easy affordable instalments. This will help you manage your expenses during implant therapy. 

When it comes to finding the best specialist prosthodontist in Hornchurch, your best option is Harrow Dental. We take pride in having specialist prosthodontists in our team who can treat even the most complex missing teeth problems. We also have state-of-the-art equipment that allows us to offer the highest-quality services in town. So, book an appointment with us today and let us restore your smile and oral health. 

Wisdom Tooth Removal – Frequently Asked Questions

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History notes that hundreds if not thousands of years ago, our third molar teeth were meant for chewing – but not anymore. With time, our jaws became smaller until they didn’t have enough room for the teeth that erupted the last – the wisdom teeth. This is one of the reasons why there are so many complications associated with wisdom teeth and why they need to be removed so commonly. 

If your dentist has told you they need to remove one of your wisdom teeth, you may have many questions about this procedure. This blog will provide all the information you need about wisdom teeth removal. So continue reading to find out more about this procedure. 

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

According to the British Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, wisdom teeth are the last ones that erupt in the jaw. These teeth are so-called because they come in the mouth at a time when one attains maturity – anywhere between 16 – 24 years of age. However, despite their name, wisdom teeth are associated with many issues. 

Why Do Dentists Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. However, those third molar teeth that frequently cause problems or those that may damage the neighbouring teeth should be removed. Some of the situations that require the removal of wisdom teeth are:

  • Pericoronitis – this is a painful condition in which the soft tissues around a partially erupted (impacted) wisdom tooth become inflamed. When pericoronitis occurs frequently, it is best to remove the affected wisdom tooth. 
  • Grossly Damaged Wisdom Teeth – if a wisdom tooth has become grossly damaged and cannot be restored, your dentist may consider removing it. 
  • Orthodontic Purposes –  Sometimes, wisdom teeth are extracted to create space and realign the remaining teeth with braces or clear aligners. 

What Are The Pros And Cons of Removing Wisdom Teeth?

Your dentist will consider all the pros and cons of removing impacted wisdom teeth before performing the procedure. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of wisdom teeth removal:

  • Pain Relief – removing a grossly damaged wisdom tooth will save from the severe pain and discomfort of pericoronitis. 
  • Preserve the Other Teeth – removing an infected wisdom tooth will prevent damage to the adjacent teeth. 
  • Optimal Tooth Alignment – sometimes, removing a wisdom tooth allows the remaining teeth to be aligned optimally with orthodontic treatment

What Is The Process For Removing Wisdom Teeth?

The procedure to remove your wisdom teeth is similar to that for the other teeth. Your dentist will first administer local anaesthesia to make you pain-free. Next, they will use elevators to break the fibres that attach your gums and jawbone to the tooth. Afterwards, they grip the tooth with suitable forceps and apply outwards force in a figure-of-eight manner. Once the tooth has become sufficiently loose, they will pull it out. 

In some cases, wisdom teeth are partially or completely impacted. In these cases, dentists perform a surgical resection to remove the tooth. This procedure raises a soft-tissue flap and the bone surrounding the tooth is slightly removed to create a vantage point for pulling the tooth out. Your dentist will use forceps to remove the tooth. Alternatively, they may break the tooth into pieces and take them out individually. 

Is 40 Too Old To Have Wisdom Teeth Removed?

As mentioned earlier, there is a set age for removing wisdom teeth and not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. Therefore, someone in their 40s may experience wisdom tooth pain and require its removal. So, wisdom tooth removal can be performed at any age, when needed. However, if a dentist observes that a wisdom tooth may cause problems later in life, they will extract it during the patient’s young age as healing will be quicker.  

How To Recover After Wisdom Teeth Surgery?

Wisdom tooth removal is a surgical procedure. It may take a few days for complete healing to take place. There are a few things one should take care of after wisdom tooth surgery:

  • Avoid hard and sticky foods as they dislodge the blood clot and cause dry socket
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol intake for a few days after the surgery 
  • Do not take very hot food items as they may dislodge the clot 
  • Do not touch the site of surgery with your tongue 
  • Apply an icepack on the affected side of the face to minimise the swelling and discomfort
  • Take an over-the-counter pain medication to relieve pain

What Should I Eat After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

Dentists recommend eating a soft diet after wisdom tooth removal. This is because a hard diet can dislodge the blood clot and interfere with the healing. Therefore, one should eat a soft diet comprising of cereals, porridge, and fruits for a few days after the surgery.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Near Me

Wisdom teeth removal is best done by an oral surgeon. Why? Because oral surgeons obtain additional training and experience in treating surgical problems related to the oral cavity. So, one can expect that wisdom tooth removal done by an oral surgeon will have fewer complications and healing will occur more quickly. 

If you are having problems with one of your wisdom teeth and would like to get it removed in Hornchurhc, your best option is Harrow Dental Practice. We offer the highest-quality dental services to our patients under one roof. So, book a free virtual consultation appointment today and let us take care of all your worries.