No Drill Dentistry With A Dental Laser

laser no drill dentistryFor many people, visiting the dentist’s office is nothing short of a nightmare. They would rather bear extreme toothache and discomfort, than dare step foot into a dental clinic.

According to the Oral Health Foundation, one in every third person in the UK has some form of dental fear, while one-eighth of the population suffers from extreme dental phobia. Similarly, it has been estimated that around 31% of UK citizens have untreated teeth cavities because they are afraid of going to their dentist, while another 29% suffer from dental pain for the same reason. 

Research has indicated that the fear of the needle and strange, frightening sound of the dentist drill are among common reasons why people avoid visiting their dentists – even at the cost of their oral health.

If you are also one of those individuals who dread the dental drill and tries to find any excuse to forgo a scheduled dental appointment, then there is good news for you.

Thanks to dental lasers, you don’t have to bear the dreadful sound of a dental drill anymore. You can simply relax on the dental chair, while your dentist performs treatment with a dental laser soundlessly – without the need for a drilling procedure. 

Not only have dental lasers started to replace the dental drills in dental offices, but they are also used by dentists to perform newer innovative treatment procedures. This article explains how you can benefit from lasers as a dental patient – especially if you do not like the sound of the dentist drill.  

Is Laser Whitening Better Than Dentist Home Kit?

Dental lasers have completely revolutionised how dentists perform teeth whitening. Not only laser-assisted whitening procedures require lesser time, but they also provide superior whitening results compared with other professional and at-home whitening procedures – that too in just one sitting. 

But how do lasers make teeth whitening more effective? Let us explain. Most whitening formulae containing a bleaching agent that penetrates into the tooth enamel and removes the stains. When dentists use lasers during professional whitening, they activate these whitening formulae which allow them to reach deeper into the tooth and remove more stains – thereby achieving a better aesthetic outcome. 

How Does A Laser At The Dentist Work?

Dentists use different types of lasers for performing various procedures.

  • One of the most common types of lasers is the one used for whitening teeth.
  • Other types of lasers are called the “hard-tissue lasers”, which are used as a replacement for the conventional dentists drilling procedure – to prepare teeth cavities for restoring damaged teeth.
  • Another type of lasers, the “soft tissue” lasers are used by dentists for performing procedures on soft tissues like the gums and lips. 

What Does The Dentist Use A Laser For?

Dental lasers have found a wide range of employability in the dental office. Apart from using them for whitening teeth, dentists may also use them for:


  • Hard Tissue Procedures  – these lasers are used for performing procedures on the dental hard tissues, like the teeth and the bones. Some examples of dental hard tissue procedures include cavity preparations, selective removal of jaw bone to remove an impacted tooth, and surgical tooth extraction. 
  • Soft Tissue Lasers – soft tissue lasers are used for procedures such which involve removal, or recontouring of oral soft tissues like the lips and the gums. For example, your dentist may use a laser for removing excessive tissue – a condition called gingival hyperplasia.


How Can A Laser Replace A Dentist Drill?

The word LASER is an acronym for “Light Amplification through Stimulated Emission of Radiation”. Simply put, lasers work by emitting high-power light energy which can be used for various purposes.

The amount of energy is so high that it can be used for cutting hard tissues like teeth and bones or to vaporise soft tissues like gums without causing significant bleeding.

Similarly, in the case of teeth whitening, a dental laser serves as a source of heat, leading to the activation of the bleaching agent. 

Why Is A Laser Good For People Scared Of The Dentist?

Dental lasers offer several benefits. These include:


  • Replacement for the Dental Drill – dental lasers are an excellent alternative to the dental drills. They are especially effective for individuals who are afraid of the sound of the drill and avoid dental treatment because of this. The dental drill works soundlessly, and therefore, can prove helpful while treating extremely frightened and apprehensive patients. 
  • Improved Healingdental lasers offer superior precision and surgical accuracy than conventional surgical instruments. As a result, surgical procedures performed on dental lasers cause lesser scaling, and they also heal more quickly. 
  • No Bleedingdental lasers also serve as cauterising agents during surgery – occluding blood vessels and stopping the bleeding. This gives a clearer view of the dentist so that they perform the surgery with more ease. 
  • Reduced Need for Anaesthesiadental lasers also reduces the pain experienced during treatment. Therefore, they require a lesser quantity of anaesthesia in comparison to conventional surgical procedures. 
  • Tooth Conservationowing to the high-precision of the lasers, dentists only remove the damaged tooth structure, while preserving the healthy tooth. As a result, the restored teeth are much stronger and serve for a longer duration.



In addition to the dentist drill, COVID infection has also made people afraid of visiting the dentist. However, there is no need to worry, as dentists are trained in ensuring the highest standards of sterilisation and cross-infection control. 

If you are in Sussex, and you’re looking for a dentist office which provides painless “drill-free” treatment in a comfortable and relaxing environment, then Harrow Dental Practice, Hornchurch is where you should go.

Our aim is to provide high-quality dental services and to allay the fears of our esteemed patients, especially the ones who are afraid of the dental drill.

Our friendly and gentle staff in Essex will ensure that you received the highest standard of dental care. Visit this link on our website, scroll down and fill the form to book an appointment with our treatment coordinators – to discuss your drill-free treatment options. 

Mouth Guards Everything You Need to Know

Mouth Guards Everything You Need to KnowWe are living in one of the most stressed-out times in the history of mankind. In fact, in a recent Gallup Global Emotions Report, the UK was 46th in the list of most positive countries. That’s not all. At least a third of the people interviewed suffered from stress.

The problem isn’t only that people are more stressed, but that stress harms our health. Stress can cause sleep problems, digestion problems, chest pains, headaches, grinding teeth, and more.

That’s where mouth guards come in handy. Maybe you are in a phase of your life where the stress you are feeling is unavoidable. It may pass soon, or it may not. But you can do something to ensure your teeth aren’t harmed by it.

When you are stressed out, you tend to clench your teeth and or grind your teeth at night. This may cause your teeth to wear down over time, resulting in issues with your increased sensitivity and tooth loss.

It’s not like a mouthguard for sleeping is hard to use or buy. Read on to see what mouth guards are and how you can use them to protect your teeth.

Over-the-Counter Mouth Guards vs. Custom-Made Mouthguard for Sport

Mouth guards aren’t only used for teeth grinders but also for athletes who wish to protect their teeth while playing contact high-impact sports, like football, lacrosse, or cricket.

There are two different ways you can get a mouth guard that works for you. You could buy an over-the-counter mouth guard that isn’t custom-built for you but is a generic size-fits-all kind.

Some of them can be used right out of the packet, which is fine if you have a standard-sized mouth (but who really does).

There are others that are boil-and-bite, in which you boil the mouth guard and then bite down on it to customize it to your mouth. With the over-the-counter mouth guards, you are not assured of a complete fit in your mouth.

It could result in issues if you have to wear them for long periods of time, where your mouth guard starts bumping against your lips, tongue, or palate, causing discomfort.

The other option is to go to a professional dentist and get a custom mouth guard built for your mouth.

It will be much more comfortable to use, and bonus, if your teeth move around and things get uncomfortable, you can go back to your dentist to get your mouth guard adjusted.

Perfect Fit Mouth Guards

If you are buying a mouth guard for a child whose mouth is still growing and constantly changing, then a custom mouth guard is the way to go.

This way, the mouth guard can be adjusted every few weeks to accommodate your growing child’s mouth.

There are four ways to tell if your mouth guard is a perfect fit for you or not:

1. It shouldn’t make you gag, and if it does, then it isn’t a perfect fit

2. Your mouth guard should fit in your mouth without you clenching your teeth or mouth against it

3. It should fit over part of your gums so that it is protecting that area as well

4. Your mouth guard shouldn’t interfere with your speech or breathing

If the four points above don’t apply to your mouth guard, then you are good to go.

How Do Mouth Guards Work for Sleeping

There is a condition called Bruxism, which includes both teeth clenching and teeth grinding, which could be stress-related. Bruxism can wear down your teeth over time, so a night mouth guard is used to prevent that from happening.

Usually, these mouth guards for teeth grinding are worn while you are asleep so that when you do clench or grind your teeth, you don’t wear down your teeth over time.

The grinding mouth guard forms a sort of soft plastic barrier between your top and bottom teeth so that you can’t grind them against each other, and thus protect them from wear and tear.

If you have sleep apnea or you are a snorer, there are mouth guards available for you as well. Also, people with braces can wear mouth guards, but those would have to be custom-built by your dentist or orthodontist.

Do Mouth Guard Go on Top or Bottom

If you are using a mouth guard for protecting in high-impact sports, then it would cover your upper teeth only. But you can get a custom mouth guard that would cover your bottom teeth as well.

For teeth grinders, a night mouth guard goes on your bottom teeth because that gives the best results. But if you cannot wear a night guard on your bottom teeth for some reason, then a dentist can make a custom night guard for your upper teeth.

Dental Night Guard Side-Effects

The side effects of a dental night guard are minimal and are usually worth the benefits of a night guard.

In general, if your custom night guard is causing your discomfort, irritation, or pain, go to your dentist, and they will be able to adjust it for you.

Some other side effects that could happen are shifting teeth, jaw misalignment or pain, poor fit, causing soreness, pain, or pressure.

These might be your mouth getting used to a strange item, or it could be a bigger problem that needs to be fixed. It’s always a good idea to go back to your dentist and ask for a readjustment.

If you are uncomfortable with your night guard, you won’t use it, and that negates the whole point of it.

Good Oral Health Could Mean Using a Mouth Guard to Protect Your Teeth

Sometimes life comes at you fast, and there’s no way to go around it. When the stormy seas abound, and your body is taking the brunt of it, using mouth guards is a great idea to protect your teeth from further damage.

Having strong pearly whites in your old age is everyone’s ideal.

If you would like to get a custom mouth guard, book a free Zoom consultation with our dental practice today!

How to Get Over Fear of a Dentist Drill

Trauma translates, and if you are a person who experiences anxiety or struggles with phobias, it’s possible that you’ve had a traumatic experience at the dentist or otherwise.

We talk about our child-brain in the mental health field as it directly relates to the way we react to external stimuli as adults.

As kids, the dentist was a terrifying place to go. And for so many of us, even decades later, it is an anxiety-inducing experience.

This fear can deter folks from the necessary dental work. Overcoming dentist drill phobia is the only route that can produce long term, healthy results.

How Does Dentistry Work?

Dentistry is the practice of diagnosing and treating issues related to teeth, gums, and other mouthparts.

Dentists are also educators who teach their patients how to make choices that positively affect their oral health. Dentistry is everything from removing decay from teeth and filling cavities to prescribing medications.

Dentists have a range of tools and equipment they use to care for our teeth. They can range from X-ray machines to mouth mirrors, to probes and forceps.

Modern technology is a gift that keeps on giving. If you find yourself in a position where drilling is not an option for you, you have options.

Depending on the treatment needed, drill-less technology is a less invasive option. Waterlase laser dentistry gets the job done by using a mix of light lasers and water sprays to address a boundless array of treatments.

The relief that Waterlase has provided to patients of all needs has been incredible. Now, more than ever, folks who were tough to get in the door over the years are showing up.

Cutting down treatment times, gentle application, and reduced post-op issues are just some of the benefits of drill-less technology. That alone is worth everyone’s time.

The Waterlase approach can also treat crown lengthening, gingivectomy/gingivoplasty, osteoplasty/osteomy, removal of hard tissue, and laser removal of damaged soft tissue.

The versatility of this tool can make dental treatment much more approachable to folks with dental phobias. Recognizing the industry cares enough to put in place something reachable speaks volumes.

Why Do Dentists Drill Before Filling?

Part of the stress of dentist anxiety comes from the sounds we hear in the chair. The sound of the drill is often the most anxiety-inducing part for people. Sound can affect our neurology, and it can transport us in time.

Dentists have to drill before they fill a cavity to loosen. This removes decaying enamel. This can ease an exposed nerve or bacteria settling into the deeper area of your root. Leaving this bacteria can lead to extreme health complications down the road.

Many people report that the sound of teeth drilling is disarming. The word, “drill”, is just as dysregulating. If someone has experienced dental trauma, they will likely have unpredictable symptoms while undergoing treatment. These symptoms can look different for everyone.

Phobias can take a severe toll on people’s lives. When we understand the weight of phobia, we can be better equipped to treat it from a place of compassion and understanding. Dentists and their support team are familiar with dental phobia.

Your dentist having transparent conversations with you before your visit is crucial. Identifying needs and stressors can make your visit more manageable. Even if some folks have mild anxiety, this could be the difference between not going back to the dentist or having those healthy, routine check-ups.

Some practices will go above and beyond to comfort their patients. They’ll get their patients familiarized with what tools will be used and what they’ll do. Showing them the process, offering a mirror so they can see, and especially answering questions they may have along the way will ease anxiety.

How To Overcome The Sound And Fear Of The Dentist Drill

If you’ve ever had a poor experience at the dentist, it may have been due to improper numbing. Once you are numbed, you should feel zero pain. However, dentists, just like doctors and other professionals, aren’t infallible. A human error is just that; human.

While the effort of your dentist to provide a sense of safety and confidence in you is deeply appreciated, it may not be enough to help you through a panic or anxiety attack.

A series of these experiences can no doubt set us up for failure. Processing the fear and stress associated with that experience can be a difficult task, and asking for help may feel as tall as Mount Everest.

One of the best ways to overcome the sound of the dentist drill is to wear headphones to your visit. Maybe even make a relaxing playlist for the occasion, be intentional with the genre. This way, you can drown the music out during the drill usage.

The Community Resiliency Model (CRM) is another great coping mechanism developed by the trauma institute. It is a compilation of regulation tools and coping skills; It will fill your toolbox with what it needs to weather a biological storm.

When we are experiencing stress and anxiety, our brain sends signals to different parts of our body. It begins with our cortisol level rising. You may notice when you are anxious, that you experience heart palpitations, clammy hands, or excessive sweating.

Whether through tracking, grounding, or identifying your resources- the CRM model and an awesome playlist can help you overcome the sound of the dentist drill.

Dentist Drilling During COVID-19

Living in the middle of a pandemic and needing in-person medical care can add to the stress of your dental appointment.

During Covid-19, you want to make sure the practice you’re connecting with has taken your safety seriously. A practice goes above and beyond the call of duty with full transparency about what to expect during your visit.

If you are needing dental work done amidst the pandemic, you may want to consider getting tested before your visit.

There are expectations in a place like waiting in your car, wearing a mask, and using your elbows instead of your hands. You can cut possible transmission questions about where you may have gotten sick.

Air purifying systems and heavy vacuum suction to remove aerosols and droplets is a must. You can feel safe knowing you’re connected to a practice that has everyone’s best interest at heart.

Word of Mouth

Every now and again you’ll see a one-star review amidst a sea of positive feedback. Generally, we can attribute this to a singularity. Something this person experienced had to do with miscommunication or something therein.

One of the ways we determine which products and services to use in this information age is through word of mouth. Reviews have become the highlight of how to make tough decisions. And when your dime, or life, is on the line- it is imperative that you consider what people are saying about this service.

The most honest way to process reviews is to take everything with a grain of salt and hang somewhere in the middle. If you notice plenty of folks giving 5-star reviews to a particular agency or service, with only one or two negative reviews, you’re probably in good shape to connect with them.

If you find the reviews are about 50/50, you may want to tread cautiously. You can’t put yourself in the hands of negligent providers when your health and wellness is on the line.

The Different Colors of Support

Traumatic stress responses happen at different stages of your life cycle. When it happens may determine if you carry an experience with you, and how greatly it affects your biology.

Even if you didn’t have a traumatic experience with a dentist visit growing up, that doesn’t mean your trauma responses aren’t showing up. Our brains can register fear and anxiety in the same way. So, if you had a traumatic car accident, it’s possible the same symptoms may show up when you have a close call on the road years later.

If you did have a traumatic experience around dental work, you can consider all sorts of different options to work toward neutrality. Putting in the work now can set you up for long-term success in self-regulation.

The ability to utilize those tools can prevent stressful situations from escalating. Moreover, your quality of life can improve as you navigate managing cortisol spikes.

Talk therapy is an incredible option for many people that provides the opportunity to unpack past experiences. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a great option. It focuses on re-framing intrusive thoughts, behaviors, and biological responses to psychological distress.

Another route could be to work with a trained professional on EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing). This approach is widely successful, too, and helps people create new, healthy neural pathways in their brains.

You Can Do This

Having an awareness of the different ways to approach the future of your relationship with your dental practice is key.

Awareness leads to action. The action you collaborate on with your dental team will help all parties involved. You may feel stressed about communicating this with your provider. That may be a sign to disengage and form a new relationship with a practice that can meet your needs with ease and care.

It is tough to advocate for your needs. In doing so, you forge a path to great habits that will serve you and everyone you interact with for the rest of your life. Dentist drill or not, you can do this.

If you feel unheard, misunderstood, or worried about the working relationship you have with your practice, get in touch with us.

Dental Implants Essex: How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Did you know that dentistry is one of the oldest careers, going back to 7,000 BC in the Indus Valley Civilization? Are you needing to head to the dentist for dental implants but want to understand more about the process?

In this article, we here at Harrow Dental Practice will walk you through all about dental implants, the different kinds available, and how long they last. Read on to discover why many are making the choice to say hello to implants to have their beautiful smile back!

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a replacement for teeth that are missing. They’re a good foundation for either removable or fixed teeth. High-quality dentists will always try to make your dental implants resemble your other teeth as much as possible.

Dental Implant Benefits

There are various benefits including easier eating, an improvement in appearance, comfort, and self-esteem. Dental implants are an improvement to your oral health as well since they don’t require supporting teeth as bridges do. Your other teeth won’t need to be altered to support your implant as bridges do.


Another reason patients love their implants is the convenience of them. You don’t have to worry about removing dentures or messy adhesives.

Bite Force

Since a tooth implant goes into where your tooth was before, this allows you to maintain the same bite that you had previously. Other replacement options won’t be as effective in restoring your tooth’s bite. This is due to them not being placed into your jaw.

Prevents Bad Changes

Having your teeth helps keep the facial structure of your face. When teeth are lost, it causes your face to lose the support it needs.

This can cause you to appear older than you are. Implants are similar to your natural teeth as far as support, and can help prevent it from changing its shape.

Natural Speech

Dentures can negatively impact your speech. Implants will allow you to have a more normal speech pattern.

Dental Implants for Seniors

You might be wondering if dental implants are the right choice for seniors, the answer is yes! Whether you’re 95 or 25, you deserve a smile that you love and will offer you more convenience with eating and comfort.

Instead of dentures which can cause more tooth and bone loss, choose implants. Dentures become loose over time which can make eating uncomfortable since your gums are sore from wearing the dentures.

There’s no such thing as too old for implants. Why suffer from trouble speaking and eating? You deserve to spend time with family and friends, and not feel uncomfortable.

Full Mouth Dental Implants

If you have most or all of your teeth missing, full mouth dental implants might be a great option for you. First, your implants will be placed in your jawbones, and they’ll act as a root replacement.

Why Full Mouth Dental Implants Might Be Right for Me?

Your dentist might recommend full mouth dental implants if they believe you’ll take good care of your oral hygiene after a procedure. Proper cleaning and flossing are vital after implants, you treat them like your other teeth.

You might be experiencing edentulism which means all of your natural teeth are missing. This is a way to ensure that you have a natural and beautiful smile.

Do you have bad or missing teeth? If your teeth are extremely damaged, your dentist might recommend full mouth dental implants as well.

How Long Does a Dental Implant Procedure Take?

Dental implants can be done in 4 appointments. For the first appointment, you come to Harrow Dental Practice in Hornchurch, Essex, for a consultation. You’ll meet the prosthodontist and cosmetic dentistry team.

The next visit to Essex you’ll receive the abutment and dental implant in place. Extractions can be done the same day as well. You’ll receive a temporary crown to allow your mouth to heal before receiving your replacement tooth.

The healing process can take between 8-10 weeks. This is important to ensure that your jaw bone is strong enough to hold your implant.

Visit 3 you’ll have impressions taken in our Essex office. This is so that you can have your dental crown fitting in your mouth properly. The dental crowns will match your other teeth.

Visit 4 will be your final fitting. You’ll have your brand new tooth/teeth in place.

After this appointment, you’ll want to visit your dentist for regular appointments to make sure you take care of your teeth properly. Dental hygienists are important as well.

Dental Implant Problems

As with any procedure, there’s a risk of dental implant problems. To minimize this risk, ensure that you go with a high-quality dental office that you can trust with plenty of experience, and who will use the proper equipment necessary. You’ll also need to take proper care of your dental implants as your other teeth to avoid other problems from surfacing.

1. Loose Implant

When the bone doesn’t fuse and grow with the implant, a loose tooth can occur. It’s known as osseointegration failure. Osseointegration is the process where the dental implant fuses with the bone.

If the process doesn’t happen properly, it can cause problems. The implant can fall out, become loose, or become uncomfortable.

Bone loss after an implant is another reason for a loose implant. Some bone loss is normal over the years, but it shouldn’t be enough to affect your implant.

2. Infection

In order to reduce your risk of an infection, take proper care of your gums. If you’re not sure about the proper way to brush or floss, speak with your dentist and dental hygienist who can help guide you.

If you have a bacterial infection in your gum you might need antibiotics to treat it. If it’s in the bone that may require removal of the infected bone tissue.

3. Nerve Damage

Choosing a high-quality dentist is vital, especially with avoiding nerve or tissue damage. Damage can lead to a decline in your quality of life. If you notice any nerve or tissue damage, get help straight away.

4. Peri-Implantitis

Peri-implantitis can take 5 years to cause symptoms. You might notice swelling or bleeding around the implant’s site. It’s due to chronic inflammation at your implant.

5. Sinus Issues

Sinusitis is a problem that causes swelling of the sinuses. Some symptoms are a blocked nose, bad breath, a toothache, sinus headaches, etc. This is a less common issue that’s found.

Avoiding Dental Implant Failure

First, take great care of your teeth and eat healthily. Fizzy drinks, junk food, and sugar can lead to tooth decay. Ensure that you have plenty of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

If you have a medical condition, speak with your doctor before starting dental implant treatment. Avoid smoking since that can cause infections, inflammation, and failure.

Make sure that you floss and brush everyday. Brush at least twice a day, and floss once a day.

How Long Do Dental Implants Take To Heal?

The healing process can take time, and varies from person to person. It’ll depend on whether you needed bone grafting, and if there’s a sinus lift involved.

Bone grafting is performed when there’s not enough bone height necessary for the implant. It usually takes about 6-8 months for implants to fully heal.

How Soon After Tooth Extraction Can You Have an Implant?

The good news is an implant can be fitted on the same day as your extraction. You’ll receive a temporary crown until your permanent crown is made and ready to be placed.

How Long Do Implants Last?

Correct aftercare is important to have implants long-lasting. To maintain long-term health of implants, keep your regular checkups with your dentist and dental hygienist.

Maintain excellent hygiene. Be mindful of what you’re eating and drinking throughout the day.

Are Dental Implants Painful?

There’s little to no discomfort during the procedure. Much less pain is involved in an implant than an extraction.

Local anesthesia is also an option as well. After the procedure you can use over-the-counter medications to help with the pain. After the procedure you might notice some discomfort for a few days.

What Is the Success Rate for Dental Implants?

The good news is dental implants are highly successful, up to 98%. They can last for the long-term as well by following the proper care mentioned above.

Dentures vs Dental Implants

Dental implants are becoming standard procedure for many dental offices since they’re more convenient and comfortable. Speak with your dental office, and see if dental implants are an option for you. This will help prevent the jaw bone damage that dental implants can lead to.

Exploring Dental Implants Essex

Now that you’ve explored dental implants Essex, you should have a better idea if dental implants are right for you or not. Are you dreaming of having a smile that you’ll love?

Dreaming of having a youthful smile back again? Please visit this page for a free consultation today.

Fixing an Overbite: Which is Better? Braces vs Invisalign

Is it really true that Brits have bad teeth? Stereotypes aside, we’re not actually doing that bad with our teeth and with advances in oral healthcare technology, care is getting more accessible.

Take overbites, for example. People have a couple of options for fixing their overbite. Traditional braces or Invisalign, the new kid on the block.

Let’s look at Invisalign vs braces to help you decide which method is right for you.

What Is an Overbite?

Overbites are actually quite common. They can range from being a slight inconvenience to seriously affecting both your appearance and your oral health. Many people have overbites so slight that they never notice them or feel the need to fix them.

Those that do, however, may notice:

  • Trouble eating, especially biting into foods
  • Pain in the jaw
  • Soreness in the face
  • Worn teeth or uneven teeth wearing
  • Damage to the roof of the mouth inflicted by the lower teeth

Overbites can be caused by several things including excessive thumb sucking or overuse of pacifiers as a child, nail-biting, or hereditary factors.

What Is Invisalign?

Most people are already familiar with traditional braces. Metal brackets are attached to your teeth and the wires between them put gentle pressure on your teeth to slowly move them to the desired position. Modern braces come in tooth colours to make them more discreet, or you can pick a bold colour to flash a brilliant smile in a different way.

Invisalign braces follow the same idea but is a lot more discreet. Instead of filling your mouth with metal, you get clear plastic trays that you pop in your mouth. Unlike braces, Invisalign can be removed to eat, although it is recommended to wear the trays for 23 hours a day. That means that if you want to indulge in popcorn one day, you can!

Without all the metal and wires, Invisalign is much more comfortable. You must always remember to take them out to eat or drink anything besides water and you have to brush after every meal to avoid staining. Some people find it difficult to summon the self-discipline to wear them as directed.

When it comes to the Invisalign vs braces cost, braces typically win out. However, if you choose extras like tooth-coloured braces, they can get more expensive.

Invisalign vs Braces Effectiveness for Fixing an Overbite

One of the biggest benefits of braces is that they can be used to treat virtually all kinds of serious bite problems. Invisalign is only effective for people with mild bite problems. In recent years, the treatment has been equipped with rubber band capabilities, which has made it more capable of correcting overbites. However, braces are still the most effective option for intense work.

Find an Orthodontist Today

The main thing to be aware of when choosing orthodontics is to choose a qualified orthodontist. Someone with lots of experience can help you compare Invisalign vs braces and choose the best option for you.

Ready to get started? Check out a free consultation with our orthodontist here at Harrow Dental Practice in Hornchurch today!

Does Invisalign Hurt?

If you’re considering getting your teeth aligned with Invisalign removable aligners, then you might be wondering whether clear aligner treatment will be painful. Well, like all other orthodontic treatment options, aligners may cause some discomfort. But here is the good news! They won’t be as painful as the conventional metallic, ceramic, or lingual braces.

When Does Invisalign Stop Hurting?

When you start wearing your first set of aligners, you may feel a slight feeling of pressure or pain in your teeth. This is actually a good sign – as it indicates that the aligners are moving your teeth in the right direction. As you grow accustomed to your new aligners, this pain will gradually subside and go away in a few days.And are you

After wearing your aligners for about two weeks, feel that your aligners have become slightly loose. This indicates that your current set of aligners have done their job and it’s time to switch to the next set of numbered aligners.

When you wear the next set of aligner trays, you will again feel pain and pressure around your teeth, as they continue to realign your teeth. This is nothing to worry about! The feeling of discomfort and pain will go away as you continue to wear the aligners for a few more days.

How To Stop Invisalign Hurting When I Take It Off?

Taking the aligner trays off can be a challenging task for some. The key to removing your aligners is following the instructions of your dentist for orthodontist. Sometimes, removing your aligners with your fingers can cause significant pain and discomfort. If you use random ways of removing the aligners, not only will you experience pain but you may also damage your gums or cheeks in the process.

You can avoid this simply by using a small, but a really helpful tool – the OrthoKey. It is a small appliance that can easily fit into your aligner and allows you to remove your aligner without damaging them or causing pain. You may also use Invisalign Chewies for easy insertion or removal of your aligners.

Invisalign Pain In One Tooth, What’s The Cause?

Sometimes, one or more of your teeth require more pressure or force to realign then. If you have a tooth (or teeth) that are more crooked, rotated, or misaligned than the rest, then your orthodontist will design your aligners so that more force is applied to them in comparison to the others – to ensure that all your teeth are aligned optimally and equally aligned – when your treatment is completed.

In such cases, you might feel more pain in one or more of your teeth than the rest.

Invisalign Hurts My Teeth When I’m Eating, What’s The Cause?

Invisalign recommends that you should wear your aligners for at least 22 hours each day – only removing them for oral hygiene maintenance and eating/drinking. Invisalign aligners need to be removed whenever you eat or drink anything.

If you eat or drink while wearing your aligners, not only will it stain them but may also cause them to fracture or get warped. More importantly, the aligners will not allow you to chew your food properly, causing gastric problems or indigestion. Hence, best practice is to remove your aligners when you wish to eat or drink and then wear them back on after rinsing your mouth and washing the aligner trays.

Invisalign Pain Relief

The longer you wear your aligners each day, the quicker your teeth and oral cavity will become accustomed to them and the lesser pain you will feel. So, make sure you wear aligners for at least 22 hours each day. There are several ways in which you can mitigate Invisalign pain.

First, you can use orthodontic utility wax over where the aligners are hurt. Secondly, you can use your over the counter medication to relieve the pain. Additionally, many patients report that products such as Orajel are also quite helpful in reducing the pain. Eating a soft diet can also help in minimizing the Invisalign treatment pain.

Does Invisalign Hurt More Than Braces

One of the most common problems that patients report regarding metallic braces is the pain and discomfort they cause when they rub on the inside of your cheek. This problem has been eliminated with the Invisalign aligners. In addition to being more effective in treating mild to moderate orthodontic problems, Invisalign removable aligners offer superior comfort and convenience than conventional braces.

The aligner trays are fabricated from a medical-grade, flexible polyurethane material that helps move your teeth in the desired direction without causing significant pain or discomfort.

If you’re looking for an orthodontic treatment option that does not affect your facial aesthetics, and offer comfort and convenience, then Invisalign removable aligners should be your first choice. The process for getting the Invisalign aligners – from diagnosis to treatment planning – is simple and hassle-free.

Time to take action

If you’re looking for a Platinum elite Invisalign provider near Hornchurch in Essex then we are here to help, call us on 01708 479 717 or request an appointment online.

How to Stop Tooth Pain?

No matter what type of tooth pain you are experiencing, one thing is certain; it is one of the worst types of pain you can ever experience, more so when it pops out of nowhere on a Saturday at 2am in the morning! Good news is that there are ways you can manage most types of dental pain on your own, especially when expert dental help is not available.

Managing Dental Pain

Management of different types of dental pains involves diagnosing and treating the underlying issue. While complex issues such as injuries and infections require expert dental help, many dental problems that cause pain can be managed easily at home. There are some instances where tooth pain can result after having a dental treatment such as dental implants, or after recently having Invisalign fitted, if this is the case please speak to your dentist about this treatment.

One of the most common causes of dental pain is wisdom tooth extraction. Let us look at how we can manage wisdom tooth pain.

How to Stop Wisdom Tooth Pain?

Pain associated with a wisdom tooth can arise due to various reasons. First, it can occur if there is tooth decay, making the tooth sensitive to hot or cold foods. Secondly, wisdom tooth pain can occur due to pericoronitis, a condition in which the soft tissues around an impacted wisdom tooth get inflamed. Another painful situation can arise following the removal of a wisdom tooth.

In case you are having pain and swelling around one of your wisdom, then it may be because of pericoronitis. Management of this condition involves maintaining good oral health, taking painkillers to reduce the pain, and using icepacks to reduce the inflammation.

If the underlying cause of pain is due to inflammation then you can manage this situation with pain relievers, warm saline rinses, and icepack application around the region to minimize the inflammation. You can also apply oil of cloves around the tooth with a cotton ball to ease the pain, as it is a natural pain reliever.

Why Are My Gums Painful and Swollen?

Gums tend to become painful and appear swollen when they have underlying inflammation, a condition clinically known as gingivitis.

Clinically, gingivitis appears as swollen, reddish, and sore gums that tend to bleed easily while eating or brushing. Gingivitis can be easily managed with strict oral hygiene maintenance, and professional teeth cleaning if required.

If gingivitis is not treated timely, the inflammation can extend into the tissues that attach our gums to the teeth and the jawbone. This condition called periodontitis causes widespread destruction of the gum tissues, the bone, and the tissues supporting the teeth. As a result, the teeth become mobile if treatment is ignored for a prolonged duration.

Tooth Pain Months or Years After Root Canal

Toothache that occurs a few months or years after a root canal procedure can arise due to a variety of reasons. It may because of incomplete cleaning and disinfection of the tooth’s interior (the root canals), leaving behind bacteria that grow inside the root canals and cause future re-infection.

Another possible reason could be a missed accessory root canal – an extra root canal that is not normally found in that tooth – and is difficult to find. A missed root canal can lead to future re-infection, which is even harder to treat.

How do you Stop Toothache at Home?

When it comes to treating a toothache at home, there are several options you can utilize:

  • Pain Medication – pain-relieving medication not only helps in subsiding pain associated with a wisdom tooth or a sinus infection, but it is also helpful in reducing inflammation in the region.
  • Icepacks – icepacks help minimize inflammation and swelling at the site of the infection.
  • Natural Remedy – one of the best home remedies for stopping wisdom toothache is clove oil. Place a drop of clove oil on a cotton ball and apply it around the infected tooth. You will feel a significant reduction in your pain within 20 minutes of application of this home remedy.

Throbbing Tooth Pain That Comes and Goes, what is The Cause?

If you are having transient, throbbing pain in one of your teeth, it may be a sign of an underlying tooth abscess. An abscess refers to the collection of pus around infected teeth and gums. During the initial stages, the pain of an abscessed tooth can be managed with painkillers. However, in its advanced stages, the pain becomes unbearable, and the only option is to seek expert help immediately. An untreated abscess around the upper molar teeth can also lead to a sinus infection.

While the methods mentioned above are effective relieving wisdom tooth pain, these provide only temporary relief. Once your pain starts to subside, and you feel better, you must immediately book an appointment with your dentist so that the underlying cause of the pain can be diagnosed and treated accordingly.

How to Get a Perfect Smile

Do you often stand in front of the mirror and wish there was something you could do to improve your smile? The British orthodontic society is reporting that the number of adults seeking orthodontic treatment in the UK has risen recently by about 75%.

A beautiful smile is an invaluable social asset. It not only makes you look younger but also boosts your self-esteem and makes you look more attractive. A survey conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry revealed that a staggering 99.7% of the respondents believed that a beautiful smile is a priceless social asset. But while some are born with a Rockstar smile, others are not that lucky. But the good news is that no matter how flawed a smile is, you can still get a picture-perfect, naturally beautiful smile. How? Continue reading to find out.

How can I improve my smile?

Here are some tips that can help you in getting your dream smile:

Oral Hygiene Maintenance

A healthy smile is a beautiful smile. You cannot enjoy a charming and attractive smile without meticulous oral hygiene. Dentists worldwide recommend that you must brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day for having those pearly white, perfect teeth! For best results, the British Dental Association recommends that you should use a soft toothbrush and a fluoride-containing toothpaste for either adults or children (be sure to purchase the correct one).

Regular Dental Check-ups

No matter how meticulous you are in brushing and flossing, your oral hygiene routine is incomplete without regular checkups. Your dentist can diagnose dental problems well before they are even visible to the naked eye, not only saving you from huge expenditures on treatment but also ensuring that you retain a beautiful smile throughout life.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Whether it is about restoring chipped or crooked teeth, restoring the balance between your upper lips and the size of your teeth, teeth whitening, or replacing missing natural teeth, cosmetic dentistry has the solution to all your aesthetic problems.

  • Veneers – a veneer is a thin shell of porcelain that is bonded the front teeth surfaces to restore tooth shape, function and aesthetics. Dental veneers are useful for the correction of the following cosmetic problems:
    • Chipped or fractured teeth.
    • Teeth with permanent stains
    • Cosmetic correction of excessive teeth gaps
    • Correction of mild tooth misalignment
  • Crowns – porcelain crowns are often referred to as a ‘cap’- they are shaped structures that are placed over the entire visible structure of a tooth. They are not only used for restoring tooth aesthetics but are also used reinforcing weakened teeth, owing to their excellent strength and durability. You can benefit from porcelain crowns in the following situations:
    • Grossly damaged teeth that cannot be restored with fillings
    • To mask permanent teeth stains
    • To restore the structure of chipped or fractured teeth
    • If you are not satisfied with the shape or size of your teeth, your cosmetic dentist will give you crowns to cosmetically reshape them and restore your smile.
    • To reinforce weakened teeth
    • To reinforce teeth that become brittle following a root canal procedure.
  • Dental Implants – Dental implants are by far the most aesthetically pleasing, functionally efficient and durable option for replacing missing natural teeth. An implant is a screw-shaped metallic fixture that is inserted into the jawbone, and it serves as the replacement root. Once the implant has become completely embedded within the bone, a suitable prosthesis such as a porcelain crown, bridge or a removable denture is then placed over it to restore the artificial tooth. Dental implants look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. If you shy away for smiling in public because of your missing teeth, then dental implants may be the best option for restoring your facial aesthetics and smile.

Perfect teeth alignment

Do you want to get rid of your misaligned and crooked teeth, but the thought of wearing those ugly metal braces is a deal-breaker for you? Don’t worry; you can still get a set of perfectly aligned teeth with Invisalign removable aligners. Invisalign is an orthodontic system based on the use of removable aligners. The aligners are designed from a special transparent acrylic material that makes them virtually invisible. Also, the Invisalign aligners are more comfortable and convenient in comparison to the conventional metal braces as they allow you to eat all your favorite foods and maintain optimal oral hygiene.

A beautiful smile not only makes you look gorgeous, but it can also bring joy and smiles to so many other faces! So, what’s stopping you? Book an appointment your cosmetic dentist today and impress your loved ones with your brand-new smile.

How much does a perfect smile cost?

The cost will always vary depending on exactly what treatment is required, So it’s very difficult to say exactly. Here are a few examples:

  • Teeth whitening – to get perfect white teeth £395
  • Composite bonding – to restore broken down teeth or reshaped teeth, from £250
  • Orthodontic treatment with 6 month smiles – from £3600

Many dental practices offer interest-free finance making treatments affordable and a monthly basis.


Am I eligible for Invisalign?

As it becomes more popular and as a wider range of treatments are included in the system, it becomes more suitable for a wider range of people… But how do you know if you are eligible for Invisalign?

In this article we’ll take a look through the different options available for people with different dental problems and of different ages.

The different types of Invisalign

There are primarily 3 different types of Invisalign:

  • Invisalign full
  • Invisalign i7, Invisalign lite or Invisalign Express
  • Invisalign teen

Let’s look at each and a little more detail

Invisalign full.

This is generally suitable for adults requiring orthodontic treatment to have straighter teeth using invisible braces. It will often move front teeth and back teeth on the top and bottom at the same time. Invisalign full treatments typically take anywhere from 1 -3 years.

Invisalign i7, Invisalign Lite or Invisalign Express

This is suitable for adults requiring more minor and rapid teeth straightening, typically of the front teeth only.  The official name is Invisalign i7 however different practices call this treatment different names, including Invisalign Lite and Invisalign Express.

It may be that you have a single tooth or a couple of teeth that have bothered you for a while and you would like them straighter. Invisalign i7 treatments typically take around 3 months.

Invisalign teen

Invisalign teen is based on the same Invisalign principle of using clear orthodontic aligners however, the teen braces have a Smart Track ™ material making them a little more comfortable and easier to take on and off.

They also have Smart Force™ attachments which are little tooth coloured shapes which are attached to the teeth, this gives something for the aligners to grip, enabling them to move the teeth more predictably. They effectively work like little handles for the aligner.

Invisalign teen also has blue indicators which change depending on the amount of time the aligner is worn, this allows the parents and orthodontist to track compliance of the Child to ensure the braces are being worn for the specified amount of time.

Invisalign Teen Compliance Indicator

Who can wear Invisalign?

Invisalign is suitable for any adult or child who wishes to straighten teeth invisibly. Adults will normally have Invisalign full for complex cases or Invisalign Lite to move front teeth only. Younger people will usually be prescribed Invisalign teen as this is more suitable for their age.

Because Invisalign is completely clear and virtually imperceptible it is suitable for anyone wishing to have straighter teeth with no one knowing they are wearing braces.

5 benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign are clear!

  1. Virtually imperceptible.
  2. Removable, giving you the flexibility to take them out to eat and drink as well as to clean the aligners.
  3. Comfortable, made from a flexible material with no sharp brackets or wires to cause ulcers.
  4. Convenient, providing treatments in as little as 3 months.
  5. Predictable, using the latest 3-D technology to scan your teeth beforehand, provide you with an animated video of how your teeth will move plus track this movement throughout treatment.

Playing musical instruments

Playing musical instruments with any orthodontic treatment can sometimes be a challenge and you may have to adapt your embouchure. One of the big advantages of Invisalign is that you can take the aligner out to play your instrument, although it is worth bearing in mind that the aligners should be worn for at least 22 hours a day.

Some wind instruments, for example a clarinet may require the mouthpiece to be adapted or replaced after orthodontic treatment if it has become worn with other tooth marks that have moved from how the mouthpiece has worn.

How can I get Invisalign?

Because Invisalign is considered a cosmetic treatment it is not available on the NHS. Even if tooth alignment can be shown to be affecting health then the NHS will only provide traditional braces with metal and wires. Any treatment which has any cosmetic element, including clear orthodontics will need to be paid for privately.

Most practices offer affordable finance for Invisalign, typically this could bring treatment down to £42 per month * or just over £1 per day, less than the price of a cup of coffee!

The Invisalign process starts with a digital smile assessment using the Clincheck software, this can then work out the number of aligners you will require and how long treatment takes. This then dictates the final price.

You then have a digital scan of your teeth, Align Technology then manufacturer the aligners and send them back to your dentist, you then wear each aligner for approximately 2 weeks and then change it for a new one. This process continues throughout treatment.

You will always be closely monitored by your dentist to ensure treatment is progressing as planned and that you have no unforeseen problems.

Eligibility for Invisalign

Clinically this is determined by your dental health and current tooth position. You need to be dentally fit and healthy in order to move teeth, if you have good oral hygiene then you will usually be suitable for Invisalign treatment.


*  Total cost of Invisalign, £2500. £500 deposit and then finance for £2000. Subject to status. Conditions apply. Representative example. Cash price of goods/amount of credit £200060 monthly payments of £42.00; Total amount repayable £2520.22; Representative 9.9% APR variable.



How to Find an Orthodontist in Essex

How to find an orthodontist

The most important questions to ask when looking for an orthodontist

If you have crooked teeth and live in the Essex, Hornchurch area then you may well be looking for an orthodontist to help you straighten crooked teeth with braces.

But how do you know which dentist/orthodontist is best?

How do you know if you will get the treatment and service you are looking for?

In this blog post we go through some of the questions that we recommend you ask a dentist in order to help you decide if this is the right person for you.

How many years experience do you have?

The more cases your dentist or orthodontist have seen then the more likely it is they will be able to recognise the best course of treatment for you. There will also be more aware of potential problems which can arise from each of the different types of treatment, this means an experienced dentist or orthodontist may help you to avoid unforeseen problems in the future.

Which orthodontic systems do you offer?

There are a wide variety of orthodontic brace systems on the market, some systems are able to move teeth great distances, including back teeth. Some braces are more focused around the cosmetic anterior teeth.

Some systems offer rapid orthodontics whilst others offer low-cost and cheaper braces.

Whilst even more systems offer imperceptible orthodontics using clear aligners, clear brackets with tooth coloured wires or brackets on the tongue side of your teeth.

Ideally, visiting an Essex dentist which offers the widest range of orthodontic systems means you get the biggest choice and a system perfectly tailored to your requirements, clinical situation and budget.

Can you show me before and after photographs of previous cases you have treated.

Being able to see before and after photographs of cases similar to your own is a great way to understand the kind of results you can expect to achieve.

Be clear about what it is you want to correct, do you feel your top teeth stick out too much (overbite)? Is it that your top teeth are rotated and look crowded? Or something else? When you go to visit your orthodontist or dentist be very specific about what it is you don’t like and ask to see similar cases that they have treated before.

Can you show me reviews that patients have written about your orthodontic treatment?

Any good dental practice will gather together reviews and testimonials by happy patients. The key thing here is to see the reviews that have been left by patients that have specifically had orthodontics. That way you know that your dentist or orthodontist comes specifically recommended for the braces they offer.

How long will each treatment take?

Treatment times vary incredibly between different types of braces, anything from 9 weeks up to a couple of years! It really depends on the type of system and your clinical situation coupled with what you want to achieve.

Being very clear about how long you want the treatment to take, or even if you want it to be finished by a specific date or event can be really helpful when looking for an orthodontist to ensure you find one that offers braces which fitting with your timescale requirements.

What are the payment options for treatment?

As with many things in life orthodontic treatments can often be quite expensive. Asking about payment plans such as monthly or staged amounts or even 0% finance can make treatments much more affordable. Many orthodontic systems can be made available from as little as £42* per month.

How frequent will my follow-up visits the throughout the treatment?

Different dentists, orthodontists and braces systems have different follow-up protocols. Understanding how many times you may need to visit the dentist and how often can have a big impact on which dentist or orthodontist you choose.

In order to find this out you may find you need to have an initial consultation so that your clinician can take a look at the clinical situation and you can have a discussion about which brace system is right for you.

You will however typically need to visit the orthodontist or dentist once every 4-6 weeks for most orthodontic systems.

What levels of service and care will I receive?

We all know that service really matters, so what’s important to you about the service you receive? Would you like to communicate with the practice by phone, text or e-mail? Does the dentist or orthodontist offer the communication preferences you prefer?

Many practices offer online booking of appointments, is this important for you?

When you visit the practice, are you looking for a practice that is modern and new with the most up-to-date equipment?

Be clear about what it is you want to receive and what’s important to you, you can then look for clues as to whether the practice can offer this as well as asking them directly.

What hours do you open?

Many people work long and unsocial hours. If you need an orthodontist in Essex, local to you,  then it’s important to find one that fits around your schedule.

Ask about early mornings and late evening appointments, you may also find that some practices offer Saturday appointments which can be useful if you live locally.

The last thing you want is a dentist where you are required to visit once every four weeks at appointment times that don’t fit in with your schedule, that can mean that your orthodontic appointments come delay and treatment times can then extend beyond what you initially expect.

*Subject to status. Conditions apply. Representative example. Cash price of braces £2000; 60 monthly payments of £42; total amount repayable £2520.22; representative 9.9% APR variable